
COTE:Oreki Houtarou's Strength-Supreme Classroom

[For advanced chapters join my Patreon for only $2 or 5$! https://www.p@treon.com/Sol_Pendragon Just change @ to a It already has 25+ chapters more than WebNovel. Discord: https:// discord. com /invite/ mWw5zmrn Just remove all the spaces in between the words. Tell me if it's not working.] Oreki was admitted to an elite educational institution and placed in Class A. With his keen sense, he quickly understood what was different about this school. Just when he feels it might be troublesome, he awakens a system and he can get superpower rewards by completing tasks. Teleportation can allow him to go home and fall in love at any time, and transparency can eliminate his sense of existence. This life seems good and very energy efficient. Then he got telepathy. Sakayanagi Arisu: This school is so boring, but Oreki-san is very interesting. You can [play] with him. Horikita Suzune: Oreki, who doesn’t study at all, got higher scores than me. Sure enough, I didn’t work hard enough! I studied for 16 hours today. Karuizawa Kei: Houtarou, thank you for saving me when I was in junior high school. Please date me on the condition of marriage! Kushida Kikyo (regret): Clothes can’t retain fingerprints at all, so I just gave them away for free? ! (angry) “……” So even though you usually act serious, in the end, you are thinking about this? [T/N: I'm just translating it, not the real author.]

Sol_Pendragon · Anime und Comics
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124 Chs

Chapter 051(1/2)

[T/N: You can also check out the fanfic that I'm writing. Be sure to leave some, reviews, comments, and stones. Also, click the collection icon.

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I will update two chapters a week on p@treon.]

Last night at 22:00.

The school's director's office.

The chairman and a group of faculty and staff stayed inside.

"It's amazing," a staff member said. "So far, the number of points in the private account of Houtarou Oreki's student ID card from Class A, first-year student, has exceeded 10 million in just 2 hours."

"No, the speed is still increasing."

"Eleven million, no, twelve million."

"Still rising..."

"It seems that students are very determined to work." The staff member couldn't help but say.

As staff, they already knew that Oreki Houtaro immediately started recruiting renters after buying out his part-time work rights.

If you want to get permission to work, you have to pay 100,000 points.

Valid for three years.

If you don't use it all, you can transfer it to someone else.

Therefore, the points in Oreki's account increased from 100,000 per person.

One person is 100,000, and 10 students is 1 million.

Excluding the 4.22 million in Houtaro Oreki's account, which leaves 1.22 million basic points after deducting the 3 million buyout rights, his account now reaches more than 12.1 million.

In other words, more than 100 students are already seeking permission from him.

This is more profitable than opening a store like Nagumo and it is also more popular than opening a store.

However, these students will not think about it. Although this is a completely closed school, the place where they can work is the shopping street.

The number of basic employees in the shopping street is about 1,000.

So even if someone is needed to help with work, there won't be that many people needed.

In the end, do you still want to work part-time?

But obviously.

No one wants to miss this opportunity.

So take it first and then talk about it.

"It's normal because that's how our children are taught."

"The little girl in my family is also working outside to increase her pocket money." Another staff member said. "After all, the pocket money given to her is often not enough."

That is to say.

In this country, it is normal for students to work part-time.

It would be better to say that they are not allowed to work, which is a bit unacceptable.


Another staff member, however, looked worried.

"Chairman Sakayanagi, is this okay?"

"With so many students involved, they don't need to be completely attached to the school."

"So it may not be possible to cooperate with various special examinations for training." The staff member said.

So, after he said this, everyone turned their attention to the man who had put his hands on the table from the beginning.

This man has short silver-white hair and wears glasses.

middle-aged man.

Seems very approachable.

And this is the chairman of this school. He is also the highest authority owner.

And this staff member's proposal is important.

The school makes students completely closed, and then trains students by giving them scores that can be converted into points through special examinations.

But now, if students can get points at will, do they still need to listen to the school?

Do not.

The store opening proposed by Nagumo before was a bit over the top.

Through this plan, Nagumo gained a large number of points every month. Not only did he join the student union, but he also gained control over the second-year students.

The second grader then simply turned around and treated the school's monthly special exams as if they were ATMs.

This was something the school did not expect.

So they have been thinking about how to deal with it.

However, according to the chairman, the school's responsibility is to provide a stage for students.

Unless necessary, there will be no interference.

And if someone like Nagumo can emerge, they have to take another look.


Nagumo's store opening is continuing.

Nagumo's turning the second grade into a salted tuna also gave them another chance to notice.

Or, let the student president handle it.

Therefore, it is beyond the school's control but not completely out of control.

But now the right to work is completely beyond control.

If students have other sources, the school will lose control.

So this is enough to impact the way this school has been operating.

So this is the biggest crisis since the school was founded.

Suddenly, all the staff in the room were no longer in a lighthearted and joking mood, and all looked at Chairman Sakayanagi seriously.


Noticing that everyone was looking at him, Chairman Sakayanagi, who was wearing black-rimmed glasses, spoke. 

"I gave Oreki Houtarou permission to work part-time before, but now it's a headache," he said.

"..." Everyone.

So, since you feel it's a headache, don't approve it in the first place.

However, everyone also knows that Chairman Sakayanagi hopes to cultivate talents.

Therefore, we will do our best to delegate power to students to develop freely.

And since there are students who can discover loopholes in insight and then attack, why not give the other party a chance?

If it is too rigid, it will only be mass-produced for other students.

And this is where the school has been having trouble over the years.

Students from all over the country were gathered and brought here for training, but the final result was unsatisfactory.

"What do you think about this?" Chairman Sakayanagi continued.

While everyone was talking, a serious boy with short black hair and glasses who had been standing in the shadows came out.

This is the best student council president since the founding of the school - Horikita Manabu.

"I have a high opinion of Oreki Houtaro," Horikita Manabu said. "I tried to invite him to join the student union at the beginning of his enrollment."

"He has a keen eye."

"I think we can contain Nagumo."

"But looking at it now, it seems that my original evaluation was too low. Nagumo is not as sharp and thorough as him." Horikita Manabu said.

"That's true." Chairman Sakayanagi nodded. "This is a pretty understanding kid."

"This is another agreement he signed at the time."

The chairman opened the drawer and took out a contract with Houtarou Oreki's name and signature on it.

And everyone looked over.

[I have obtained part-time working permission. If this brings trouble to the school, I, Oreki Houtarou, am willing to give up my part-time working permission for free. ]

"Is it free?"

"Yes." Chairman Sakayanagi nodded. "He knew what he was doing."

"When I agreed to his purchase authority, he also gave us a step-down."

"So it makes sense, and we have to respond."

"So what do you mean?" Everyone else looked at him, including Horikita Manabu.

So at 22:00 yesterday, the school had formulated a solution.

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