
Cosmos System: Transmigration to the other world

[Looking for a romantic and heart warming story, or are you looking for an Mc who breaks his limits, Then check this story out. Journey with Feng Zhen as he becomes the COSMOS Supreme Ruler in another world] Being a Librarian in the modern world, The life of Feng Zhen were full with ups and downs, that was until he died. After reincarnating in another world with a System, Feng Zhen swore not to be trampled upon in his new life. Journey with Feng Zhen as he grows to reach the peak of martial art, watching over worlds, galaxies along with his system and becoming the Supreme Ruler of the COSMOS. [ Note that this novel is rated (18)] [Never judge a book by its cover] [Don't judge the book by its cover, try reading it to chapter 15, before you make your conclusion that the story is bad] Note: I have received complain about the mc being too lustful. Note that the mc is still young and impulsive.

Advance_Writer7 · Fantasie
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138 Chs

Shi wei lian (Ten Tails Spirit Weapon) Part 3

"Argh... My head hurts like hell" muttered Feng Zhen as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Holy Molly, What in the world is this." muttered Feng Zhen with a widened eye as he stared at what was before him.

Looking from within an iron cage, Feng Zhen saw a tiny woman about 25 to 30 cm with pointy ears and wings sitting on a throne, with one of her legs crossed over the kneel of the other leg.

Actually, that wasn't just the reason he got startled. He was also startled by the blonde hair ladies dressed in green grown standing by the sides of the throne.

Well, To be specific, he wasn't startled by their beauties or their pointed ears or the tiny horns on their forehead, he was actually startled by their gigantic boobs that was hardly contained by the gown, in such a way that half of their gigantic beasts were showing.

Staring at their gigantic boobs lustfully, Feng Zhen knew that for him to get the actual size of their boobs, the assistance of the system would be need.

"I testify today" muttered Feng Zhen.

"@#$_&@#_&*@#*@&#$" said a pretty lady dressed in green grown with pointy ear and a tiny horn on her forehead, who had one of her kneel on the ground and her head faced down.

'What are they saying' thought Feng Zhen as he stood.

'There must be a way out of here...'

'I have to get out of here...'

Suddenly he heard a low roar from his right side.


Then he turned and looked at his right side, lo and behold, he saw a lying, blindfolded white and black striped tiger deranged in blood.

"Yin...Ying" muttered Feng Zhen in surprise.

Looking closer at the blood on the white and black striped tiger, Feng Zhen could tell that the blood wasn't from the tiger, Because they aren't even a single scratch on the body of the tiger.

"Seeee... Seeee... Yinying... Yinying..." whispered Feng Zhen.

The moment the blood deranged white and black striped tiger hear her name being called, she stood up and turned her face and faced the cage of Feng Zhen and excitedly shouted, "Papa".

"Uhmmm!" exclaimed the tiny human with wing and pointy ear as she looked at Feng Zhen.

'Shit! Why does she have to be that loud... Dammit! I shouldn't have called her in the first place' thought Feng Zhen with a regretful expression.

Then the middle-aged blonde hair lady that was standing on the right side of the throne walked toward Feng Zhen.

Looking at the locked young human, the woman said "What is your name"

'Huh! Did she just speak in a language I can understand' thought Feng Zhen.

"My name is Feng Zhen, Can I ask a question. Where is this place? And where am I?" asked Feng Zhen.

Then the middle-aged blonde lady that asked Feng Zhen about his name, turned and looked at the tiny woman on the throne, Which in responds the tiny woman nodded.

When the middle-aged blonde hair lady got the response of the tiny woman, she turned and looked at Feng Zhen and said, "You're in the home of Chaos and the place you're in, is the palace of the Home of Chaos".

"Home of Chaos, Something doesn't seem right here... How can they be world-class beauties around here, and they name this place a Home of chaos" said Feng Zhen.

When the ladies in the palace heard what Feng Zhen said, they all blushed, excluding the tiny woman, who had an indifferent expression.

"The person that name this place must really be a crazy, cold and stupid person" muttered Feng Zhen.


Just as Feng Zhen muttered that statement, he suddenly felt a bone crushing pressure.


"Argh---" screamed Feng Zhen in pain as he fell on his knees while using his hands to support himself.

"Kill him" coldly said the tiny woman.

"As you command your magnificent" said the middle-aged blonde lady as she took out a dagger out of her storage pouch and walked towards Feng Zhen.

Just as she was 5 meters close to Feng Zhen, something unexpected happened.

The body of Feng Zhen started glowing pure gold.

Like a bolt of lighting, something shot out of the body of Feng Zhen and started floating in midair.

Looking at the oval object floating in midair that was giving off a Divine Pressure, be it the blonde hair middle-aged lady or the tiny woman or the pretty ladies in the palace, all of them fell on their kneels with their heads brought down as they exclaimed, "The Seed of Supreme God Tian Long".




With his head bent down, Feng Zhen started grasping his breath the moment he felt the pressure disappear.

After a few seconds, the oval shaped object shoot back into the body of Feng Zhen.

"Haaa! Haaa!! Haaa!!!"

"I'm sorry...for...what I sa-" said Feng Zhen as he raised his head, only to get his words cut off by what he saw.

Lo and behold, He saw the ladies in the palace with an excited expression while staring at him, including the tiny woman.

'What the hell is going on...' thought Feng Zhen.

Unable to process what was happening, something even more strange happened.

The middle-aged blonde hair lady that took out a dagger from her storage pouch to kill him, was kneeling down in front of him.