
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Fantasie
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79 Chs

Hunter Games II

Zeke returned to the locker room, seeing Moon and Raven stuff their faces with a mountain of food. They looked up at him with crumbs around their puffed faces. "Did you want some?" Moon asked with her cheeks full. "I'm...I'm good..." "Eat." Eliza growled behind him. "YAH!" He squealed jumping. "Christ! Don't do that." He said clutching his chest. "Oh, if Zeke's not hungry he won't-" Zeke quickly sat down stuffing his face, timidly glancing up to Eliza. "Good you're learning. If only you could grow." "I'm trying." He muttered. "Try harder. You've been doing well out there, although I have to say. One of you is clearly doing the most work." She said looking disappointed at Moon and Raven. "What? I helped!" Moon snapped. "With one aspect of the riddle." Moon stiffened completely mortified. "Wait, could everyone see us in that cave?" "Yes, everyone saw you be afraid of the dark." "Damn it!" "They also watched one person solve the riddles." "He couldn't of have solved the silence one without me." "Zeke. What would you have done to stop the droplets in the cave?" "Hmmmm...probably just tore pieces off my shirt, and block the dripping points?" "Who's side are you on?" "The side that didn't tell people, I had sex with a Drow." He snapped. She slunk down. "It was an accident."

"Nevertheless Drow fucker." Zeke let out a groan. "You're doing good. Keep up the work. I'm interested to see how you'll handle the next games." Eliza left the room. "That was weird." Raven said. "She never compliments people." She ducked her head back in. "That's because you have nothing to compliment." She said before leaving. "Well...that was just mean." Raven pouted. Eliza returned to the sky box seeing Alistair stood proudly next to Kenji and Adrianna. "You seem pretty confident, for someone about to lose Devourer." "I won't be losing. They have a handle on him now." "What's this now?" Kenji asked. "We have a little bet going on. Care to join Kenji?" Adrianna asked with a smug smile. "What have you wagered?" "Spine, if Zeke and his team loses." "And you get Devourer if you win?" Kenji asked with a hint of confusion. Alistair stood behind Adrianna shaking his head. "Didn't you break that weapon?" Alistair groaned. "You cheating son of a bitch!" "Thanks Kenny...Haaaaaa...fine. It's a dud weapon that I have sitting in a closet somewhere. Name another weapon you want to bet for." "I want something of equal value to Spine!" "Well I have many-" "Go with Shadow. I know he hasn't broken that one." "Really man? After everything I've done for you? You're gonna do me like that?" "You mean the same way you've been trying to 'do' my daughter?" "Shadow it is!" He said eagerly shaking Adrianna's hand.

Constantine and Alexander entered into Sakura's room, with her fully dressed. "Damn it. She's fully dressed." Alexander groaned, shoving Constantine. "Told you, we took too long to visit her." She gave them an annoyed stare. "How are you feeling?" Constantine asked. "Aside from, getting three shattered vertebrae healed? Just fucking peachy." "We can't lose the next two games." Alexander slapped his back. "Got a plan fearless leader?" He said with a smile. "The endurance lift is a three man game." Sakura cleared her throat. He rolled his eyes. "A three person team?" She nodded. "They won't be able to rely solely on that asshole." "Bitter much?" Sakura said smirking. "He got lucky!" Constantine snapped. "Don't worry, boss. We'll beat him." A horn blew. "Let's give a big cheer, for our Hunters, as we move onto the ENDURANCE LIFT!" Alexander groaned. "I don't know who, he is trying to hype up right now. This is the most boring of the games."

Zeke and Moon stood dumbfounded next to Raven, staring at the new game. A giant black metal box sat in the middle. "Hunters! Before you is one cubic metre of Deiridium, one of the hardest and heaviest metals you will find scattered throughout the continent of Verdancia. That block there weighs approximately ten tons." Moon and Zeke's jaw dropped. "The goal of the game is the name. Once you have lifted the block off the ground, your timer will begin. The team with the longest time wins!" "Uhhhh...Zeke you got a plan for this?" Moon asked. He turned to Raven. "Just how strong-" "Not that strong!" She snapped. "Well, I'm out. Maybe we just watch how the others-" Giant stone walls shot up from the ground, encasing them in a booth. "Mother fucker..." He trailed off. Zeke groaned throwing a small tantrum and walking towards the metal block. "Let's try rocking it onto a corner, and then lifting it up." The girls nodded standing beside him. They placed their hands onto the block. "On three." Zeke said. "One! Two! THREE!" He shouted. The three of them shoved with all their might, their faces going red. The block didn't move. They fell back heaving. "Son of a bitch! That is not ten fucking tons!" He snapped.

"Ah fuck it! We're up two games, let's just sandbag this one." He said taking a seat. Raven and Moon agreed taking a seat beside him. "Oh, did I say ten tons? I meant to say fifty! If you cannot lift the block for a single second, in the next 5 minutes. You will be disqualified from the game." Moon snatched Zeke by the collar. "Think of something!" She squealed. "We just need to lift this thing for a second, and it counts. We don't need to..." Zeke trailed off, seeing a score board above them. The others already had their timers ticking away. "How the fuck did they even move that thing!?" "Let me check!" Moon leapt up to peek over the wall. Her head smashed against an invisible magic circle. She fell down clutching her head crying." "Ah,ah,ah. No cheating, Miss Kim." The announcer said. She shoved Zeke. "What did I do?" "You check next time!" She pouted.

"Ha. Looks like your wonder boy, won't be winning this game. He think his way out of everything." Alistair snorted. Adrianna sucked on her teeth, looking at them concerned. "WELP!" he did a dramatic stretch. "Looks like I'll be taking Spine." "You might want to hold off on your celebration." Kenji said. "Eh?" He glanced over to Zeke pacing around the Deiridium. "What's he thinking about now? There's no strategy to this. You can either lift the damn thing or not." "Keep going Zeke." Moon cheered, nervously looking at the timer ticking down. "What's he doing?" Raven asked. "That's his thinking face. He's forming a plan, and in any second right now. He'll come up with a plan." "Alright, I have an idea." "Yes! That's my Zeke." "Your Zeke huh?" "Shut up!" Moon hissed going red. "Raven, stand on this side and shove it with everything you got. Moon blast the top on the other side." He said getting ready for a sprint. "What's the plan here?" Moon asked.

"They never specified how high. Only that it needs to lift off the ground. If we can rock it onto an edge, I can slid under it." "That's perfect!" Moon cheered. "No it's not ! He'll be crushed to death!" "I'll be fine. Now on the count of three." Raven nervously took her position. "One! Two!" Zeke took a deep breath. "THREE!" Raven shoved the Deiridium, with Moon blasting it with all her might. Seeing the block rock, Zeke quickly dove underneath, wedging himself under it. "Get to the other side!" He ordered Moon. "One more shove!" He yelled. Raven and Moon screamed inching the block onto Zeke's body. "Is it counting?" He asked with his face half buried into the ground. Moon and Raven spun around, smiling at the sight of their timer rising. They cheered jumping up and high fiving with sweat on their brow. "Zeke we did it!" They laid down checking on him. "You alright?" Moon asked. "Just peachy...I am definitely stuck." "Are you in...pain?" Raven asked concerned. "Little claustrophobic, but I'll be okay. Kinda wish I dove in face up. Let me know when the other's give up." "You're gonna stay like that till we win?" Raven asked wincing. "Yeah, why not? I'm not in any pain. Actually gonna take a nap."

Sakura and Constantine stood beside Alexander, the three of them holding the Deiridium in sync. Five minutes, sweat dripped down their brow, with their muscles aching and trembling. Alexander gnashed his teeth together, forming a smile and glanced up at the timer. The other teams had stopped, except for Zeke's team. "Hey boss....I think we can drop this thing now." "Not yet!" He growled, staring at Zeke's timer. "You really think...fuck! That they can hold this thing longer than us?" Sakura said through her teeth. "Also, five minutes behind us...." Alexander grunted. "Keep going!" He yelled. "We don't drop this till they stop!" "God damn it." They muttered. "They'll drop it soon! They have less Mana than us!" Constantine hissed. Raven and Moon sat bored next to Zeke, playing paddy cake with each other. "How you doing Zeke?" Moon asked. "How long has it been since you asked?" "Two minutes." Raven said. "Then the exact same. How are the others doing?" "Hmm?" Moon looked up to the board. "The other's have quit, except for the A team." "Alright, gonna take a nap."

Adrianna wore a smug smile next to Alistair, who the others could sense was seething. His fists clenched and shaking. His lips sucked into his teeth. "This is cheating! They all have to be lifting it!" He snapped. Adrianna slowly placed her finger onto the microphone. "Miss Kim. Miss Frost. You must also assist in lifting, otherwise you will be disqualified." They casually stuck their foot under the Deiridium, letting their toes touch it. Alistair grinded his teeth together. Ten minutes in. Sakura, Alexander and Constantine, were drenched in sweat, their legs shaking the Deiridium now sitting on their shoulders. "We have to drop!" Sakura shouted. "Not yet!" Constantine ordered. "Hey boss... She's right...We gotta drop!" Constantine scrunched his face, letting out a roar of frustration. The three tossed the block off their back. "Ladies and gentlemen. The Demon Lords have scored 11 minutes 32 seconds. Can Moon and friends beat their score?" "I hate you for naming us that." Zeke said. "Hey! There's nothing wrong with that name. It describes us perfectly. There's me, and my friends." "Eugh...whatever, how much longer, till we win?" "Five more minutes." Raven said. Zeke blew his lips, pouting.

Adrianna did an exaggerated stretch with her arms. "WELP! Looks like you'll be giving that boy Shadow." "Double or nothing!" He snapped. "Name your stakes." "Learn to walk away." Eliza said. "I have this completely in my control." Eliza shook her head and rolled her eyes. "You know this is why, we don't invite you to our poker nights right?" "Shut up!" Adrianna snapped. "The next game. Whoever is the victor of the duel wins it all. I'll throw in a set of armour of your choosing." "And if they lose?" "I take Spine, and you become my succubus for a day." "Don't take that deal. That's a terrible deal. Addy. Addy please walk away." Eliza pleaded. "Deal!" Eliza threw her hands into the air frustrated. "What was the point of asking me to keep your gambling in check, if you won't listen to me?" "It's not gambling, if you know you're gonna win." She said shaking her head at Eliza. "Don't get angry at me, if this goes horribly wrong for you." "Three, two, one!" Moon cheered. "We win!" Raven said. "Good! Now someone get this fucking thing off of me." Moon and Raven strained shoving the Deiridium off of Zeke. He stood up dusting himself off. "Well, that was easy enough. We win regardless now." Moon and Raven let out a whoop the three of them high fiving.

Constantine snarled at them walking away. "We're going to kill them." He growled. "Roger that boss." Alexander saluted. Sakura smiled at them. "He's an interesting one." "Fuck him in your own time." Alexander said. Sakura shoved him. The three retired to the locker in high spirits. "Sit down." Adrianna ordered standing in their locker room, with her arms crossed, wearing a twisted and nervous smile. "Yah!" They jumped terrified. "Did...did we do something wrong?" Zeke asked. "No, you've done exceptional." She said through her teeth. "With all due respect Headmaster Jaeger. Your face says otherwise." Raven said, with the other two nodding. "It has come to my attention that I may have made a mistake." "Ha!" Eliza snorted from behind them. "YAH!" They jumped again, clutching their chest. "Stop doing that!" Moon exclaimed. "Told you to walk away." "Could we please get some context?" Zeke asked. "She's an addict, and doesn't know how to walk away from the table."

"Okay...I'm gonna assume from that. That you have made some kind of bet on us, and if we lose you're gonna really, really suffer?" Adrianna nodded terrified. Zeke dragged his face, letting out a long groan. "So we can't just sandbag, and win off a three to one ratio anymore?" "I mean you totally can. She'll just lose her weapon, and have to become Alistair's personal sex toy for a day." "I mean half of that, doesn't actually sound like a loss." Raven said blushing. "If you knew him, you wouldn't say that." Eliza said. "What do we get in return for actually trying and then winning?" "You get a weapon and armour set from Alistair's personal collection." Zeke and Moon's eyes bulged with excitement. "A weapon?" Moon asked brimming with excitement. "An armour set?" Zeke asked trembling with joy. "You two realize, we're gonna be fighting against the top three students of this Academy right?" Raven said. They both shrugged. "Nothing we can't handle." Moon said. "You don't think they've analysed us? Know all our weaknesses and strengths? Have bonded spells? Wield the greatest forged weapons and armour sets they could afford?" "Miss Frost, please stop trying to demoralize your teammates." Adrianna snapped.

"No keep going. Maybe you'll finally put some sense into this addict." Eliza scoffed. "It's not an addiction, till you've sucked dick for it!" Adrianna snapped. The three of them looked at her concerned. "Which...I have not done." "You're about to. These three aren't trained for team duels, let alone a battle royal." "Wait. It's a free for all team duel? As in three v three?" Zeke asked concerned. "Zeke...why are you concerned? You beat him before." Moon asked. "Because, I don't know anything about the other two." "You didn't know anything about Constantine, and I watched you go all Sherlock Holmes on his ass." Raven said. "Do you know anything about them?" "She's too dumb to attend the same class as them." Raven pointed to Eliza. "I was gonna say, what she said, but with less mean words." "I don't suppose, you would help us?" Zeke asked Adrianna. "I'm honour bound to not interfere." Eliza scoffed rolling her eyes. "But she can help." "Actually...I'm gonna just sit back and let you learn from this. You kids do your best." "No, Eliza! Help!" Adrianna pleaded, chasing after her. The same thought crossed their minds. 'Her first name is Eliza?' "Well...that wasn't very helpful." Zeke took deep breath letting out a long exasperated sigh. "Raven, do you have any data on their duels?" She shook her head. "Those two don't have any duels. I have heard they always disappear for weeks at a time. Probably some private tutors or something." "Illegal under age Rift crosses." Zeke sighed. "Do you really think Headmaster Jaeger would do that?" Raven asked. "Wouldn't put it past them. Alright, whatever let's form our best strategy, with the information we have. Alexander is their Tank, not sure what Sakura would be. I do know she's fast and agile. Which means, you need to deal with her Moon." "Ohoho, don't worry, I'll deal with her." She chuckled, cracking her knuckles. He looked at her concerned. "Why did you develop hatred for her?" "No reason." Raven rolled her eyes. "Look, remember they aren't our mortal enemies, don't come at them like it's life or death." "But Master always said-" "Try and forget some of the teachings of Master Xi. Don't think that guy was all there." "I only promise to try." "Close enough."

"What did you want me to do?" "Oh. Um, nothing. Once we enter, hide in a corner somewhere." "But I can fight." She said determined. "No you can't." He shook his head. "Yes I can! Let me prove it!" Zeke rolled his eyes, before stomping the ground. "DANGER!" He screamed in her face. Raven let out an ear piercing shriek, curling in terrified. He gently let her go. The two of them waited a few seconds for Raven to stop screaming and cowering in fear. She peeked with one eye, seeing Moon and Zeke look at her unimpressed. "You caught me off guard." She pouted, turning away. "Just go and hide. I'm not gonna aggravate your anxiety." He said. "You know? How do you know?" "If Red could speak, you would never hear the end of her gossip." Moon said. "Red...betrayed me?" "You get use to it. Try not to tell her secrets, because she always has to report to him." Moon glared at Zeke. "Don't be mad, that you got caught buying seven large Big Mac meals, at 3am." "Only seven?" "It's all I could afford!" Moon snapped, folding her arms.

A horn blew. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! WE ARE FINALLY AT OUR MAIN EVENT! THE TEAM DUEL!" Cheers radiated and shook the arena. "Remember the plan. Moon, what's your job?" "Deal with the pink haired slut." "A little aggressive, but correct. Raven, what's your job?" "Go hide in the corner and cry." "Don't remember saying cry, but you got the gist of it. Alright let's go." "Hey wait!" Moon said. "What's your job?" "Yeah, what is your job? Team leader?" "Distraction. As it stands all the other Hunters were aiming second place, before we joined. Now they have a new target. I'll have them waste everything on me. Alright, so can we break and go outside now?"

"I've never seen you so excited to get into a fight before Zeke." Moon said. "If we win. We get an armour set of our choosing. That's the last piece we need to get you promoted from E to C grade." "But I want the weapon..." Moon pouted. "You already have one." "I have two hands though." She pouted, bashfully sticking out her chest at him. "Get outside." He growled. The three of them ventured out to the cheering crowds. Moon strutted out with Soul-Taker slung over her shoulder, and the fire tome tucked into the back of her pants. Raven kept her head down. Zeke walked out, trying to analyse the other teams. 'Hmm, the teams all operate on a basis. One tank, one well rounded, and a different outlier. A Spellcaster, Archer, Lancer, and then there's her...' He looked to Sakura. 'What role does she even play?' "Hunters! The rules are simple! Fight as if your life depends on it, and should anything get too...deadly. Headmaster Jaeger and our special guest of honour, Alistair Nyx, will personally ensure your safety." The two of them waved from the side lines. "With that being said! Hunters! On your marks! Get set! FIGHT!" The crowd roared to life, with the sound of blaring horns.

"Alright remember the-" "Formation C!" Constantine yelled. The three of them pulsed with Mana, the air grew frigid. Their hair bleached a snow white, and their eyes burning a raging crimson. Constantine let out a roar, with white icy smoke, infusing Sakura with crimson lightning. Alexander let out a roar, slamming the ground with his shield, shattering the earth beneath their feet, with earthen spikes shooting out. Sakura let out a roar, transforming into a black streak infused with lightning, and darted between each team. Every Hunter was taken down in a matter of seconds, with a swift swipe to their back, followed by a surge of lightning. Constantine, Alexander and Sakura returned to their starting position, their Demon's Blood turning off and returning to normal. They smirked at the completely stunned and baffled Zeke, Moon and Raven. "Plan...." Zeke trailed off.

"Huh....I think I might need to rethink our-" Constantine's lance impaled Zeke, sending him flying across the grounds. Raven instantly fell to her knees kowtowing, and tapping the ground. "I give up!" Adrianna face palmed, dragging her face down. "BRING IT ON!" Moon roared. She dashed in, aiming Alexander first, with a wide arching slash. As Soul-Taker clashed with his shield, he rebuked her attack upwards. Countering with a swift headbutt. "Tsk, stupid girl. Still letting your weapon glint off its target." Eliza snapped from the skybox. He cracked her cheek bone, and sent her stumbling back. Her eyes welled with water, her face trickled blood, and throbbed with a searing pain. "Deal with him! I'll handle her." Constantine ordered. "Roger that boss." Zeke sat up grabbing Constantine's lance. "Mother fu-" Alexander appeared on top of him, slamming his great sword down with a roar. Zeke fell through the ground, crunching and shattering the dirt beneath him. He tried to get up, with Sakura appearing behind him, and kicking his hands out. Alexander slammed his weapon onto his back, driving him further into the earth. 'These fuckers! They figured me out.'

Raven sat with the other Hunters on the sidelines, watching anxiously. Her heart beating out its chest, and her legs bouncing up and down restlessly. Constantine approached Moon with a slow gait. "No fucking cheating this time asshole." She said forcing out a smile. "I didn't ask for those two to interfere. I don't need help beating someone weak like you." "We'll see about that!" She charged in throwing feral swings. "Still predictable! Does she ever learn!?" Eliza snapped. Constantine blasted her away with a stream of golden lightning. Moon shrieked flying across the field, smouldering and singed. She forced herself up, her body aching and twitching. "You can't beat me bogan." He sneered. "Really? That's the best insult you got against me? I guess being a little daddy's boy, has it downsides." She weakly chuckled. He snarled firing another lightning bolt at her.

She blasted away the lightning surprising everyone. Moon threw Soul-Taker aside. "I'm gonna kick your ass, my way." She charged in blasting him with a giant wave. It sent him tumbling back. Rolling over his shoulder, he recovered his footing and fired a stream of lightning. Moon caught the stream in her barrier, pushing forward with a sprint. Closing the distance, she blasted Constantine in the face, shattering his nose, and sending him flying. The stream of lightning shot into the air with a thunderous echo. "Help him." Alexander ordered, slamming his weapon onto Zeke's back once more. She nodded sprinting towards Moon. Zeke gnashed his teeth together, trying to free himself from the rubble. "I call upon the god of Earth. Accept my offering, accept me as your vessel. Entomb." He leapt away, as Zeke sprung to his feet. The ground shot up encasing and enveloping Zeke in a dirt coffin. He thrashed punching and kicking at the dirt, as he was slowly pulled down. Alexander placed his hand on the coffin. "You won't be going anywhere, 'Immortal'" He said mockingly. "I didn't pick that name!" Zeke shouted punching the coffin.

The air immediately felt thin. 'Damn it! They're gonna suffocate me! Think! Think! How do I escape from this!?' Alistair smirked across the field at Adrianna, licking his lips at her. She winced disgusted. Sakura teleported behind Moon, swiping at her nape. She narrowly dodged her attack, leaping out of the way, and blasting her. She turned into a black streak, appearing from Moon's shadow. Sakura laid her chin onto her shoulder. "If you love him. Give up." Moon blushed for a second before snarling and spinning around to punch her. She hit the air, with Sakura resting her back against hers. "See that tomb? If he's panicking, he'll suffocate in a matter of seconds." "YARGH!" Moon grunted throwing a spinning hook kick. She hit nothing again. "You know what happens to a mind, when it runs out of oxygen for more than a few seconds?" She said standing behind Moon, inspecting her own nails. Moon glared from over her shoulder. "He'll go brain dead in a few seconds. Do the right thing, and give up." "Never!"

Moon spun around creating a barrier and a blast attack. Sakura dodged the blast attack, and tried to emerge from her shadow, finding her entire body frozen in place. "Gotcha." Moon smirked, holding her left palm at her. Sakura's eyes bulged with fear, seeing Moon wind up for a straight. Constantine appeared beside her, his Demon's Blood raging and pulsing a bright azure over his broken nose. He drove his fist through her cheek, sending Moon tumbling across the field. Raven cringed putting her hands together and praying. "Pray for me as well." Adrianna said. Moon spat out blood and a few of her teeth. She spotted the earthen tomb shaking and moving. "ZEKE!" She cried out, charging at Alexander. She raised her hand to blast him. Alexander activated his Demon's Blood, his muscles expanding him to a grotesque muscular state. He drove his feet into the ground, planting himself firm. He swatted her away. She cried out, skidding across the dirt. Before she could recover, Constantine drove his boot into her gut. She retched and curled into a ball, gagging and gasping for her next breath. "Open the tomb, he's out." Constantine growled, billowing white smoke, with each breath.

The tomb crumbled apart with Zeke unconscious on the ground. Sakura and Alexander stood over Moon, with Constantine grabbing Zeke. He took out a small vial, and poured directly into Zeke's eye. He woke up screaming in agony, clutching his eye, with sizzling smoke rising up. "How's that Holy water feel?" Constantine hissed. Zeke winced, breathing heavily, through the blinding pain. He looked over to Moon. "Gonna save her again?" Zeke threw a haymaker. Constantine tossed him aside, dodging the attack. "How about we play a little game? You try and hit me, and every time you miss. They break a piece of her. We'll call that one a bad start." Alexander drove his boot down onto Moon's right hand crushing it with a sickening wet crunch. She stared at Zeke stunned for a second, before letting out a blood curdling scream. She thrashed with tears streaming down her face. "MOON!" He roared, charging at them.

A red lightning bolt struck him from the side, sending him flying. Constantine appeared over him in a matter of seconds, grabbing him by his scruff. "Ah, ah. Don't cheat. That's another penalty." He nodded at Alexander. He drove his boot down onto her ankle crushing it. "THAT'S ENOUGH!" Raven screamed. "Headmaster, stop this!" "I can't. Moon screamed thrashing and writhing, bawling her eyes out , and curling into a ball. Zeke snarled his blood boiling, he lunged at Constantine, being struck by a red bolt of lightning, and sent to the ground."You must really hate her!" He cackled. Alexander placed his boot over Moon's other ankle, slowly pressing his hulking weight down on it. She let out a scream feeling it slowly being crushed and bone snapping. Sobbing and incomprehensible pain, she looked to Zeke, reaching out to him with her good hand. "Last chance 'Immortal' Can you hit me?" Constantine jabbed with a sinister grin. Zeke clenched his fists grabbing a fist of dirt. He charged in throwing the sand into his eye, and struck Constantine across the face with a feral haymaker. He barely flinched, and wagged his finger Zeke. "Dirty tricks."

He disappeared in a flash, appearing behind Zeke, and socked him in the back of the head. He fell face first, with Constantine burying his face into the ground, and dragging him towards Moon. "Look at how you failed her." He snarled. Alexander reeled back letting out a monstrous cackle. "STOP!" Zeke shouted. He watched as he crushed her left hand. Zeke thrashed and screamed, his voice breaking masked by Moon's screams. "Is that all you can do? Come on! Show us your immortality!" Constantine taunted. Alexander placed his boot on top of Moon's head, pressing it into the ground. Altering the pressure to torment her. "Headmaster! Please! You need to stop this!" Raven begged. "LOOK EVERYONE! THIS THE POWER OF THE DEMON LORDS!" Constantine boasted planting his foot down onto Zeke's head. "He...help..." Moon eked out, crying and staring at Zeke. Brimming with rage, he heard a voice that he had not heard in years.

An ethereal echo in the recesses of his mind. A hollow voice that raged inside of him. It hissed with a blood thirsty roar. Alexander pressed his boot down a little harder, breaking Moon's other cheek. Her screams were drowned out by an ethereal roar, and an explosion of Mana. Sakura, Constantine and Alexander were blown away. Alistair and Kenji felt a shiver run down their spines and their skin bump. The entire coliseum became shrouded in a frozen mist, the air so frigid, it felt hurt to open their eyes, or breath in the icy winds. Moon's pain disappeared, her wounds numb from being encased in frozen blood. She collapsed. The three swatted away the frozen mist, and gasps rung throughout the coliseum. Alistair gulped, making a fist to stop the trembling in his arms. Raven stared on both amazed and terrified. Han and Edelgard, watched from their computers, their eyes bulging out of its sockets, and their jaws swinging in the wind. Weaver watched from his private jet, with a smirk across his face. "So, that's the real you. Remind me to never make an enemy out of you Zeke."

Zeke spun around, his body surrounded by an azure ethereal, demonic Spectre that hovered over him. A twisted version of him, with spikes running along its scaled body, and two giant webbed wings. It smirked at them with a set of razor sharp teeth, and fiery golden eyes. His hair rose the sky overflowing with Mana. His eyes burned a bright crimson, and each heavy growl, billowed a white icy cloud. Zeke reeled back letting out a echoing roar, the Spectre following him. "Am I supposed to be scared!?" Constantine shouted, charging up red lightning. Zeke trudged towards Constantine, his arms hanging by his side. Constantine cackled releasing a bolt of red lightning. The Spectre snatched the bolt of the air, crushing it, in its hands. The entire stadium was silent in complete shock. "What-" The Spectre snatched Constantine by his legs, crushing them into a fine paste instantly. Before he could even react or scream, it tossed him aside. Sakura fell back, trembling and terrified.

Alexander charged in throwing his hulking armoured fist at Zeke. The Spectre caught his hand, stopping him in place. Zeke let out a low growl. "You made her cry. I'll make you suffer." The Spectre's arms snatched both of Alexander's arms, lifting him into the air. He screamed, thrashing and kicking as his arms were slowly pulled apart. First his muscles snapped, than his shoulder dislocated, this his skin tore and finally with a bloody explosion, his arms were torn off. Alexander fell to the ground unconscious, with blood spraying out violently. Zeke wore a twisted grin, raising the Spectre's arm to finish him off. His attack was blocked by Alistair palm, with Adrianna teleporting Alexander and Sakura out of the way. "That's enough. You've won." Alistair said. "I must make him suffer." He growled, spinning around to find him. "It's over. You've won. Turn it off." Zeke continued to pan around looking for Alexander. "Are you listening to me? I said turn it-" The Spectre struck Alistair away with a back hand. He was knocked back a few metres, his hand red, stinging and shaking."Go away. I must make him suffer." He growled.

'That son of a bitch. That actually hurt.' Alistair appeared in front of Zeke, driving a hammer fist onto his skull. Sending him crashing into the ground. "Down boy! The game is over." The Spectre glared at him over Zeke's body. "Should follow your master's example and-" The Spectre let out a shriek, growing in size. 'It can still get bigger?' "I said...GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Zeke roared, springing up. He threw a straight punch, connecting with Alistair's guard. 'Kid got super fast.' His eyes bulged as the Spectre's fist followed up, sending him flying into the air. Alistair landed skidding across the ground. 'The biggest threat is that Spectre. It packs a damn punch." Zeke marched towards him. "Suffer. Suffer." He repeated. Alistair smirked. "Looks like, I'll have to get a little bit serious." He boasted. The Healers stood over Moon, healing her wounds, with Raven and Adrianna beside them. "Why the fuck did you let it get this bad!?" Raven shouted. "Watch your tone with me!" "No, she's right!" The Healers shouted. Moon shot up groaning. "Hang on! We're not done yet. Your bones still aren't completely formed." "Move!" She shouted.

"Whatever! Focus on these fucking idiot!" They said gathering around Alexander, and Constantine. Raven helped Moon. "Where are you going?" "I have to...help...him." She panted. Raven pulled Moon onto her back, sprinting her out. The sight stunned them. Alistair had locked grips with Zeke's Spectre, the two of them in a stalemate, both trying to push each other way. 'That's Zeke...Is that what everyone saw that night?' She shook her head and the shock away. "ZEKE!" She screamed out. Zeke and the Spectre stepped to the side, letting Alistair throw himself off balance. "WOAH!" He shouted falling face first. "I'm okay!" She said with a teary smile, on top of Raven. "Good..." He nodded weakly. The Spectre disappeared into particles, his hair fell down gently turning black, and he fell unconscious. Alistair stood up, dusting off his shirt. "Well! That concludes the Hunter games. The winners are Moon and Friends!" He applauded alone, with the entire coliseum in a stunned silence.