
CH3:R:Un-lady-like Nobility.

" On the year 2913, the Regalian Royal Family hosted a ball for all the higher nobility, during the joyous event a plague broke out, murdering the Royal Family, the Dukes, the Duchess, and most of the upper nobility. The plague broke out from the castle and into the capital city of Regalia. This was the spark for the noble civil war, barons and lords now claim territory for themselves, splitting the country of Regalia into 5 regions." Lessons Notes from Tutor Tonselwift.



Thumping the table with Reanna's head did a world of lessons to her than the rebuking she is about to get from her tutor Frederick Tonselwift.

"Reanna Recrest of Registrar! You, you doze off again on the most important part of this historical lesson!"

The tutor Frederick fumed at the indignation of it all, slapping his rod on the table beside his blackboard with the Recrest family tree centred on the middle of its chalk markings.

"I...I apologize Tutor Tonselwift for my tardy and un-lady-like display in your scholarly presence."

Reanna slyly and profusely apologizes with a gathering sense of nonchalance to the matter of it.

Regulus, her younger brother snoring a table beside her, he suddenly snorted awake to her kicking prod.

"I'm awake, I'm awake!"

Regulus rubbing his eyes happens to be slowly regaining his consciousness from his obvious intervals of naps during the lessons.

"Regulus also apologizes for his tardy behavior and unmanly-like display towards your scholarly presence, Tutor Tonselwift."

Reanna smarmily says with a hint of mirth glittering in her hazel ocean eyes. Regulus finally stumbles fully awake to her full sentence. He slyly glares at Reanna than glances back at the blackboard at the flustered Frederick fuming through his occupation.

"You two are heir and heiress to this noble and royal family, you are 16, and 12 years of age now. You better start acting like it...Or Or?"

"You will inform our dear papa of our tardiness…"

"Yes, yes you're right. I mean, yes I will be informing your father of your blatant tardiness."

"Yes, Yes. Can you please repeat the last 15 minutes of this lesson? I did not seem to get the Recrant section, where great grandpapa Reginal marries heiress Lizbeth of Recrant."

Frederick eye twitch to Reanna feigns interest.

"It was not your great-grandfather, it was your great-granduncle Reginak who married Lizbeth of Recrant, thus stabilizing the family feud of Registrar and Recrant."

"I guess the Recrant, recanted their anger towards the Registrar."

Regulus snicker in making a not-so-clever pun. Reanna sighs deeply to his wordplay, ready to eye roll again if her brother continues.

"Yes Regulus, the Recrant did recan….."

Frederick muttered a curse. Regulus couldn't hold his chortle and laugh loudly. Reanna couldn't help herself grinning slightly.


Frederick fuming at the audacity of these noblemen. He tries to calm himself, closing his eyes to his charges. He sighs deeply and counted to 5.


"Shut up Reggie, I do not want to be here all day!"

"Ow, ow…"

After a time, Regulus peals of laughter lesson, and Reanna glares toward her brother worsen.

Frederick sighed deeply again. Reanna speculates that Frederick contemplates sometimes leaving the Recrest household.

"That's it for today. Tomorrow we will continue on this lesson, from the beginning."

Reanna and Regulus both groans at the idea of hearing Frederick speak for 2 hours again.

'2 hours of this Registrar doing this, marrying that, slaying another noble family.' Reanna sighs at the idea of listening to all of that again. Regulus peaks up to something, eager to leave but pauses as he goes off out of his chair, ready to head out of the wide room.

"Uhm, Frederick? What fair time is it today?"

Frederick pleased at Regulus inquiring nature, frowns deeply at the question spoken out of Regulus lips.

"Its 3 hours after midday, Regulus…"

Regulus ready to leave, eager to exit the scene begins to head towards the door. Reanna interest peaks deciding to un-lady-like follow Regulus who is rushing out of the room.

"Class dismiss, you may leave now…"

Frederick sighs, contemplating again to leave this place behind.

Reanna exits out of the building they were tutored in. She scans the inner garden courtyard for her quarry. Regulus is hurriedly moving towards a door leading to the inner hallway, that specific hallway leads towards the hall plaza where the family usually greets foreign and domestic dignitaries.

Reanna jaunters towards Regulus as he continues his eager walk towards his destination; passing the hallway doors. Reanna manages to catch up to her excited brother, ready to query him on his pace.

"What got you so eager Reggie?"

"Rhoadian dignitaries big sis!"

"Rhoadian diginitaries?"

Reanna ponders while keeping pace to her brothers' movements.

"There might be the infamous Rhoadian knights! The holy order of knights who fought in Gratorian plague a hundred years back!"

Regulus excited told, ready to meet his heroes. The Order of knights was founded during the Rhaodia and Gratoria conflict, they were sent by Rhaodia to fight an onslaught of rabid plague victims of Gratorian citizens in the city of Haven in Gratoria, 100 years ago.

Only a dozen warriors came out of there alive, during the aftermath of the plague they were anointed Holy Knights from Rhoadian Faith of Thy Mother. It was said each knight fought hundreds of plague victims on their own. They were known across the continent as the most fearsome and deadly of knights throughout the continent.

"Why would Rhoadian knights be in a peaceful place like this?" Reanna queries Regulus.

Regulus halt his moving pace.

"Yeah, you are right. There are no monsters here… They would not be in a place like this, but a battlefield or on a quest to save cursed villagers."

Regulus mood began to drop drastically on the notion he won't be able to see his mythical knights anytime sooner. Reanna viewing Regulus mood sighs deeply to herself.

"There might be one or two Rhaodian Knights escorting the dignitaries…"

Reanna suggests, trying to lift her brother mood up from its bleak outlook.

"Really, big sis?"

"Who knows, there might be even someone better."

"What could be better then the knights?"

"You will never know if you tarry here any longer."

Reanna quickly rushes past Regulus.

"No fair! Wait up, big sis!"

Regulus pursues her fast-moving sister towards the great hall. As they are about to enter the great hall. Two guards stand next to another near the entrance of the meeting room where papa usually lounges with dignitaries.

One of the guards is Rhoadian soldier garnered in a black and gold overcoat with a steel breastplate overlaying its ensemble, and the other is Recrest household guard with the Recrest colors, crimson and gold. They were both holding the pommels of their rapiers, staring at each other while a loud racket can be heard behind the doors.

"Where was the Rhaodian Holy Inquisitors when the Red Army's right flank was devastated by the Recrant's left brigade? Three regiments, nearly half my son's brigade were lost in that assault!"

"As per the agreement with the pope, we cannot influence the battle, but we are able to aid around the battle. Killings scouts and desserts who leave the battlefield."

"So your holy Inquisitors are degraded to become our bloodhounds you are saying?"

"We cannot give you the specific aid you request for, or it will jeopardize the trifecta agreement that was signed over 300 years ago."

"Our king has been dead for over 86 years now. The succession of the throne is vital for the stability of Regalia!"

"I'm sorry, if we interfere more, the Marcian City states might back another noble house in this civil war."

"Than what good is this agreement? Marrying my daughter to the third prince of your empire? What good are your men if they cannot help us in battle!?"

The doors slam opens, the guards both step back from an angry man dressed up as priest exits the room with a Rhaodian guard following his rear.

"Damn that curse spawn noble."

The angry man muttered.

"Come back here Merck! I'm not done talking to you, Priest!"

Another angry man shouted inside the room, looking furious at the retreating priest. It was her father, Reanna ganders in, it seems her father is furious at the Rhaodian dignitary exiting the room.

Merck snarls back to Reanna father.

"Do not worry, Lord Rembrant. We will be back in week henceforth. We will have finalized our decision by then"

Merck glares back Reanna father with vitriol and a slight hint of disgust. He then turns with his two guards on his heels.

"Come on Balic, let us leave this cursed place behind."

Merck looking back at one guardsman. The Guardsman was bigger than most men, with thick shoulders and thick arms. The guard's height was 6'feet and his weight matching his figure with a slight belly on his waistline.

As Merck and his guards walk past Regulus and Reanna, Merck mutters behind their backs.

"Oh look the demonspawn offsprings."

The two guards walking by Merck snarls as well, the one named Balic eyes Reanna with malevolent intent.

Reanna glares at their back as they exit the hallway, she then looks at Regulus looking flustered and angry at the Rhaodians leaving the scene.

"Why did he call us demon spawns? Aren't they our allies?"

Reanna angry and slightly confused at Regulus inquiry. 'Why did they call us demon spawns? And why were they so rude to papa?'

Rembrant glimpse his children outside in the hallway.

"What are you children doing here in the meeting hall?"

"We came to see the Rhaodians, Papa!"

Regulus running into the room and hugging his father by the waist.

"Nothing special about those Rhaodians my son."

Reanna's father petting his son's red hair softly. Reanna sighs at their closeness.

Regulus was always the favorite between mother and father. Not like Revon and Her, her youngest brother Regulus innocence was always endearing to my parents.

Revon was her oldest sibling, currently a major at in the war. He was stalwart to Reanna father's ambition of uniting the Regalian Kingdom, reestablishing the throne; thus stabilizing the country from war.

Reanna envies her eldest brother the most out of all her siblings, he actually gets the most freedom out of all of them. She wanted to study in the Marcian Universities, and travel the Rhaodian plains like her brother did at her age. But no, she is stuck here with her younger brother tutored by the lanky fickle Tonselwift about histories and science.

'Blah Blah Blah.' Reanna glaring at her father and brother bond together, suddenly stumble on her foot.

'Oh no, I am late!'

"Sorry papa, I have to leave. I'm late for something!"

Reanna quickly apologizes for leaving the scene.

"Late for what? And don't forget dinner is soon!" Her father rebukes her while she escapes their field of view, out into the hallway.

Reanna nearly exiting the hallway heard a near rustle, she turns to the direction of the rustle. Balic the Rhaodian guard pushes her towards the wall of the hallway. Pressing his right hand on her shoulders, pushing them against the wall.

"I've never had a cursed noble girl before..." Balic leeringly snarls at her. His breaths reeking of unmentionables hit her face with disgust.

Reanna is frozen in her motion, afraid of what Balic will do to her in the hallways.

"Get your hands off me, sir!"

"Quite pretty words, for a demonspawn slut...well not yet." Reanna petrified at his response anxious to get away from him as soon as possible.

"Don't worry girl, not now… I hope you have a good night sleep...because tomorrow, you will be having a great night of fun." Balic leeringly whispers in her ear. He then steps back, turning away from her, dismissing her presence as he exits the hallway.

Reanna aghast and afraid of his looming warning, she collapses on the floor. 'What did he mean by that?'

'Come on Reanna, you are better than this. Get up.' Reanna shakily got up, she pauses and then sighs deeply counting to 10.

'I am late.' Reanna exiting out of the hallway, heading towards the courtyard.

A few moments have passed and Reanna is now in the courtyard. Sir Jayce Recraft near the center of a grassy section of the courtyard stands there with two wooden practice swords resting on his shoulders.

"You're late my lady"

"Sorry, I was dealing with something."

"No need to apologize, let us get started."

"Can we do real steel again?"

Jayce sighs to Reanna request.

"If you wish it, my lady, then let it so."

After Jayce came back with two blunt steel sword, giving one to Reanna and preparing for the sparring lesson to start; Reanna thought to herself. 'Never again, will I be caught off guard like that. Never again.'

The sparring was brutal and fierce, most of the time it was Jayce who was getting most of the bruises from Reanna furious and heavy strike to his person.