
Chapter 8: The zip.

Today is the day of the formal event and I have been trying to dress for the past few minutes but I can’t because I cannot zip up my dress. Mr. Manroe has been calling me but he will have to wait. *Knock knock* I know that is him.

"Coming " I scream as I struggle with the zip I finally gave up and opened the door and there was my boss in his suit. I get distracted by how he looks then my eyes land on his face and he is absolutely furious still hot though.

"Miss Snow what in the f*cking world is taking you so long" he says no screaming in my face.

“The zip sir”

"I did not hire you to be so incompetent that you can't put on a damn dress"

“But sir-”

“No but sir every day I question your intelligence and whether you deserve to work for me.”

“So, you put it on the dress and let us see you try since you are so intelligent that you have figured out how to twist your arm in a different angle!” I say then I slam the door in his face.

I don’t know why I did that I just got so mad I wonder if he is still there. I slowly open the door and he is still standing there.

“Turn around”

“What? Turn around so I can zip the dress up”

I turn around and he zips the dress up. While he was pulling the zip up his hand came in contact with my skin and I shivered it felt tense like there is something to his touch, We are fighting like this and we are supposed to act like boyfriend and girlfriend.

Jordan Manroe's POV

She f*cking shouted at me. No one in the history of mankind has ever done that and got away with it but I didn't say or do anything maybe it was because she looked fucking gorgeous in that dress or because she looked so hot and sexy when she was angry. Every day it is getting harder to control myself it took all of my willpower not to push her on the bed and f*ck her brains out. The things I wanted to do. Noe, you are literally on thin ice normally I would have fired her on the spot, but I just can't fire her I can't find it in me to do it. Everything in me is shouting at me to fire her, she isn’t even qualified for this job but there is a part of me that will not allow me to get rid of her in fact all I want is to be around her all the time

But it can never happen Noe and I’s relationship is a publicity thing once this whole thing is over, we can break up and never see each other again. She isn’t any different from the millions of girls that have been in my bed.

We go to my limousine, and I purposely make her uncomfortable she looks adorable when she's uncomfortable I stare at her but with a neutral expression cause if I let the emotion that I'm feeling spill out all hell is going to break loose.

“I’m sorry” she says in the quietest voice.

“We need to discuss how we are going to act during the event. We walk in holding hand, you do not move from my side because obviously you cannot be trusted and we just act like the loving, doting couple. Got it”

“Yes, I got it”

Noe’s POV

I'm so nervous and fidgety he hasn’t acknowledged my apology. Is he that mad? My brain is working overdrive with what ifs what if he is just keeping me around because it's too short notice to find another date or what if he just wants to humiliate me and fire me in public. I don't know what to do should I ask or just keep my mouth shut just like his stare is telling me he looks like

"We're here" the driver says. Oh, okay Showtime I got to put on my fake smile on and act like the loving girlfriend.

The chauffeur helped me out and took me next to Mr. Manroe and we held hands. The place was swarming with paparazzi it was unlike the other even that only had a few members of the press. I suddenly felt nauseas.

"Ready" he said. The words were stuck in my throat so I just nodded and we began walking he walks so fast I could barely keep up. We went down the red carpet and the reporters went crazy the cameras are flashing. How does one get used to this? They were all screaming questions like ‘Is that your girlfriend?’, ‘Who is she?’, ‘Is she future Mrs. Manroe junior? ‘And he chose to answer them by holding my hips and kissing me.

I was so relieved when we entered the venue it was so beautiful but I couldn't focus on the beauty I was still shaken from the paparazzi.

"You, okay?" Mr. Manroe asked me with his eyebrow slightly lifted, his eyes searching my face and if I'm not mistaken, I think I saw concern in his eyes I nodded not trusting my voice

"Words use your words" he demanded, and I think I felt my knees go weak.

"Yes, sir I'm fine" he mumbled something lowly.

"you'll get used to it and I forgot to tell you now that you are my girlfriend you are getting a bodyguard because people will try to hurt you and the paparazzi will follow you" Oh, there goes my privacy gone with the wind. I really do not get paid enough for this.

Wait a minute does this mean his not firing me I summon the courage and ask "

Sir does that mean you're not firing me" he looks at me with a slight smirk

"No, I'm not firing you I'm going to punish you with something you can quit anytime if you feel you are not up to the challenge" I was beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable already