
Chapter 9: Amir

"Let's go meet Amir, the host also my friend so be friendly, and we cannot fool him so there is no need to pretend near him" Mr. Manroe said. We get to Amir, and he honestly looks good also he looks nice so this should be easy.

"Ah Jordan my dear friend and who is this beautiful woman beside you" I'm flattered I mean he's not lying. I smile at him then I realize his expecting me to introduce myself

"Oh, um I'm Noe, Noe Snow" see what I did there I had a James bond moment and no I've not been waiting to use that since I watched James’s bond for the first time

“Nice to meet you Noe Snow I am Amir Abdul," he said as he bent down and kissed my hand

"So how did you meet this big buffoon, Jordan?” Amir asked

“Oh, I am his assistant”

“And you forgot girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend sure you got this beautiful girl no way. You must have forced her. Is this about the gala scandal?”

“See I told you he would figure it out. Now Amir keep her company while I go to the restroom”

“So, Noe a fake relationship huh?”

“Yeah, didn’t really consent to it”

“I know he can be a handful but please bear with him I see the way he looks at you”

“What do you mean?”

“I think you know. In the meantime, can I get you a drink?”

I nodded and he went to get a drink, does he really mean Mr. Manroe likes me in that way?

I am confused now it cannot be and even if it were true it can never happen, I can never trust anyone again all he is a fake relationship and my pay check and that is final.

Amir comes back and I feel a bit nervous and scared. What if he doesn’t like me? What if I say something wrong and embarrass myself

“Noe tell me about yourself”

“What do you want to know?”

“Anything interesting” And from there on I was like a faucet I just missed having a conversation with someone who seemed interested making me feel safe and listened to I haven't laughed in a long time he has a good sense of humor. I felt important, interesting, funny and just nice I haven't felt 'nice' in a long time he was so sweet and caring complimenting me at every chance he got but some part of me felt as though I could have this conversion with Mr. Manroe.

Jordan's POV

I came back from the bathroom, and I see Amir and Miss Snow having a nice, funny conversation and I feel a pang of jealousy hit me. How dare they have fun with each other? Amir is a sociable person and girls like him I must stop this.

“Have you been greeting people instead of just sitting here and having a meaningless conversation?"

"Oh, sir I did not know I was supposed to be greeting people I thought-”

“Thought what that you could just sit here and be idle and I would just pay you?”

“Hey Jordan, do not talk to her like that!”

“Who are you to tell me how to talk to my employees?”

I take Noe’s hand so we can go networking we are going to spend this whole time talking to people. I know it was an assh*le move, but I had to I had to stop their conversation. What if she fell in love with him? Not that I care anyway any guy could be with her and it would not affect me in any way.

I drop her off at her room and she does not look impressed but like I said I had to it was inappropriate. I got a text from Amir he is probably going to lecture me.

Amir: What was that? If that is your way of getting a girl, then it is very faulty.

Me: Just stay out of it

Amir: I will not sit back and let you treat her like trash if you act like that again I am kicking you out of my party.

Noe’s POV

Why does he keep doing this to me? If he hates me this much, then why does he not fire me and more importantly if I am so tired why don’t I just quit? Why am I so drawn to him when all he does is push me away?

Today is the day of the party and I cannot say I am looking forward to it at all. I was having so much fun yesterday but he had to ruin that so he will probably ruin today too. I don’t have to go to the party till later today which gives me time to emotionally prepare. I decide to binge-watch a show until it is time. I guess no running from it now. Today my dress does not have a zip which is amazing because I do not feel like talking to him more than I need to.

The party is at Amir’s house, and I feel sorry for his neighbours because it is really loud and flashy but no paparazzi so great.

“Noe, Jordan welcome” I have been to house parties before but this one is like no other. A headliner DJ, a chocolate fountain, an all-you-can-eat buffet and an open bar. To say the least it felt like we were really at a club.

“Hi Amir, nice party it looks really great today”

“Uh Noe today you can do whatever you want because it is an informal party so I will not bother you,” Mr. Manroe says.


“That is great because someone was a prickly assh*le yesterday. Noe come with me”

Amir drags me to the bar and did I mention it is packed as sardines in a can we could hardly walk there.

“Today Noe you can relax I spoke to Jordan; I will kick him out if he ever treats you like that again.”

“Thanks for doing that I appreciate it”

“Enough about serious stuff you look really lovely today”

“Thanks, Amir you too look at you looking dashing”

“Ha thanks Noe”

Just as I was about to say something some girl comes over to us. She is gorgeous she looks like a model. She has the longest, silky black hair and green eyes. Come to think of it everyone here is gorgeous and rich I am beginning to feel out of place.