
part - 5

after parting ways with Miyamoto and Tsubasa I went home. seeing my face mom asked about what happened. I explained the situation to them. well, they will get an official call anyway.

"what the hell is that. I will come to school and talk to them."

as soon my mom heard what happened she suddenly started to shout with rage and even dad did not try to stop them. they were so angry. luckily sora was playing in another room. I replied to mom and dad that were angry.

"just don't do that It will only make things worse."


my mom did not seem to agree with me but as soon as saw my face she became silent. even I can tell that my face is lifeless. then I continued.

"I would like to go to the countryside. to grandma since she does not use any kind of technology and only uses letters. it will take time to inform her. but after telling her I would like to go and visit and stay my entire suspension period over there."

when I said that both mom and dad became silent and after a while dad spoke

"Yeah, it might be good to have a change of pace."

"and please when I go there do not call me and also do not send any letters. I don't wanna be reminded of what happened of today until the time I stay there."


"hmmm, I will go to bed for today"

I said that and stood from the couch and ready to leave the room but mom asked me

"b-but what about dinner?"

"I am not hungry mom, thank you"

I said that while turning back and with a smile on my face and left the room and went to my room. and as soon as I entered my room I hit the bed.


in the middle of the night, katsu was not able to sleep. all he could remember was the grin of monoma who framed him and all the other students of the school. so he woke up from his bed and went to the park where the shrine he always visits is built in.

the park was near the foot of the two mountains that is far away from the residential area. and right at the foot of the mountain, there are the shrine katsu visits. he did not go to the shrine this time he went and sat on a bench and kept starring at the shrine.

*hah, haah, haaaaah*

he slumped down his head and started breathing heavily and all of a sudden he


he burst into crying. he has been holding it in from leaving the school.

"why, why, why it is always me, why it should be me. don't I deserve to live peacefully? why, why should i face these consequences. what kind of sin I have ever made. all I wished for friends at the shrine. then why the hell am I facing such a thing. oh goddddddddddddddddddd"

he has pent up a lot of frustration. he was humiliated, beaten, punished, hated all of that have pent up his frustration. it is even a miracle that he was able to hold to himself without crying all this time. he was crying out loud yet nobody cannot hear him crying. due to him being far away from the residential area

he did not even know why but he kept remembering those of the students that framed him in school. he continuously cried and kept hitting the with his fist while sitting on his knees. he was so angry, so frustrated.

he hit the ground so much that his knuckles started bleeding. his palm started to drip off blood due to him gripping it too strong. his lip was cut due to him biting it out of frustration. even though all of this has happened he could not relieve his anger. he was still remembering all those disgusting grins on the face of those students. he clutched his hair and started to pull it off and screamed

"*hic**hic* get out, get outttttt, what the hell have I done to you bastards get the hell out of my head, get the hell out of lifeeeeeeee*hic*"

he continuously remembered what happened back at the school and was crying it all out. nobody was present in the park since it was nighttime. the only sound that can be heard in the park was katsu screaming and crying.

while he was crying like that


a huge blast had been made as if a meteor was fallen from the sky and the place the blast took place was the shrine. the blast was so strong that the entire shrine was erased leaving a huge crack

katsu who was crying a second ago suddenly went to a state of trance by the sudden explosion and ran in that direction since the shrine he was visiting from his childhood had suddenly been blasted away.