
COTE: I have a life simulator

【Life Restart Simulator】 [Enter the chapter "Ichinose Honami's Summer Reappearance"] [Five talents have been randomly selected: a promise of a thousand pieces of gold, a handsome guy from Tokyo, a flower protector, a child from a famous family, and is under the control of the year] 【Simulation starts】 [Day 14: On the night of the fireworks display, you blocked the blade of Honami Ichinose that stabbed Megumi Karuizawa. Under the sad and shocked eyes of the two people, you died] [This simulation has ended, please choose a talent to keep and bring it to the next simulation] ………… [Achieve the ending: Bystander - human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same. We often ignore many causes, and all we can see are the effects] [Achieve the ending: Symbiosis - The strongest relationship in the world is accomplices] [Achieve the ending: Rescue——Then we agree here to go a long way together in the future] On the day of real time travel, Kitagawa Ryo, who came to Tokyo Advanced Education Middle School, looked at the series of golden talents on his body and scratched his head and said: "Um, but I have completed all CG and all endings."

DaoistjQtMkq · Anime und Comics
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239 Chs


"After all, if he hadn't been sick, his future would have been countless times brighter."

"No family would make a child who is destined to die young as an heir. The fact that he is now enjoying the best medical treatment is a compensation for his parents' guilt for their abandonment back then. Let them really go and save it. It is unrealistic to treat this child as one of his own and to nurture him carefully."

"It may sound cruel, but no one will put all their money on a stock that is foreseen to fall to the limit and be delisted."

Sakayanagi Arisu could not understand the further meaning. She simply hated this kind of story that was not a fairy tale, and then she tightly held her father's generous hand.

As if responding to her, Sakayanagi Yusu's father also wrapped his daughter's little hand in his palm.

A father's love for his daughter, a mother's love for her daughter, a father's love for her mother.

Wrapped in three pieces of love, Yusu Sakayanagi looked at the opposite side of the wall. Compared with himself, Kitagawa Ryo had never even received any love from his parents.

What embarrassed Sakayanagi Yusu was that she actually immediately developed a feeling of superiority, as in children's comparisons. She had also heard before that not only parents would openly and covertly compare their children's strengths and weaknesses, Children will also wantonly show their parents' love to each other, maybe a new dress, a new pair of sneakers, or an opportunity to travel.

This should be a normal emotion, but Yusu Sakayanagi was still a little embarrassed. She didn't think her desire to win should be satisfied in this aspect.

Moreover, this shouldn't be something to talk about.

Being able to express one's feelings nakedly to family members is an amazing ability in itself, because most of the elite students of her own age that Sakayanagi Yusu has observed over the years cannot learn it. She feels that these people may not be able to do so in the future. It's too late to learn it. It seems that expressing feelings is a particularly shameful thing for them, even when facing their closest family members.

Her father taught Sakayanagi Yusu to love people, but currently, except for "Washuo Gezi", she has not found anyone worthy of her love.

When he heard his seven-year-old daughter say the word "love" with a serious face, Chairman Sakayanagi couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, but he still told his daughter some things about that year in a serious manner.

At the end of the story, the father said to his daughter:

"Love is inherently difficult, because it requires the opening of each other's hearts and souls, which can even be said to be dangerous."

"Others may be your hell. There are armors made of scars of the soul, swords made of defensive eyes, labyrinths arranged by words, and traps covered by smiles. Behind that, of course, there is still loneliness. My heart is trembling, but my desire for communication is still unquenched."

Even though his mother has been dead for several years, his still-young father has no plans to get married again. In terms of status, he is already the chairman of the Tokyo Advanced Education Middle School and has many connections with other big figures in politics and business.

Last night, Sakayanagi Yusu had a dream in which he woke up feeling refreshed but could not remember what he had dreamed about.

The two children who couldn't sleep did not choose backgammon or chess. The reason was that Sakayanagi Arisu said that he would practice it on his own first and then challenge again when he was confident. So tonight's entertainment activities to kill time became Poker is like a game of luck.

"Off with your head!"

As Ryo Kitagawa calmly played out the last Queen of Hearts in his hand, it was also announced that Yusu Sakayanagi had lost three consecutive games in the poker game.

However, the advantage of a game of luck is that people can always attribute everything to illusory luck, just like a gambler who always feels that he can turn the tables on the next move. Sakayanagi Yusu obviously didn't care about the result, and she began to gather her thoughts. The playing cards scattered on the table began to be shuffled with difficulty.

The main reason is that for two seven-year-old children, the size of the playing cards has exceeded the width of the palm of the hand, which is really difficult to hold, and Kitagawa Ryo's right hand is really inconvenient, so Yusaka shuffles the cards in each round. Liu Youqi finished.

Every time Sakayanagi Yusu touched the cards, he would sort them out in an orderly manner, stacking them in front of him like a formation. Kitagawa Ryo could tell which pile was single after just two glances. Zhang, whichever pile is a pair, the playing of cards will naturally be smoother.

However, for Kitagawa Ryo, who has the talent of "photographic memory", he only needs to glance at the cards in his hand every time, and he can easily write down all the cards, and simply stack the cards he caught into a pile. But the speed of playing cards is three points faster than Sakayanagi Arisu.

After three sets, Sakayanagi Yusu finally noticed this tactical mistake. She changed the way she sorted the cards, and then she won a set.

"Off with your head!"

I don't know if it was intentional, but Sakayanagi Yusu also played the Queen of Hearts as the last card.

What she and Kitagawa Ryo just shouted were the classic lines from the Queen of Hearts in "Alice in Wonderland". This grumpy queen would yell at the guards to chop off each other's heads whenever something went wrong.

However, because it is a fairy tale, the Queen of Hearts could not actually cut off a person's head until the end of the story. The only Cheshire Cat who was escorted to the execution platform also ran away easily.

"Cats are really amazing animals."

Kitagawa Ryo sighed unconsciously, and Sakayanagi Yusu quickly understood what the other party meant and said:

"The Cheshire Cat in the story has long claws and fangs. If a cat like this smiles at you, it would be like a horror movie."

"I think Alice should learn to add a filter to fairy tales."

"But fairy tales themselves don't have any filters."

Sakayanagi Yusu played with the Q of Hearts in his hand and said lazily:

"Obviously the prototype was a heroine like Judith, but in the story she turned into a raging queen who could only chop off heads, and then in the Disney movie she became a villain with a big head."

"For comparison, we had to create a character in the movie, the White Queen, who did not exist in the original story."

Having said this, Sakayanagi Yusu shrugged boredly:

"But it does provide interesting themes for various dark fairy tales."

"Stop it, stop it, stop it!"

Kitagawa Ryo quickly stretched out his left hand, took the Queen of Hearts and put it into the deck:

"I don't want to listen to dark fairy tales."

"Are you afraid of this kind of thing?"

As if he had grasped something, Yusu Sakayanagi suddenly became energetic. He felt that many strange and bad ideas suddenly appeared in his mind, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up in an obvious arc.

"I'm not afraid."

Although Kitagawa Ryo answered quickly, Sakayanagi Yusu felt a little strange because of his preconceived impression:

"Then let's watch a horror movie together!"

It felt like the moonlight outside the window became a bit gloomy as soon as these words were spoken. Kitagawa Ryo nodded and agreed, so the two of them returned to Sakayanagi Arisu's ward together. There was a laptop on her desk. If she was ill, If repeated, his father plans to use it to contact tutors to give remote lessons to Sakayanagi Arisu in the future.

But its current mission is indeed to be a simple video player.

After finding a reasonably suitable movie, Sakayanagi Yusu turned off the lights in the ward.

"Hey, of course I'm fine, but you obviously have a heart problem, Arisu. The nurse won't allow this."

Sakayanagi Yusu tilted his head and said disdainfully:

"I'm not that timid, and my heart isn't that fragile. It's better to say that I just need to exercise more."

"How can I exercise by watching horror movies..."

Kitagawa Ryo sighed helplessly, and handed an earphone to Sakayanagi Yusu.

"If you feel scared, please take off your headphones immediately."

There is only one headphone jack on the laptop, so if two people are watching it, they can only use one of them.

In fact, Kitagawa Ryo was also quite curious as to whether horror movies were scarier, with images or music, but to be on the safe side, he kept the volume to a minimum to avoid sudden screams that would hit Arisu Sakayanagi.

Soon, only the cyan fluorescence of the screen was left in the room. Kitagawa Ryo was next to Sakayanagi Yusu, and the two children were sitting on the sofa with the same headphones on each side, hugging their knees together.

However, the painting style soon took another direction.

"It's so stupid. Just because it's a horror movie doesn't mean it doesn't need any plot logic."

"Why do police detectives always like to investigate alone?"

"The black man was indeed the first to die."

"The cross doesn't work. The gods of the West can't control the devils of the East."

"Well, the special effects here are terrible."

Sakayanagi Yusu turned his head and looked at Kitagawa Ryo, who had been thinking about it nonstop since the beginning of the movie, and couldn't find any sign of fear.

As a result, after the entire movie, neither of them screamed or exclamated once. Kitagawa Ryo was busy complaining, while Sakayanagi Yusu was completely attracted by his complaints, and he didn't even think about it for a moment. When I think about the final outcome, I remember Kitagawa Ryo saying with relief:


After saying that, Kitagawa Ryo glanced at Sakayanagi Yusu quite proudly:

"Want to sleep?"

"Can you sleep?"

Realizing that he had been deceived, Sakayanagi Yusu replied angrily:

"Cut off your head..."

"It seems Arisu isn't too scared, then good night."

It was indeed getting late, and even though both of them had slept for a while during the day, they still inevitably felt sleepy.

Kitagawa Ryo waved to Arisu, and before leaving, he whistled:

"If you only have one head, you can't behead it."

Yusu Sakayanagi knew what Ryo Kitagawa meant. In "Alice in Wonderland", the Cheshire cat who was about to be beheaded completely disappeared, leaving only his head, leaving the executioner at a loss and helpless. Take action, after all, the opponent only has one head left, and there is no way to behead him.


Only after Kitagawa Ryo's footsteps disappeared completely did Sakayanagi Yusu calm down.

She felt her heart beating very fast, but it had nothing to do with the horror movie just now.

Sakayanagi Yusu put the earphones hanging on the other side into his ears, and there seemed to be a little bit of the other person's warmth on them.

She clicked on the historical search history on the web page of her laptop and looked at it again.

[Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. ]

[The symptoms of ALS often start with the fingers becoming weak and clumsy, and gradually the hand muscles atrophy. As the disease progresses, the disease will extend to the muscles of the limbs and trunk, and finally involve the atrophy of respiratory muscles, tongue muscles, masticatory muscles and throat. The function of local muscles decreases, the tongue is unable to extend, and dysphagia and breathing difficulties occur. ]

Sakayanagi Arisu continued to slide the mouse down, which seemed to require a lot of courage, even more than what she needed to click on the horror movie just now.

The man in the video is sitting in a wheelchair, his fingers are like skinny eagle claws, and his face has a strange smile that seems to be crying and laughing. There is a thin tube for nasogastric feeding inserted in his nose. The nurse taking care of him is constantly reaching out to use it. The paper towel wiped away the saliva that unconsciously dripped from the corner of the old man's mouth.

The patient has completely lost control of his body, like a head on a dead tree.

Only the eyes twitched occasionally, indicating that he was still alive.

Sakayanagi Yusu slowly closed her eyes, her teeth almost biting her lower lip to draw blood.

Reality is never a fairy tale. There may be another word "more" in front of any disaster.

ps: Thank you for reading and subscribing.

ps2: Sakayanagi Arisu's first simulation is probably a two-way story. Because it is written very slowly, I hope you can enjoy it_(:з」∠)