
Chapter 10: Tabloids

“Hey Amir,” she says and hugs him.

“Hi Nat, how are you? This is my friend, Noe”

“Hey Noe, you must be Jordan’s girlfriend I literally just read about you in the tabloids by the way I loved your look at yesterday’s event”

“Thank you and you look really good”

“Thanks, but is it true you are pregnant and about to get married to Jordan”

“What!? No that is not true at all”

“Oh, really that is what the press is saying about you?”

I excused myself I have to find Jordan I mean Mr. Manroe. I am looking everywhere for him it is like he is not here. I have looked everywhere on the first floor and Amir suggested I should look in the bedrooms. I go upstairs and I look in what looks like every room, but I can’t find him. Wait there is one more room I knock but no one answers so I just let myself in. I walk in and I scream I am seeing a very shocking scene. I am exploding with anger.

“How could you!?” I shout and Mr. Manroe looks at me shocked. He is on top of a girl kissing her. She quickly gets her shoes and runs out.

“You lying, cheating bast*rd”

“You do not get to speak to me like that. How dare you!”

He grabs my arm and pushes me against the wall.

“Listen here you are nothing but an accessory for me to wear in public. Do you get that? While I still pay you, you will speak to me like that, and nobody was saying anything when you were busy flirting with Amir and Lester wanting to spread your legs everywhere”

I feel tears come to my eyes. I pull my arm away from him and walk out. I don’t know why I reacted that way we are in a fake relationship so it does not matter what he does but I felt so jealous I could not control myself.

Although I was wrong to react like that, but I do not deserve to be treated like that, no more. I have decided I have had enough of him and myself when I am around him, I am losing focus! Cannot afford to fall in love, not again. It is not like he has feelings for me I mean he is a rich and hot billionaire. What would he want with a broke, average-looking thousandaire? I have to leave. I am quitting and leaving this city.

I arrived at the hotel and packed for tomorrow I am leaving first thing in the morning.

“May I take your bags madam”

“Sure,” I say to the bodyguard and walk to the jet. I sit across Mr. Manroe, and he looks up from his paperwork to angrily stare at me and I am not shaken at all I stare back at him. This is going to be one uncomfortable ride, but I am ready. I hope he won’t be jerking off this time because I do not want to see that today and not that I want to see that the other day, but I especially do not want to that today.

I know I said I was ready for this uncomfortable ride but not like this. We are so angry at each other we should not be in the same space together. Is it normal for a boss and assistant to be this angry at each other?

“We are here” I stood up as quickly as possible when I heard that and rushed out, but it seems like Mr. Manroe had the same idea we bumped into each other at the door. I was about to fall but instead of landing on the floor, I land in strong, sexy arms. Mr. Manroe basically throws me out of his arms and storms out

I arrive home and I make myself a cup of tea so I can Drink and think about where I am going

I arrive home and I make myself a cup of tea so I can Drink and think about where I am going, how I am going to get there and most importantly where I am going to work. I always run away because of him now I am running away because of other him why do I have such bad taste.

I am wearing a black tracksuit set and a black cap. I know Mr. Manroe is watching me and I do not want to get caught running away. I am going somewhere not too far from this city but far enough. I am meeting a guy so I can get a fake ID and I am going to change my hair up and I am getting contacts. This time I know I have to put in more effort because the Manroe family is a very powerful family if I do not go to these lengths, I will be found within a second, I know the lengths someone has to go through to completely disappear and I also know the consequences of not going to those lengths. I have done this before but this time it is different I am not fully ready to run away.

I take my duffel bag and I head out to a shady place in town to meet the ID guy and when I say shady, I mean shady. I ring the bell to his apartment and out comes out a not he

“Are you Rayden”

“It depends on who is asking”

“Noe, Noe is asking I am here for an ID”

“Come in”

I get in and I am taken back by the smell and by the look of the place that has not been cleaned in years probably

“Take off your clothes”

“Excuse me”

“Do not flatter yourself I am just making sure you are not working for cops

“No way I am doing it”

“Fine get out”

“Okay, okay I will do it” I then take off my clothes till I am in my underwear. After that I get my picture taken and have to wait some time before I get my ID.

ID Check now I have to catch a 5-hour train to get to my new home. Wish me luck.