
Chapter 7 Trading

"Rest assured, Zhao bro, my power bank will not let you down." Seeing that Zhao Zhun had agreed without even asking what the power bank was like, Lin Yun smiled and said.

"Oh? What kind of power bank is it exactly?" Zhao Zhun asked, surprised.

He'd known Lin Yun for a few years, and he knew Lin Yun wasn't a man to exaggerate. If Lin Yun said a product was nine out of ten, it wouldn't be eight. Was this power bank that Lin Yun so prized not an ordinary one?

"The capacity of the power bank is 100,000 mAh. Most importantly, most phones on the current market can be fully charged in ten minutes." Lin Yun said.

Naturally, the power bank produced by alien technology had more than this level of performance. A power bank the size of a mobile phone, let alone having 100,000 mAh, it could charge a mobile phone to full in ten minutes. It could be built with a capacity of one million mAh, or even ten million mAh, capable of instantly charging a mobile phone to full, after all, this was the result of the integration of thousands of civilizations' technologies.

How long had Earth's technological road been developing? Merely around a hundred years!

Those technological civilizations, any one of which had been developing for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years, not to mention, many of these civilizations' technologies were integrated.

However, if he really brought out a power bank with a capacity of one million or ten million mAh, capable of instantly charging a mobile phone, that would be too astonishing.

Indeed, even if he just brought out the power bank he mentioned, it would be an extraordinary thing, capable of causing a strong impact on the existing power bank market.

A product has to be good, but it can't surpass Earth's products by too much, at least not too much for the time being. This was Lin Yun's thinking.

Otherwise, it would cause a big stir, which he may not be able to handle at this time.

Lin Yun understood that harmlessness attracts vulnerability.

However, for the first product, he wanted to establish brand recognition, so it couldn't be too ordinary. Lin Yun pondered for a long time before settling on a standard of 100,000 mAh capacity, fully charging a mobile phone battery in ten minutes.

"100,000 mAh? Fully charging a mobile phone's battery in ten minutes? Are you sure you didn't misspeak?" Zhao Zhun opened his mouth wide in disbelief.

"I did not misspeak." Lin Yun confirmed with a nod.

"How big is your power bank?" Sensing something, Zhao Zhun asked again.

The battery with a larger capacity has a larger volume and weight. This is common knowledge. Power banks are meant to be convenient to carry around. If Lin Yun's power bank was too large and heavy, it would lose the essence of a power bank.

"The same size as a regular phone." Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Lin Yun, were you tricked by someone? How could there be such an amazing power bank? Moreover, the input current and voltage of mobile phones on the market are all fixed. It would be impossible to fully charge most mobile phones on the market in ten minutes, right?" Zhao Zhun pondered for a moment before saying.

Lin Yun wasn't a novice, he shouldn't make such a mistake.

It wasn't that he didn't believe Lin Yun, but the specs Lin Yun gave for the power bank were too exaggerated.

If he said a 30,000 mAh battery could fully charge a mobile phone in one hour, he might believe it. But a 100,000 mAh battery that could fully charge a mobile phone's battery in 10 minutes? This was practically a revolutionary product. It was implausible that not a ripple would have been made in the market with the emergence of such a product.

If Lin Yun was a big shot in the electronics industry, having his own lab, he might believe... But Lin Yun was just an ordinary businessman…

If this revolutionary product were to appear, and Lin Yun was chosen as the distributor, how much luck would that require?

"I'll bring the sample over in the afternoon. You'll know once you try it, Brother Zhao." Lin Yun shook his head, saying.

"Okay, wait till you come over in the afternoon, I'll have a look." Zhao nodded, his tone calm. At that moment, he felt a little disappointed.

The data Lin Yun gave for the power bank was astonishing. Many of the stats defied common sense. There was no move in the market, and Lin Yun wasn't a novice…

So, there was a high possibility that Lin Yun was lying.

Who doesn't have their ups and downs in life? Many people would do things out of character during their lows...

Moreover, you can't judge a book by its cover. He had dealt with Lin Yun on multiple occasions and had thought he had a good understanding of Lin Yun. But he could not be entirely sure of Lin Yun's true intentions. Who knew if Lin Yun was a man of ill intent?

Was it possible that Lin Yun, who had been riding the wave of success, hadn't exposed this side of his character until now? And now that he'd hit a low point, his true character suddenly blew up?

He'd been doing business in the electronics wholesale market for many years and had encountered all kinds of people, and he had been screwed over by many… Many of these people seemed honest, some even behaved honestly for a long time, but they suddenly turned unscrupulous. If it weren't for this, how could he have been played so many times?

Now, in his eyes, Lin Yun could be such a person. How could he not be disappointed knowing he thought he understood Lin Yun, and deemed him as a good person to befriend?

"Then, Brother Zhao, I'll go first and come back in the afternoon." Seeing Zhao Zhun's reaction, Lin Yun shook his head, saying with a bitter smile in his heart.

Having been in business for five years, how could he not notice Zhao Zhun's change?

He didn't explain, for without the actual product, no matter how he explained, no definite persuasion would come across. It would just make things worse.

It'd be better to bring the product in the afternoon and let everything becomes clear by then.

An hour later, Lin Yun sat down in a fast-food restaurant near the Golden Dragon Building.

Closing his eyes, Lin Yun used his thoughts to communicate with the seller on the Cosmic Trading System.

The person he was communicating with this time was the one who sold the Galactic Civilization's communication equipment production line.

"I've read the instructions for your communication equipment production line, but I'm not sure whether it can produce our local electronic products. I'll send over some of our products first, can you make some samples for me to see? I will pay whatever the amount of Spirit Energy Points it costs."

Lin Yun thought for a moment, then sent a message.

Actually, he had seen in those product instructions that the seller offered to produce some samples first. That's why he had discussed selling power banks with Brother Zhao beforehand.

"No problem, what kind of products are you planning to produce?"

Soon, the other party replied.

"This type of product."

Lin Yun put his hand in his pocket, grabbed a power bank he had just bought, and whispered "teleport".

At the same time, he sent the standard for the sample production to the other side.

The next moment, the power bank in Lin Yun's pocket disappeared.

This was the result of the efforts of the Eight Great Super Civilizations and the 72 Super Warriors, using the turbulent spatial forces in the universe, allowing items from anywhere in the universe to be quickly transported from one place to another via the Cosmic Trading System terminal. It was incredibly magical.

This spatial transmission was free, adding to the charm of the Cosmic Trading System.

About a minute later, the other party sent a message saying they had received it.

"No problem, I can produce this product. How many do you need?" The other party quickly sent a new message.

"What's the price?" Lin Yun asked.

"One Spirit Energy Point for a thousand, how does that sound?" The other party swiftly sent another message.

You could tell they were well-versed in this business.

Hearing this quote, Lin Yun was taken aback.

A thousand of these power banks, only cost one Spirit Energy Point?

You should know, in just one hour at the Golden Dragon Building, he had absorbed 0.6 Spirit Energy Points.

Does this mean that he only had to spend slightly over an hour at a place like the Golden Dragon Building to earn the Spirit Energy Points needed to buy a thousand power banks?

A 10,000 mAh quick charge power bank on the market, priced at around a hundred yuan. The power bank he's customizing has a capacity of 100,000 mAh, not to mention the quick charge feature. Even with a good bulk discount, it should sell for over a hundred yuan each.

That's over a hundred thousand yuan for a thousand!

He could earn over a hundred thousand yuan by spending just over an hour in the Golden Dragon Building. Even robbing money wouldn't be this fast!