
Chapter 7

After getting up and pretending to spot the security camera, I walked towards the supermarket, the owner of the security camera that caught everything. I entered the supermarket, and thankfully, it was empty, so I immediately walked up to the cashier. I explained the situation, omitting the part of it all being a scheme, and showed my bruised cheek and bloodied nose. The supermarket clerk, probably pitying me, went back and conversed with someone.

After about 2 minutes, the clerk walked out with a flash drive and handed it to me. Everything is going perfectly. I checked the time; it was 5:40. The student council office closes at 6:30, and I wanted to submit the incident report today. After thanking the clerk for the flash drive, I left the supermarket and returned to the school.

I passed the area where Sudo had hit me, and there on the same bench sat a girl with white hair. This can't be a coincidence anymore; it was the chess club, and now it is here. She was following me, but I wasn't really that concerned. Even if my scheme was revealed, the fact the Sudo hit me without any reason and threatened me with more violence still remains.

His expulsion is set in stone; however, if it were known that I plotted the whole thing from the start, I would receive a lot of negative attention. As I passed by, the girl stood up with the help of a cane and smiled at me. I nodded back and continued on my way. That girl really scares me!

I arrived at the school around 6 and followed the map to the student council room. This map really is the most useful thing to me. I creaked open the door and entered the student council room. There were papers all over the place, but no one was inside. After waiting for a minute, a girl with purple hair tied into 2 buns greeted me impatiently.

"What do you need?"

"Yes, I would like to submit an incident report. I was violently attacked by Class D student Sudo and also threatened with more violence. I have the video evidence with me as well."

I gestured towards the flash drive in my right hand.

"Follow me"

I walked through the student council room and entered another smaller room inside the student council room. Inside, the room was clean, unlike the outside, and there was a large desk with a student sitting on it, looking at papers with a serious expression. The student had glasses and short black hair. I could tell he was the president. On his right, there was another blonde student who was sitting on a chair and looking over some papers.

"President Manabu, this student claims he was violently attacked and threatened by a Class D student. He has video evidence with him right now."

The president narrowed his eyes and looked at me.

"Show me"

I handed him the flash drive, and he put it inside a nearby television. After watching the incident, the president sighed and turned back to me.

"Yes, this is more than enough to get him expelled. Do you wish to file an incident report?"


"Alright, we will hold a trial tomorrow, as I doubt it would last more than 10 minutes. I will inform Class D tomorrow. You may leave."

I left the student council room and let out a sigh of relief. Everything went perfectly. Class D was now in my hands.

-*- (POV Change to Third Person)

Inside the student council room, the 3 members watched the first-year leave. The blonde boy, sitting next to the president, broke the silence.

"haha, Class D is getting worse and worse. Having a student expelled before the first month is insane"

The president, who was thinking over something silently, responded.

"Don't be stupid, Nagumo. Even Class D isn't this stupid. This boy clearly planned this whole event out, from the "cough" at the start of the video to whatever he whispered to the Class D student before he hit him."

Nagumo let out a laugh and responded.

"Of course, I know that, but what does that student hope to gain by expelling a Class D student?"

"I can't tell that either, but he clearly has a bigger plan."

The next day, before class started, President Manabu and Nagumo were walking toward classroom D. They got a few glances from the first-year students, wondering what business the student council would have with some first-years. Finally, they reached Class D and entered the classroom.

The entirety of Class D watched the student council president approach their teacher in silence.

"Why is the student council president here?"

"Isn't his sister in our class? That Horikita."

"Yeah, maybe he needs to talk with her?"

President Manabu spoke first to Chabashira.

"Teacher, may we speak to the class for a minute?"

"Yes, Manabu. Make it quick. Class starts in 5 minutes."

The entire class went silent as the student council president approached the podium. The president began speaking.

"Hello, I wish to inform you all that a student has submitted an incident report against Sudo from your class. We have received video evidence of Sudo violently attacking this student and further threatening him with violence. Sudo, please come to the student council room after school at 8, the disciplinary meeting will be then. The rest of you don't need to come to support him; he will be 100% expelled if the incident report goes through. Thank you for your time."

The student council president finished his speech and walked out of the classroom with Nagumo at his side. After they were a distance from the classroom, Nagumo said.

"awww, don't you love your sister?"

The student council president, maintaining his calm expression, asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, don't act naive. You said he would be expelled IF the incident report goes through. You were clearly telling the class to negotiate with that student. You didn't need to say those words, yet you did."

"I was merely trying to help a struggling class; if they lose a student this early on, they will be stuck at Class D for the rest of high school."

"You understand you played right into that boy's hands by saying that, right? From the start, it was clear his goal was not expelling Sudo but negotiating with Class D."

"I will admit, I am curious about what that boy will do."

Back in the classroom of Class D, all the students were in a state of panic. Even they knew that losing a student this early would harm their class's standings. A blonde-haired boy, who seemed to be the leader of the class, calmed everyone down and spoke carefully to Sudo.

"Sudo, is what he said true? Did you attack someone and threaten them?"

The entire classroom was silent, awaiting Sudo's answer. While trembling, Sudo answered.


The entire classroom erupted.




Sudo shrunk down into his seat and under his desk. When hitting that boy, he didn't think about the consequences of his actions. Hirata, the blonde-haired boy, calmed everyone down again before speaking.

"Sudo, tell us exactly what happened."

Sudo began explaining.

"I finished basketball practice and was heading back to the dorms when some person scoffed at me. After scoffing at me, I spoke to him, and he became so scared. He was trembling and everything. I walked up to him and told him not to do it again, but his attitude changed. He whispered to me that I was a dumbass and that I wouldn't do anything. I was already pissed off from basketball practice, so hearing this from some loser made me even angrier. I-i p t-then punched him and said if he did it again, I would beat him up."


Hirate spoke up again.

"w-well, if we can pr-"

Interrupting Hirata, a girl with long black hair and pale white skin, stood up and began speaking.

"Stop, Hirata, this is useless. Even the student council president said he was 100% sure that Sudo would be expelled if the incident report went through. Our only way to save him is to negotiate with the person who filed the report."

Next to this black-haired girl sat a boy with orange hair, who looked completely uninterested in the topic. He was thinking.

'well, this was obviously a scheme to get Sudo expelled. From the scoffing at him and the sudden change of attitude, what does this student gain from expelling a Class D student? Perhaps they have already figured out the class competition system, but This student must be from Class A as Class B is too nice for this type of thing, and Class C isn't smart enough to devise this plan. What does a Class A student gain from doing this?'

The entire classroom went silent at the black-haired girl's words. Even though they knew it was true, the student council president told them that Sudo would be expelled if the report went through. Hirata spoke again, breaking the silence.

"Sudo, do you remember his name or class?"

Sudo, now looking even more shameful after realizing he would probably be expelled, responded.

"n-no i-idea"


The entire classroom thought one thing. Did this idiot really punch and threaten someone he doesn't even know?

Hirata, as a true leader, again spoke through the awkward silence.

"After school, Sudo and the rest of you will come with us to find this student. We will have 5 hours to find him and negotiate. Also, teacher, would it be alright if we left a bit early today to ensure that the student doesn't leave the school premises before we talk to him?"

Chabashira was in deep thought.

'She already knew that Hikigaya was the student who made the report through word of mouth, but what could this student gain from expelling someone from my class? Did Hoshanomiya tell him to do it? No, even she wouldn't do something like that. What is his motive? Did Sudo anger him?'

After thinking for a while, the teacher finally responded.

"Yes, you can skip the end-of-school announcements today and look for the boy."

While she couldn't tell the student's name as that would be breaking the school's rules, she was permitted to let them skip the announcements.

Hirata and the rest of the class looked more relieved after the teacher's words. They had no idea what punishment an expulsion could bring to their class, so they knew they would need to negotiate. Hirata spoke again.

"Alright, all of us will start at Class A's classroom and move down from there. Sounds good?"

The class murmured a sign of acceptance.

Do you guys prefer third person POV or first person

avbuttcreators' thoughts
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