
COTE: Light Yagami in The Classroom of The Elite

Light Yagami is considered one of japans student with the brightest future. As such he of course applies to the best high school in the world, the ANHS, little does he know what awaits him there. The main character of this novel are Light Yagami and Ryuk, keep in mind that shinigamis will not work the same in this fanfic as they do in death note that would be insane, but if you like COTE fanfics give me a try, I hope you enjoy your reading of my story. Disclaimer: Public AI generation Models, Loras and Ti’s are used in this story to enhance experiences of the reader, for specific information like model name please ask me.

MilkywayAndromeda · Anime und Comics
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48 Chs

Chapter 26 - Soon


I know, I know, I've been gone for a while… But I'm back! I'll be uploading more consistently (in terms of schedule, which I will decide on within a week, give or take) 

I want to say im very appreciative of some of you. There were a few of you who gave power stones to me constantly throughout my hiatus, not knowing when I'd come back, and that really meant a lot. I'm happy you enjoyed my work enough to do that, and im glad to say I dont have to disappoint any of you with any longer of a wait. I appreciate everyone who reads this fic giving Powerstones comments and, etc, so please continue doing so.

Anyway, I write all these chapters literally minutes or hours before I release them, so let me know what you think of the chapter, what I can improve and, etc.; I stopped writing for a bit because I had a lot going on and was applying to grad school (I got in), but I have some time now, although when i did stop, I did feel like my writing was declining in terms of quality so im hoping that it is better now.

Anyway, I'll leave the rest of the yap for the end of the chapter. Once again, thank you. Everyone who commented gave a Powerstone or even liked a comment of mine. I saw it and am grateful.


"If we catch Kira, he is evil. If he wins and rules the world, then he is justice." ~Light Yagami

"I guess I should get up to greet them," I said to Shiina, who nodded as I stood.

As I approached, it was clear this meeting wasn't by chance. Class B was scouting, but they were more direct about it.

"Good afternoon, Yagami. How are you?" Ichinose greeted me as I joined her group and Ryuen.

"I'm doing well. I hope the same for all of you," I replied, receiving a nod in return.

Ryuen smirked. "You came to say hi to our Class B friends?"

"Yes, it's nice to see some new faces," I responded.

Ryuen called out across the beach, "Ishizaki, get us and our guests something nice to drink! And don't forget the ice!"

Ichinose quickly interjected, "Oh no, it's fine, Ryuen, we—"

"Don't worry about it. We have plenty of supplies, and they'll go to waste soon anyway," Ryuen assured her.

Kanzaki spoke up, "Actually, Ryuen, I'm curious. From what Kaneda told us and what you just said, you don't plan on taking this exam seriously, do you?"

"Not at all. I plan to enjoy my time on this island and then head back to the cruise ship with my class," Ryuen replied, glancing at our lounging classmates.

Kanzaki turned to me. "Yagami, are you okay with this? Don't you want to see your class succeed?"

"Of course I do, but if this is the path my class chooses, I won't force them. There will be plenty of opportunities to move up from Class C in the future," I told Kanzaki.

"I see. Since you don't plan on participating in this exam, it wouldn't be a problem if you told us who holds Class C's keycard, right? We'd need to see the keycard, of course," Kanzaki asked.

"Kanzaki! That's not why we're here. Don't listen to him," Ichinose said, bowing slightly.

Ryuen stayed silent for a moment. I hadn't expected anyone from Class B to be bold enough to ask for our keycard. But with me and Ryuen in Class C, they must be suspicious. It's better to sell the idea that we're not trying in this exam.

"No, it's fine, Ichinose. It really doesn't affect us," I said with a smile, drawing their attention to me. "Class C would have no problem handing over our cardholder."

The members of Class B were visibly surprised. Just then, Ishizaki arrived with a bucket of ice and drinks, placing it next to Ryuen's walkie-talkie. "I brought the drinks as requested," Ishizaki said, sounding proud but tired.

"Good job. Seems like you're not entirely useless," Ryuen said, taking a bottle of sparkling water while Kanzaki, Ichinose, and the rest of Class B just stared.

Kanzaki spoke up, "Wait, so if I understand correctly, you'd just be willing to give up the Class C keycard?" he asked for clarification.

"Saying we would just give up the keycard might be an oversimplification. This is still an exam, and we're still competing outside of it, and helping a rival will be disadvantageous to us in the future so we'd expect something in return. Points, specifically. I'm sure we could work out a deal," I explained.

"Points?" he repeated, thinking. "How many?"

"I think 300,000 points a month until graduation would be fair. Fifty class points are equivalent to 200,000 private points, and class points are more valuable than private points. So, I think this exchange is fair," I responded.

As I spoke, I saw a slight smirk appear on Ryuen's face before instantly fading.

And soon, one appeared on Ryuk's too. "Hehehe, I've seen what you've done. You know Class B can't sustain such a large purchase, don't you? Because they had to save two members of their class, they already used a lot of points. By paying you 300,000 points a month, they might not have many points left for personal expenses or taxation, which would be necessary if many points were used in saving two members of the class."

It was as Ryuk said. Using points wasn't something Class B could do mindlessly. If Kanzaki and Ichinose were cautious and cared more about their classmates than their class position, they'd decline my offer. While 300,000 points for our keycard wasn't a horrible deal, it would definitely put stress on Class B.

After a moment, Kanzaki spoke. "I see. It's way outside our price range, sadly," he said.

"I see, that's unfortunate. On a different note, how did you guys find our camp?" I asked, directing my question to Ichinose and Kanzaki.

Ichinose smiled before answering, "Truth is, it was a total coincidence. We've had groups scouting the island for food or good fishing spots. A day ago, one of those groups told me they found Class C's camp, so I thought I'd pay a visit."

"Ah, I see. That makes sense. Well, I'm glad you did," I responded.

Ryuen then spoke up, "So, do you two plan on enjoying yourselves here with us? We've got plenty to do, if you know what I mean," he said with a smirk. "I think we have the perfect bikinis for you, Ichinose, if you want to take a swim with me on the beach," he continued, watching her reaction closely.

She seemed surprised but not too bothered. It was clear she wasn't easily offended. "Maybe when we get back on the cruise ship, both our classes can enjoy some relaxing time by the pool. I don't think it's right for me to enjoy myself here while my classmates are working hard back at our camp."

Kanzaki nodded in agreement. "Yes, we should probably be getting back," he said, glancing at the bracelet with the time given at the start of the exam.

With that, the duo left, leaving just me and Ryuen.

"What do you think?" Ryuen asked me.

"I doubt they'll be a threat, but I have a suggestion if you want to guarantee we come out on top."

"Oh?" Ryuen questioned.

"Class B is allied with Class D; that's common knowledge. Both classes we sent spies to are allies; they know you like to play dirty. We're playing a risky game, and I think both classes will be more than just suspicious of the spies we've sent—Kaneda in Class B and Ibuki in Class D. It's also safe to say Class D will visit us soon, given their alliance they will quickly learn about our camp if they haven't already."

"So, what are you implying?" Ryuen asked with a frown.

"One mistake is all it will take for Class D or B to figure out that Kaneda and Ibuki are after their keycards. Once they confirm their suspicions, figuring out Class C's leader will be child's play. I have a plan. If you hand over the reins for this exam to me, then—"

"No," Ryuen responded quickly. "This is my class. We play by my rules. I respect your opinions, Yagami, just as I respect those of Shiina or even Kaneda to an extent. But let me make one thing clear: there's no one more capable than me in this school. So, there's no reason for me to do anything but respect your opinions. If you truly think you're more capable than me and want to take the reins of our class, then you'll have to do it by force." Ryuen stared me down as he crushed the bottle in his hand. "So, what will it be?"

In the background, I could hear Ryuk's relentless laughter at the way I got shut down.

It was painfully obvious to anyone who walked into Class C who the cardholder was, but Ryuen wasn't having it. Tyrants don't like to give up power even for a moment, and tracing the spies we sent back to Ryuen would be child's play for anyone with some level of intellect. There seemed to be no other way. "Fine, Ryuen, you win. We'll do it your way. We'll all leave tomorrow night like you want."

At my words, Ryuen simply smiled before adjusting his gaze to the ocean. I walked away, my eyes landing on one of the girls in Class C. Manabe was one of the more attractive students in our class, but that wasn't why I was looking her way. We got along well, and she had a lot of social power in the class, especially with the girls, though her connections with me played a role in that. But it was still impressive that despite our tyrannical leadership, she held some influence.

Coming up behind her, I wrapped my arm around her waist, causing her to turn her head in surprise before quickly relaxing. I whispered into her ear in front of a couple of students who didn't think much of the gesture.

"Hey, I need a favor if possible."



"What are you plotting, Light?" Ryuk asked as Manabe quietly left my private tent.

Hearing his voice, I decided to stand up, opening my eyes from my fake sleep. I walked out of the tent after a minute had passed. It was late; everyone was likely asleep, or at least not on the beach.

"Plotting? I was just enjoying some time with a friend and planning a party for Class C. Why do you always think I'm constantly plotting something?" I responded to Ryuk.

Ryuk simply stared at me, clearly curious.

"I guess giving you a hint wouldn't hurt."

"Really?" Ryuk said, excited to hear what I had to say.

"Yes, although you'll owe me one," I said with a smile. After receiving a nod from Ryuk, I continued, "I've already told you my goals. I plan on leading all classes and, hopefully, the entire school until graduation. This school needs someone. Manabu served his purpose for a bit, but he's leaving soon and wasn't active enough. Right now, it's a fight for the most capable student to take his place. Isn't it obvious who should win that fight? Ryuen has the right idea. Why should I sit still and let someone stand over me when no one is qualified to do so? Do you understand now? I'm simply doing what's necessary, not just for me but for everyone in the school."

Ryuk nodded. "So how does what you're planning play into that?"

"It's simple. What I'm planning will make sure we win this thing. Winning is important; leaders can't be losers."

"And that favor you asked that girl, to get the class together to start planning a party before you all leave tomorrow? How will that help you win? Couldn't you have done it yourself? You have way more sway over the class than that girl," Ryuk continued questioning.

"Well, I can't spoil everything for you, Ryuk," I said with a smile. "Watch, and you'll see the point of my actions. And on your second question, yes, I could have gotten the class together to plan the celebration myself," I thought for a moment before continuing, "but sometimes, if you want something done best, it's better to distance yourself."

Ryuk simply looked at me as I spoke. "Even after all this time, you still confuse me, you know that?"

"Well, either way, you owe me one. I've told you enough to come to a conclusion on what's going to happen in the future," I said, continuing to walk down the shore.

"Wait, but there's one more thing I'm curious about. Class A and Class B—you don't have to worry about either of their leaders. But Class D, you haven't even bothered with them," Ryuk pointed out, highlighting my uncaring attitude towards Class D in this exam.

"Why would I have to worry about them? Ibuki is there; she'll handle them."

"Stop joking with me, Light. The traitor from Class A is a different matter since you understand their situation and have some confidence in Ryuen. But if you truly trusted your classmates, you wouldn't have gone out of your way to scout Class B."

I sighed at his words. "That's harsh. I have some trust, Ryuk, but trust can only take you so far. Class D… Well, let's just say I have a way to figure out their leader without ever stepping foot into their camp."

"Hmmm," Ryuk hummed loudly, taking in my words as I turned back from the shore, walking back towards camp.

"Don't think too much about it. Everything will be known tomorrow. Class D will reveal themselves to us, and you'll understand the purpose of the party we will be having. It's just a bit longer. You'll see."


Before anything, I want to know if anyone can guess the reason behind the party/celebrations, Lights plan, and what light means when he says he can figure out class D's leader easily. If anyone can guess his plan, I will release another chapter within 48 hours, and yes, there is enough information to guess what he's planning.

I won't beg for Powerstones since this is my first day back, but if you want to donate them, I won't decline. Thank you. I dont have a Patreon or anything. I do this purely for and to entertain so I want people to read my story.

Give me your ideas on this chapter; as always, one of my favorite parts of writing is reading comments.

And before you get upset at anything in this chapter, give this whole arc a chance. I promise I have some good ideas for it.

Lastly, I have an idea for the next exam, so be hyped. While it's not fully developed, I'm excited to write it, and I think you guys will definitely be excited to read it.

Oh, join my discord server too!!!
