

“Between my drug addict mom, my father who never cared to show up and my criminal brother protectiveness is not what I feel towards them”.”

“What do you feel then? I always wonder if I am a terrible person for not crying at my parent’s funerals.”

“Mostly hate and a touch of anger. I didn’t cry at my mother’s either.”

“Let us stop with all this sad talk what always makes me feel better is spending money let’s go to my favorite slot machine.”

“You’re right. Let us go”.”

We arrive at her favourite slot machine and well it is a slot machine. I looked around the casino and I know this wasn’t the intention but all I saw is sadness. Half these people aren’t like Mrs. Manroe they are not so rich that they could buy a whole continent this is houses, college funds and relationships being gambled away.

“What is with the long face? You know what I don’t care. Have a drink.”

I have one more cocktail and before I know it, I am playing roulette and screaming at the top of my lungs when I win. I am drunk out of my mind I can barely stand. I thought I could get over it this time, but I have the drunken crying curse one minute I am on the roll playing poker the next I am on the bathroom floor.

“What is wrong I thought we were having fun?” I don’t know how I am going to tell her I might have feelings for her son, but we cannot be together, and I do not think she would want him to be with me with what she knows about me.

“I was just thinking about my family, and it is making me sad.”

“I completely understand but one day you’ll make your own family. Love and protectiveness are all you’ll feel for them.”

“Not for me. I am a lone wolf.”

“No man is an island, Elizabeth.”

“Good thing I’m a woman.”

“Funny but I am serious you should not let what your family did to you stand in the way of your happiness.”

“If by happiness you mean kids my family does not have a good track record with children. My father was never around, I have witnessed my mother overdose three times the third was her final and my brother made me his punching bag so if I have kids I will just f them up just like me”

“I did not know that about your brother I just knew about James, your-”


Mrs. Manroe’s phone rang, and she excused herself to get it.

“We have to go there is an emergency at one of our buildings.”

I had to hold onto the seat while we drove back home because to say the least Mrs. Manroe drives like there is no speed limit. I wonder when I will get back to work, I am bored out of my mind in my room with security watching me like a hawk honestly there is no difference between my brother and I right now.

While I am sitting being bored out of my mind someone and by someone, I mean Mr. Manroe barges into my room.

“Before you shout, I would know if you were undressed because the guards will tell me. I can see that you are bored so let us go to the pool I also need to let off some steam and don’t worry I have your swimsuit here you can change downstairs.”

We went downstairs we are now sitting with our legs in the pool. I did not have the energy to argue with him.

“I’m sorry.” Mr. Manroe says


“I know you were upset with how I spoke to you in Dubai and that is why you ran away so I apologize for that.”

“Wow thee Jordan Manroe apologizing to a peasant like me. It sure is my lucky day what else am I going to win the lottery.”

“You think you’re funny.”

“That is because I am even your mother agrees.”

“She was probably drunk that is the only time she loosens up.”

“Still doesn’t change the fact that I am funny.”

“Stop pushing it”


“So, what is your favorite color?”

“I can see making conversation is not your specialty” I tease

“It is just you who thinks that lots of people think I am great. It takes an intelligent person to understand me”

“Well then I am happy to be dumb if it means understanding things like that.” He rolls his eyes and looks annoyed, but I can see him hiding a smile.

“Yet I feel like you understand more than most people”

“What makes you say that?”

“You have stuck around this long.”

“It has been a month I don’t think it has been that long”

“Trust me it has.” I smile at him then I notice our hands are touching and I am debating pulling my hand away.

“Don’t.” He says to me as if he is reading my mind.

“I can’t do this.” I say and try to walk away but he grabs my hand and says,

“Stay please. I have something to tell you.” I stay despite my nervousness. He just looks at me intensely and I feel myself burn under his gaze so much so that I cannot take it anymore. I have been here before I have felt like this before, and it did not end well I should save myself the pain and the hurt.

I try to run away this time and he pulls me back, but he pulled a little too hard so we both fell into the pool. For a second I forgot one important fact: I cannot swim. I feel the water enter my mouth and I try to pull myself up, but I fail. Just as I thought my life was coming to an end, I feel arms wrap around my waist and pull me up soon I am face to face with my savior, Mr. Manroe.

“You can’t swim?” I nod unable to say anything because of the shock from the incident.

“I’m fine now.” I say truthfully.

“Well, what I wanted to say is I lo-”