Ideas/suggestions for cool things that any and every author can take if they want to incorporate them into their own stories and choose to use for their own stuff if they want.
Person gets card abilities and more with wishes from a ROB.
Since the ROB gave him a pen and paper to write down his three wishes, he specified them as much as possible.
Because the ROB is happy for the first time in his career no one's asking for a system, he decides to gift the MC with useful things and bonuses before sending him on his way to his next life.
The three wishes are:
* Card magic with the specifics written bellow.
* Summon cards of different beings and creatures from different worlds and franchises.
* Include/Install cards of Fate characters.
Can create cards with his magic energies and even telepathically and telekinetically control cards created. Can create all kinds of cards with different effects (and they're only permanent when the MC wants them to be as in they'll disappear/disperse/be unmade when not needed anymore and if the MC wants them, he'll just make another);
- creates sharp cards that can be thrown to cut things.
- cards that explode upon contact with target when thrown.
- cards whose size, weight, length, width and height can manipulated.
- cards whose properties can be changed e.g. changing a card to make it metal for more durability or making it rubber to bounce off of when falling or to bounce back an opponents attack etc.
- cards that can store something or someone in them by enveloping it e.g. make the card swallow a cup or put the cup or any other object really ontop of the card and it will store them in. Can't store living things permanently.
- mirror cards that can create copies of the opponents or even just their attacks. *If taken further, can use to enter and exit the mirror card realm (MC's own mirror dimension that he can enter and exit by making large mirror cards and entering them with the intention of going to the mirror realm.*
- barrier cards that are best for defence cause of magic force fields. *Can also make special detection barriers by making a field created by multiple sensor cards linked to one another surrounding a place, so once a person passes through the sensor field (nicknamed detection barrier), you'll know about intruders and other people coming.*
- sensor cards to detect movement nearby. Vibrations made that are picked up by the magic card(s).
- Elemental magic cards. Using elemental magic through these cards. Like a wand but you don't have to hold it. e.g. throwing a fireball out of the card or sream of freezing cold air or lightning bolt etc.
- Elemental summon cards that summon an unintelligent or intelligent elemental of whatever element you want to interact with the world. Summon cards create temporary body for summon to use.
- power cards. Can allow user to copy power of anyone. It's temporary and only one person's power at a time is copied.
- clone cards. Like the kage shuriken/kunai clone jutsu (throw a shuriken or kunai and do the justu and one kunai/shuriken will turn to 50 for wide AOE damage), you can clone the cards. (If used with explosive cards, is much better). *Special use of clone card magic is the cards can make clones of user but they have to be given instructions or they'll stand there doing nothing (similar to multiplex from Flash CW season 1. Guy that could clone himself and wanted revenge bla bla bla).*
Special cards given by the ROB.
They include:
Summon cards: Pokemon beast cards, Yu GI Oh (all renditions) cards, Bakugan cards, Digimon beast cards, How to train your dragon dragon beast cards, Fairy tail (the anime) dragon & Demon & God & spirits (including celestial spirits) cards, mythical cards (minotaur, chimera, griffin, Basilisk, Nemean lion, Colchis bull, Cyclops etc.), ancient cards (Dinosaurs, Mammoth, Sabertooth tigers etc.), Ben 10 alien cards minus Alien X for obvious reasons, monster hunter monster cards, Halloween monster cards (werewolf, vampire, mummies, zombies, witches etc.), the Witcher monster cards...etc. having different creatures from said worlds that the user can summon with these cards.
Include/Install cards: Rather than install skills/abilities of a random person of a class you want, these cards are character cards (i.e. instead of only using Scathatch's skills as a Lancer along with her Lancer Noble Phantasm (NP), with these character cards, they come with all the skills of a person along with all the classes they fall under and the armors, weapons and NPs they have collectively and installing the character card will allow you access to all their skills, not just ones specific to a specific class. So installing Scathatch's character card will not only give you Gae Bolg but other weapons she has from other classes, and skills with them including unrestricted magic of the character. Same with King Arthur's card. You won't just have his Saber class abilities with Excalibur and Avalon, you'll also get his other weapons, his Lancer and Rider class skills along with whatever other classes he falls under.
The Ben 10 alien cards unlike the other summon cards can also be installed by the MC to transform into his favorite Ben 10 aliens and use their abilities living out his childhood dream.
Special gift from ROB is a Generator Rex character card. Comes with the nanites and all Rex's builds and experience using them. MC can get more blueprints of things to build to add to existing builds and knowledge of Rex Salazar. e.g. Building IronMan suit etc.
Gifts from ROB are:
- UNO reverse magic card (can only be used thrice a day): Can reverse an attack aimed at you back at your opponent without them being able to avoid it no matter what they do (essentially it's like the NP that aims for the heart and no matter what you do, you can't avoid/dodge it).
- UNO swap hands card (modified): Can give the MC the object or person that was once in another person's arms. (Can be used to disarm people of their weapons. Take hostages out of terrorists arms. Remove the pin on a live grenade or bomb about to go off and make it appear in enemy hands etc.) Can be used 10 times a day.
- A master Spade or commonly known as Ace of spade. Known in games to nullify any card, even Jokers, ROB has turned it into a magic card you can only use once a week because once used, the cool down period will be a week.
- 8 physical cards (4 Kings and 4 Queens). The King card gives you the ability to copy and absorb a person's powers, because of the 4 king cards, you can only copy 4 powers (so choose wisely). The Queen card copies a person's knowledge. Can only copy knowledge 4 times. Once a person is copied from, knowledge or power, you can't copy from said person again and the card used to copy disappears like a Thanos snap happened to it. e.g if you copy Dr. Doom's power, you can't copy his knowledge. (Personally, I would choose Reed Richards, Victor Von Doom, The Ancient One and the best for last, the Watcher for all their knowledge and choose Spiderman Miles Morales, Thor, Sabertooth and Jean Grey for powers but that's just me).
- Last gift is the Jokers themselves. Two Jokers given.
One can be used to make a person follow you willingly for a year. It can be anyone. From ghost rider to Mephistopheles himself, to Galactus to Silver Surfer to a Celestial to Odin to even the Beyonder and Molecule man. Once their time of following you/ being your lackey is up, they'll go back to their lives forgetting the time they were loyal to you. (Use carefully, powerful beings like Mephisto, Odin, Celestials, etc. can find out through other ways what happened to them and the reason they're missing a year's worth of memories and most of these powerful beings are manipulators that hate being manipulated, so they can make your life hell once they find out what happened.)
Last Joker can be used to give an absolute order to anyone (except the 3 'O' beings like the Presence, TOAA, etc.) and they'll follow it to the letter, even the Beyonder can be controlled by this.