
cotton candyy

choi Mira is a young herbalist , in the kingdom of Seoul ( south Korea )with two rare feature's , her hair was beautiful pink in colour and her eyes had pink Iris . None in the town had such unusual rare embodiments . Mira's parents were shook to the core seeing their little ball of sunshine possessing such rare beauty , which others envied , causing them to flee and to disguise themselves and live in the borders of seoul's countryside . Due to her unusual pink Iris , and pink hair . Mira started wearing gray eye contacts and always wore a hoodie to cover her hair from the greedy eyes . Mira was raised to always be careful in new surroundings and grew to be an independent young women . However keeping herself hidden was extremely inevitable , she gets noticed by the prince Lee han who orders her to become his concubine or face deadly consequence . Refusing his orders , young Mira , cuts her hair and her blood and leaves it behind as a part of what he wanted and escapes again to the neighbouring kingdom of daegu (south Korea) . On her way there she meets and befriends prince taehyung and his two aids , Kim Namjoon and park jimin . when taehyung is poisoned by the peach meant for Mira gifted by Lee han . Mira successfully obtains the antitode and decides to join the trio to daegu . Shortly thereafter , Mira passes an exam for a position to train in the royal palace as a herbalist . Mira and her friends find a place in daegu and carry out her duties as a healer in the palace . Over the course of the story , Kim taehyung and Choi Mira harbour feelings for each other .

sleepymochi13 · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
11 Chs

baby steps

You smile brightly , walking in the forest . You knew of a neighbouring kingdom that was quite close to yours . Living in the outskirts of the kingdom has it's own perks .

All it takes is a leap of faith ...

You take a look around in the new surroundings , it was magical , a new start .

You walk around the curve of the forest , which lead to two cross roads you didn't know which to follow .




You place your bag next to you , stretching your legs , you rest your back on the wall of a unknown mansion . You were quite tired from the long journey .



A gush of wind , dusty particles enter your eyes , making your eyes wince with pain , you run your eyes , trying to relieve your eyes .Your eyes were a mixture of pink Iris and red .

*Thump thump*

??? "Stop it "

??? " You will get hurt "

You could hear a mixture of voices and steps coming towards you ...

Before you could even process anything





??? " AHH ... OUCH ... "




" It's your fault " he says to you ,

rubbing the mud on his arm .

His hands were bleeding due to sudden impact .

"What did I do" ? You think ...




??? "Omo his bleeding hyung"

??? "So much blood "


What the fluff ! You think

You were so confused by their sudden intrusion .

You tried to sneak away ... crawling towards the other side ..

???" Where do you think your going "

One of the brown haired boy says to you , he had honey eyes , one eye Momo lid and one partial double eyelid . He has a heart or inverted triangle shaped face . This means that his forehead is widest ( covered by his bangs ) and the width tapers going down towards his chin . He possesed a slightly fuller top lip and a rounder Cupid's bow .

??? *Ahem*

you come back from your daze , as you realize you had been caught from checking him out . You were so embarrassed , your face hot and red , you wanted to crawl in a hole to hide cringing away the embarrassment . you fiddle with your thumbs , smiling innocently at them ...

