
Chapter 6: Dream

Jordan's POV

Today Miss Snow and I are going to Dubai to meet my friend Amir at his launch party I cannot wait to see him after such a long time. This is actually supposed to be an exclusive launch party but I brought my assistant as if she hasn’t caused me enough problems because she does not know how to behave when we are at public events.

I messed up really bad at the gala I shouldn’t have had an outburst so publicly. My family is so mad, and they have told me to fix it I have 30 days to fix it, or they will have my younger brother be the CEO of our company and I cannot let that happen.

In order to fix all of this I am meeting the family PR agent, Perri who happens to be vacationing in Dubai she will tell me what to do. All I know is I have to try with all my might to fix all this, no actually not try I will fix this because I always get what I want, and this time will be no different.

I brought Miss Snow to meet Perri because this is all her fault if she did not decide to talk to Mr. jerk face, I try to justify bringing her because of that but really, I know it is because I want to be around her all the time.

Being in such close proximity with her for so long makes my mind go places I know I am staring at her, and I know she is uncomfortable, and I also know that she is pissed. I questioned her about the lingerie because I wanted nothing more than to see her in it, I know that she bought more than bras.

Noe Snow is a very intriguing woman but as my father told me don't mix business with pleasure or rather how I put it don't mix business with f*ck but that's all I wanted to do especially when she called me sir.

All I wanted to do was to put her on my desk and f*ck her until she forgets her own name and only remembers mine. She looks incredibly uncomfortable because I'm staring at her picturing her in lingerie, and I am trying to read her. I don't know why I just hired her without interviewing her, but I don't really regret it.

I decided to stop making her uncomfortable and text my best friend, Amir.

Jordan: Hey horse sh*t.

Amir: Hi JoJo have you arrived?

Jordan: yes, but I told you not to call me that.

Amir: You know for someone who writes a lot your grammar is not good so let me correct you 'Yes but I told you told you not to call me that.'

Jordan: f*ck you

Amir: I would love to but you’re too far away baby.

I decide not to justify that with a response, so I go to my room to sleep.


I'm about to take off my suit jacket getting ready to sleep but I hear a knock, so I go to check and I see my assistant in nothing but lingerie she comes in and grabs my jacket and kisses me her lips are so soft and her mouth tastes so good I pick her up and put her on my bed and I deepen the kiss as she undresses me



This better be good I was in the middle of a good dream unless it's the actual Miss snow in lingerie this person whoever they are they're dead.

I open the door and it's Amir and I am very surprised.

“How the f*ck did you get here”

“I found out from your pilot what time you were landing and Jordan you are the only person I know that sleeps with such uncomfortable clothes I'm willing to donate pyjamas”

"F*ck off Amir" he chuckles sometimes I wonder how someone can be so happy all the time this guy is either laughing or smiling. I am the exact opposite people wonder how I can be so unhappy all the time, but I have got my reasons.

"So, anyone special in your life?" he asks me

"No, you"

"Yes, you " he replies and laughs like he told the funniest joke in his life,

We talked for a few minutes and when he leaves, I realized how tired I am I forgot when Amir was here because he always makes me forget my problems. I also realized I have a boner from my dream of Miss snow, time to sort that out.

Noe's POV

I decided to take a nap and when I woke up and I felt the urge to look around, so I did. Oh, what's this I came across a door that I obviously opened and immediately regret I just walked into my boss jerking off

"Get the fuck out!" He shouted. No need to tell me twice I spun and went back to my seat feeling discouraged to continue the tour when I heard a door open then I pretended to sleep

"Don't bother I know you're awake" I opened my eyes with a guilty look and he does not look impressed.

"Listen you didn't see anything am I clear and next time you stay in your seat or you go to the toilet " I nodded

"Words" he demanded

"Yes sir" whenever I see him jerking off and I'm sure if that's a bad thing. He sat across me and worked on his laptop while he chewed gum, and he looked so hot since he was staring at me earlier, I think it's only fair if I stare at him.

Finally, we landed but my celebration was cut short when Mr. robot said we had a 2-hour ride till we got to our hotel. I found ways to keep myself busy till we got to our hotel, and I was in awe it was nothing I'd ever seen before.

"I know very beautiful it's called Burj Al Arab hotel it's visible from every almost point in the city." Mr. robot said, and I was startled because I was not expecting him to speak to me. Anyway, we were welcomed by the staff and the inside was whoa I just couldn't find the perfect word to describe it. I was very tired, and jet-lagged thank God the party was in two days Mr. robot said we had 1 day to rest and the other to tour and another after the second party because we'll probably be hungover.