
COTE : Bizarre High School .

Wouldn't you like to see as well... As to how JojoXCote would go? Well, you have come at the perfect place then. I won't be dropping this fan fiction by the way. ----------------------------------- The MC is a stand user. He's sent to the Advanced Nurturing High School. He had a poor family background, thus the moment he heard about this school, he immediately applied. “Why does he give me vibes like he will be a troublesome piece in the future?”, Ayanokoji thinks. “Interesting. I will make sure you get in my class! ”, Ryuen smirked. “Hmph. I will see how long you refuse to become my friend Horikita-San! I have him on my side! ”, Kushida says aloud, while Horikita shivers. “Let's see how he fares... Against me. ” Sakayangi says to herself while laughing a little. “Thank you for your help. ” Ichinose thanks while bowing. “This school... it's so Bizzare. ” --------------------------------- Meet Aiden, the 'normal' highschooler. Join him on his journey of getting to Class A for getting in speed-oops, Spoilers.

TheDarkestFragment · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 6 : First Stand Fight!

'BloodBath huh?'

Reading through the file again, I made notes in my notepad.

Putting the file inside my bag, I took out, a can of chocolate chips, and ate a quarter.

Time to move and change a bit of my plans. Closing the door behind me, I ventured out. Looking at my digital watch. (8:56PM)

I headed outside, stand residues huh? I will need to control that as well. Was it because of hamon? Or was it like that already?

No use in thinking of theories. If my memory serves me right, I should be able to use liquid pretty greatly, as a conductor for hamon.

I also learned Hamon breathing easily, by the end of karaoke session. So, I can use it as naturally as my own normal breathing. Is this body compatible? Or is the system behind it? Whatever the reason is, in the end it's beneficial without a doubt.

Getting on the ground floor with the elevator, I went outside the dormitory building, to a garden.

Punching the tree lightly with hamon, flowers grew above me, in the branches of the tree. Smiling on my little achievement, I went near a rock next, with a swift karate chop, I hit it.


MY GODAMNNED HAND!! UGHHHH, IT HURTS SO BAD! Rolling on the ground while holding my victimized hand, tears were flowing from my eyes.

Getting up after a dozen of minutes, I dusted off the dirt on my clothes, then took a deep breath. And decided not to do everything at once. Patience is the key...



Turning around to leave, I saw a shadow of a person, which quickly disappeared. This place isn't known yet by the students, only 2nd and 3rd years should know, but only a few come, that too at breaks or after school.

Nobody should be here at night other than me, was it a member of school staff? Activating HA1-HV I looked through the walls, the person was wearing a uniform of a gardener. He quickly left.

Seeing as to how I was here, shouldn't he have chosen to interact with me? Like saying its nighttime what is a student doing here? Or did he see me using hamon to channel life?

Dashing towards the direction he went to, I followed the footsteps in the dirt, reaching an alley like place. It was a dead end, he had stopped running, turning around, he revealed himself. It was an old man, who had dirt on his gloves, knees and shirt.



He licked his lips, then vines from the ground sprouted, few heading towards me.


But I had seen the movements in advance, HA1-HV was currently also predicting the possible routes it would take, and it had shown me every movement my body was capable of doing, to dodge it at the moment.


Crouching the moment it was an arm length away from my face, the vines hit the wall behind me, leaving a small web-like crater, but quickly turned back to me, leaping off into the air by putting hamon energy into my legs, I jumped like a spring, being momentarily 15 feet above the ground, the vines once again changed the direction, I can't keep dodging these...


I have to take down the stand user instead! But, the question is how? Landing on the ground with a small thud, I dodged to my left, by spinning my body Anti clockwise.




Holding onto one of the vines that went past my previous position, I tightened my grip, then... With a breathing pattern, I channelled all of the hamon inside me, into my hands...


The hamon in my hand were transferred into the vines, which carried it to the user who was controlling it with hand gestures, the hamon hit him strongly.


After few seconds, his skin had turned brown, smoke was coming out-of it, the vines faded, and he fell to the ground.

Cautiously looking around, I found that this place had no CCTV cameras. Coming to the conclusion, he had purposely lured me out here, but why?

Even if he learnt that I was a stand user, why would he attack a student? Replaying my memories of minutes ago, I immediately took out my notepad.

1. Name, BloodBath

2. Ability : Consciousness Take Over

3. Habit : Licking Lips

That's it! He's the murderer! But... He went down too easily... Shouldn't he be like, a sort of mini boss? Like, that's the minimum. He barely gave me a good fight.

Though, if I hadn't awakened my stand or gotten the revised knowledge from the system, I might have lost.

So, I guess his luck was too bad. Approaching the near fried body, I check his pockets...

A knife huh? What's this? Rope? Is he into BDSM? Just kidding. (AN : Don't search the term up. 💀)

He must have planned to torture me. Damn, dodged a bullet Huh? But wait... I forgot to ask Flint... whether BloodBath can, go back into the previous body or not... Could it be?

I checked the gardener's pulse, he was alive, fortunately. Looking around his clothes, I didn't find much other than a little girl's photo.

Calling Flint, I got up from my crouched position, and then tied the gardener to the pole.

Flintlock : Hello? Is there anything you need to ask Aiden?

Aiden : Kind of. Can BloodBath go back into the bodies he had previously taken over?

Flintlock : Hmm... Although his stand, destroys the memories of the person he takes over, there is a chance of that being true. The SWF didn't find any evidence related to that yet though. Anything else? And, why are you outside of you room?

Aiden : I was coming to that part. So, I kind of thought of going to a vending machine, but then, I noticed a staff member who was following a female student, I got curious so I followed him.

And do you know what I discovered? He had a stand, and a knife, before he could do anything to the-

Flintlock : Wait a minute! We are coming right away! Stay there, and try to avoid causing a frontation with him!

Aiden : Hey listen to the complete story dude. Don't worry, I managed to defeat him, currently the girl is gone, she didn't notice anything, and the stand user is an old man, who licked his lips, I suspect him to be one of the victims of BloodBath.

Flintlock : *Footsteps, ding!* We see. Are you alright? And leave the place right away, we have sent the police at that location. It would be troublesome if they question you. Can you somehow make it such as, he can't leave?

Aiden : Yeah, I tied him up with the rope he had in his pocket, and yes I will go back to my room.

*Hangs up*

The fight was short, but it did feel thrilling, I wonder when I will find a better opponent though...

Walking back from the way I came from, I used the vending machine, getting a coffee can, I took a sip, then drinking it up, I threw it in the trash can, heading back up, through the the elevator, I now lied down on my bed after changing into my pajamas.

What a thrilling night. (9:36PM)

Getting up, I cooked hotpot, and ate it alone. (11:58PM)

Time to go to sleep, happy that I atleast got the chance to fight, I fell asleep after closing the lights near the bed.






(3rd POV)

Back at the alleys, where an old man with brown skin tone was lying, tied to an iron pole, a figure appeared.

It approached him, then crouching down, he stared at his face.

*Thunder Rumbling!*

The figure was wearing all dark clothes, and clouds had taken over the night sky, so his face wasn't clear, but, his tongue could be seen, he licked his lips.

Then, the old man woke up. Vines sprouted from his hands, then headed towards his own tongue, he also licked his lips, the vines wrapped itself on his tongue, with one swift pull, his whole tongue was brutally pulled out.

Blood flowed out of his mouth, but the old man neither screamed nor showed any signs of pain, but smiled instead.


He laughed. As if his tongue hadn't been pulled out and detached from his body.

Then, the vines moved towards his waist, next, it went towards his intestines, the vines pulled it in such a way, that his intestines came out of his mouth, the vines didn't stop there, although they were fading.

They went towards his private area, and ripped off his testicles. Then, pulled out his eye balls, and replaced them with his testicles.

The vines faded. The figure who was watching it all so far, revealed his teeth, shiny they were. Then got up, and left the area like he was never there.

By the time the police arrived, the old man had died both physically and mentally.


"A real man smiles in times of trouble, gathers strength from distress and grows brave by reflection." — Thomas Paine.


Rubbing my eyes, I got up, switching off the alarm, I looked at the time. (7:23AM)

Taking out the left over ice cream, I began to eat it, in a few minutes, I had emptied the box.

Taking off my clothes, I brushed my teeth in the washroom, then took a nice shower, coming out, I changed into my school uniform.

Taking the bag on my shoulders, I went outside my room, heading for my class.

Nothing out of usual happened today, I had accompanied few girls after school to shopping, because they requested and also asked whether I also need to buy something, to which I gave an affirmative response.

Due to thier persistence on clothes after seeing me try many according to their fashion sense, I had used over 50000 points in one day.

Deciding to deny their offer next time, I calmed my quaking heart.

We also went to the cafe later on, where they held a question session to me, asking what sort of girls do I like, what is my favorite food and stuff.

Then finally, at 4PM I was free. But, ran into Kushida.

"Oh I am sorry for bumping into you! Wait... Haven't we both met somewhere? Hmm... Infinity San right? I think we met at the bus on first of April. "

"Oh, it's alright I should have looked where I was going. And yes, we did meet at the bus at the date you just now mentioned. "

"Now that I think about it, Infinity San I don't have your contact yet! Can you give me your contact? And would you like to come to the cafe with me? "

Nodding, I shared the contact, and we went to the pallet cafe.

Some male students eyed me with envy and anger, because they had already seen as to how I was with 5 girls before, and now I am with another. All of them being beautiful, cute and what not.

"So, Infinity San, you are in Class B right? Honami San talked a lot about you, praises mostly. "

"I am glad to hear that. So, Kushida San knows people from other classes? "

"Hm! I want to become everyone's friend! Only two people were remaining from first year, one of them being Infinity San, the other... Horikita-San from my class who doesn't wish to become my friend... She is kind of cold, but if she doesn't make friends with anyone, she would look lonely, so I am still trying to become her friend... "

"Sounds tough. " I said with a soft sympathetic voice, which ofcourse wasn't genuine.

If you wanted to actually become her friend, you could have not tried to annoy her, by following her around and baiting her with the help of Ayanokoji. If I wasn't a transmigrator and didn't watch COTE I would have actually trusted her.

"So, I heard Infinity San is a prodigy. Honami San praises you a lot, can you help me make Horikita-San my friend? "

"... Why not? I will help you Kushida San, but in return can you do one thing for me in the future? "

"Oh. Thank you for agreeing, but what thing do you mean Infinity San? Is it some kind of future favor? "

Quick to catch on huh? Nodding, I got up, telling her to meet me tomorrow at the ground floor.

I don't wish to waste my evening like this. Using the elevator, I soon reached my floor, then unlocking the room, I put the clothes I was wearing on the hanger, then changed into a shirt and trouser.

Sitting on the chair near the studying table, I put up the books lying on the ground to the table. Then summoning my stand, and using hamon breathing, I used it to mark the information needed for future test.

Memorizing and understanding Science, History, Japanese, and Maths.

I put up a carpet on the floor, and sat in a meditating position. Then, breathing in a rhythm again, I caused sparks of energy to be seen over my body, which I then used to reject harmful substances from my bloodstream, which came out as black liquid from my skin pores.

My body felt not only relaxed, but also improved. I then cleaned the mat after taking a shower, then took a small ball, out of my bag, and held it in one of my hands.

"Golden Rectangle... "

Imagining the perfect rotation, I tried it in the real world, the power of spin. To spin objects to follow as best they can the Golden Rectangle, creating a near endless rotation that may then create an infinite amount of rotational energy, before throwing said objects at a target. To do so, I need to apply a small force causing the object to Spin near perfectly, giving it an impulse of energy to start the rotation, and then let the rotation perpetuate itself.

The ball slowly rotated, increasing in speed, till it burned a little of my hand, then I let go of it by instinct, the ball falling to the ground, a small crack appeared on the floor.

'Let's just focus on hamon right now...'

Rubbing my burnt palm with cold water, I sat on the bed in a meditative stance, and practised hamon breathing for few hours.


Stretching a little, I practised few jabs in the air, not just any normal ones, they were filled with hamon.


My student ID rang, picking it up, I checked who was calling, Flintlock?

*Picks up*

Flintlock : Aiden... Did you kill the old man?

Kill? No way, I just knocked him out.

Aiden : What are you talking about? Check his pulse, he's alive. Yeah, I know his skin seems a bit burnt, but he was alive when I tied him up.

Flintlock : The way he is murdered is Brutual. Was there someone else other than you and him? Are you sure the girl had left? And are you completely sure that there was no one else?

Aiden : How did he die? You said a Brutual way? Does that mean the moment I left someone came? That makes the possibility of BloodBath being able to switch back into the consciousness of a person he had previously taken over even more true. Not only that, he can even use the stand of the person he took over...

Flintlock : We don't know. We still have little to no evidence for that. The gardener was a normal person though, he was working for this school for over 5 years, he only had a granddaughter to call as family... For him to commit violence towards you, isn't logical. Not only that, he wasn't a stand user in the past either.

Aiden : Do you mean, someone somehow awakened his stand? Like how I awakened mine suddenly by natural cause? Or an object being able to achieve that result. Plus, he was laughing and grinning while fighting me, so it could be that it was BloodBath I was fighting most likely. Or he became insane somehow.

Flintlock : The BloodBath theory makes much more sense, but the actual question is, how did he awaken a stand? Was it naturally or... Someone got their hands on a fragment of the arrow.

Aiden : Fragment?

Flintlock : Nothing, forget it.

After that, we talked and discussed many things for hours, finally hanging up, he also asked me to call him first, before engaging in a fight. To which I reluctantly agreed.

Admiring myself in the mirror again, I noticed changes, my skin was devoid of any damages. And my muscles had grown stronger and proper. My body was in a sort of V-shape muscles.

[Image for reference. ]


Cooking some cabbage, I ate it as my dinner. Then, using the washroom, for purposes of releasing the stored human waste inside my body, I came out in six minutes.


Changing to my pajamas, I went to sleep, after editing some details in my notepad for future actions.

This situation... Just got even more thrilling.


Hello there! Author here! This chapter is longer than the previous one by the way. So, how was the fight? Was it good? Or am I still lacking? If so, I would be grateful for your suggestions and criticism.

Well then, just like I said before, COMMENT DAMMIT , POWERSTONES, AUTHOR OUT.


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