

I wonder how Mr. Manroe is doing right now. Is he looking for me? Or did he already quit? I wish I hoped he did. It has been a few days now, but I am still adjusting to life here. It is nothing different here, but it still has some getting used to. I have a job at Michelle’s bakery, and it is odd because she is quite nice, and I have gotten used to seeing my angry but handsome boss every morning. And the office is different from a bakery so there is that. No more galas, parties or trips overseas where I am humiliated in public. As you have already guessed I miss it.

“Scarlett could you please fetch the scones from the back I think they are done baking,” Michelle says interrupting my train of thought.

I nod and head to the back to get the scones. I pick up the tray of scones and I drop them as I head out to the front because Mr. Manroe is standing in front of me. I try to run away but his bodyguards block me.

“Take her.” He orders them and walks away. One of them picks me up and puts me over his shoulder and walks out through the back door with me kicking and screaming.

As he was about to put me in the car, I kick him in the nuts and make a run for it. I see an alleyway and run into it hoping to lose them, but I end up bumping into a strong, hard chest. Before I could register what was happening, I was picked up and put over a shoulder.

“Nice try Miss Snow.” Mr. Manroe says and walks to the car.

“Let me go!” I scream but I don’t know if I mean it.

He flat-out ignores me and then puts me in the car.

He then takes some rope out of a bag and ties my hands and legs I try to get away, but he is too strong for me.

“Until you can prove yourself trustworthy,” he says.

I am woken up by the feeling of being picked up. I ended up falling asleep I guess I haven’t been getting good enough sleep these days. Mr. Manroe carries me to a helicopter and straps me in. I can’t wait to get home so I can get quality sleep.

I sit in the helicopter and look at the city lights. Everything looks so small from up here as cliché as that sounds. It looks small but it sure is beautiful. I am trying to focus on the beautiful scenery before me, but I am distracted by the feeling of someone’s eyes on me. I lose patience and decide to stare back at him, but he does not look away, so we end up staring in each other’s eyes. I get lost in his sea green eyes I could look at them for the rest of my life but that won’t happen because one day he will find me, and I will have to run away again but for real this time.

“Okay we have arrived at my parent’s estate so I will untie you because you have to meet them but if you try anything you will spend the rest of your life in chains. Got it.” Mr. Manroe says, and I nod then he unties me. Wait did he just say I have to meet his parents?

We walk into the house; sorry mansion and his family is sitting there waiting for us. His parent’s house is gorgeous. The theme colors are black, and gold and the furniture is so regal I feel like I am in a castle which was obviously the inspiration for this place.

“Mother, father and siblings this is Miss Snow, Noelle Snow.” Mr. Manroe says while holding my hand

“Actually, son it is Miss Wither, Elizabeth Wither.” Did she actually dig that far into my past? This b*tch. How am I going to explain myself without actually explaining myself? Mr. Manroe lets go of my hand like it is a hot potato and angrily looks at me.

“What the f*ck is going on?”

“Uh I can’t explain to you why I lied but yes Elizabeth is my real name.”

“What do you mean you cannot explain you will tell me now why you lied! You will tell me.”

“Respectfully, no” I know this looks bad, but I can’t tell him or anyone I will have to lie.”

“Respectfully, if you want to carry on having a job anywhere you will tell me.”

“It is kind of embarrassing. My friends and I were drunk one day, and they dared me to change my name, so I did, and I stuck with it”

“I do not believe you.” His mother says and I am currently sh*tting myself. What am I going to do?

“If I find out you are lying your whole life is over. Do you hear me?” Mr Manroe senior says closing the subject and I nod in agreement.

“Now to the subject of the matter. Why the hell did you run away?” Mrs Manroe says just as I think I can let out a breath of relief.

“Do you know how lucky you are to breathe the same air as us, yet you run away? Do you know what that could have done to our family’s reputation?” Mr. Manroe senior adds. I thought he was bad, but his parents are even worse.

“Well, are you not going to say anything?” Mr Manroe says. Never mind he is just as bad as them.

“I-” I try to say but Mrs Manroe had other ideas.

“You know what no excuse could ever be good enough. We will continue this talk tomorrow. It is late” Mrs. Manroe says, interrupting me.

“You are right Garcia take her to her room,” Mr. Manroe senior says and I am basically dragged to my room by the helper.