
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Fantasie
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79 Chs

Chapter. Stress relief.

Zeke pulled himself out from the rubble of the neighbours house. The elderly couple looked at him horrified. He gnashed his teeth holding the giant red mark across his chest. It stung and throbbed. Adrianna summoned her armour cracking her neck. "You look ridiculous in that." Eliza said summoning a thin set of leather armour, with bunny fur wrapped around her belt. "Really? I'm the one who looks ridiculous?" 'That armour...' 'Is it someone you know?' 'No...but it is familiar.' "You kids stay here. We'll be back once we're done." The two left in a blink appearing over Zeke. "What the fuck was that for!?" He snapped. "Felt like it." Eliza shrugged. "What about their damages!? Who's going to pay for it?" "You are." Adrianna said. "I'm not doing any of that!" "Are you gonna make us pay it? We just got here." Eliza asked. "You hit me!" "Got proof?" Eliza asked. Zeke looked down at his chest the mark faded and gone. "Seems like you just flew face first into this lovely couples home. He will be more than happy to pay for the damages he caused." Eliza said. "I am not paying for shit!" Zeke snapped.

"Then make me Twig." "My name...is not TWIG!" Zeke roared activating his Demon's Blood. He tackled Eliza out of the house. The two created a giant concussive force, destroying more of the house. Adrianna handed the couple a card. "Please call President Edelgard of the Australian Hunter Agency. Let her know that she can bill me." Adrianna said with a smile before flying off. Moon and Sunny summoned their wings flying out the house. Han frantically scrambled for her keys. "Where are you going?" Raven asked. "I'm gonna go watch them fight. What else!?" "Why?" "Because I never get to see cool shit! It always happens through a Rift." "Shotgun!" Skye said racing out with her. Constantine and Sakura leapt onto Alexander's back and raced out together. Raven stood awkwardly in the dining room with the Kims and Shinseis with Red tugging at her leg. Han's car engine whirled to life. "WAIT FOR ME!" Raven shouted grabbing Red in her arms. She leapt on top the car. "GO!GO!GO!"

Soaring through the air Eliza spun her body throwing Zeke into the ground. He bounced off the asphalt, with Eliza using him to cushion her fall. She planted choppy onto his throat. "That all you got Twig?" Zeke grunted throwing her off. Charging in with Shadow, his thrust attack was parried and he was sent flying by another golf swing to the ribs. He retched at the first blow feeling the air fly out of his lungs. "Where are you heading!?" Skye asked as Han sped down the road. "I know the construction site they're talking about. We'll get there first and find a nice point to watch." Sunny flew behind Moon. "Do you know where this site is!?" Sunny asked. "Yes just follow!" Adrianna appeared on Sunny's back grabbing her wings still. The two plummeted towards the ground. "LET GO!" Sunny screamed. "Sorry, but you two are just going to have to trust us. This is what bests for him." Sunny winced as the ground closer. She felt the cold asphalt touch her skin gently. Adrianna tapped Spine five time around her. A pillar of sharp thorns held her in place. "Don't move now. You wouldn't want to cause Zeke more worry would you?" She gnashed her teeth fidgeting in the small gap.

'She's after us. Get ready.' Moon immolated herself in the night sky. Adrianna appeared in front of her holding up her hand. "I call upon the god of Dreams." Moon summoned Soul-Taker spinning in the air. "SHADOW SLASH!" Adrianna disappeared from her sight. "You two continue to exceed expectations, but-" She drove her gauntlet into Moon's visor. "You're far from causing us any grief!" She strained hurling Moon into the ground. Her body created a sonic boom. 'I can't rotate!' 'Brace our fall!' Iziel ordered. Moon blasted the ground beneath her and created a barrier at the same time slowing her descent. She fell with a solid thud that knocked some air out. Moon barely rolled out of the way, of Adrianna crashing down. She tried to take into the skies again. Adrianna appeared delivering several lightning fast taps onto Iziel. Large mound of spines grew entombing Moon. She immolated herself making the spines dig into her Iziel. "Wouldn't do that. They feed on Mana." "Let me go damn it!" Adrianna cupped Moon's face. "Remember one thing. The weak cannot protect anyone." She disappeared in a blink. Moon let out a frustrated roar trying to free herself.

Han slammed her brakes in front of the construction site. Raven and Red flew off the hood tumbling into the dirt. Han and Skye sprinted out helping them up. "Are you sure they're gonna be here? Shouldn't they be here by now?" Skye asked. Alexander, Constantine and Sakura came racing in. "Are they here!?" Sakura asked. "Not yet. I don't think they're coming here." Raven said. "Give them some time." Adrianna said. The seven jumped at the sight of her. "Eliza has her work, cut out for her." "What do you mean?" "When did you two activate your Demon's Blood?" "Umm...seven?" Sakura said. "Four years old." Constantine said proudly. "Alexander did his at nine." "Mum." Alexander whinged. "What's your point?" Han asked. "My point is that, unlike these three. Zeke is still taking baby steps to control the side effects of Demon's Blood." "And what's beating him going to do?" Raven asked. "Let him get his frustrations out." "You're not planning on winning." Sakura said. Adrianna groaned stretching her neck. "Not at all, but no one feels good hitting something that doesn't fight back. Heads up." She said looking into the night sky.

Zeke crashed through a foundation pillar. He sat up holding his ribs retching. Eliza appeared a few seconds later her hair turning back to normal. "Damn, I really didn't think the construction workers had gotten this far. Now I feel bad. You're gonna have to pay so much money." She groaned looking around. "I am, not playing this stupid fucking game of yours." Zeke said walking away holding his side. "What's wrong you scared to fight me Twig?" He ignored her. She sucked on her teeth. 'Damn it Zeke, why must you be such good sport? I'm sorry about this.' "Is this how you're gonna protect those girls Twig?" Zeke stopped. "Running and being the 'Bigger man'?" Zeke glared over his shoulder. "Last warning and final warning. Leave me-" A bag of concrete slapped Zeke in the face, breaking on impact. "What kind of fucking Demon gives a warning? You a 'ittle bit fan-say?" Zeke growled wiping his face. "Fine, you want me to fight you? Don't say I didn't-" Another bag of concrete flew into his face exploding into a grey cloud. "This isn't a fucking lawsuit, I'm an adult. I know what I'm doing."

Zeke summoned his suit and Shadow taking Sovereign stance one. "Now we're talking. Show me how you have grown." Eliza said taking the same stance. Their hair spiked into the air turning a bright snow white. The entire area became covered in a layer of ice, creating a hall of mirrors. The two released their slash at the same time. Zeke's initial slash was completely decimated by Eliza's giant slash, however it clashed with the one released from the Spectre. As their attack dissipated Eliza leapt through the air with Choppy glowing in a fiery red aura. Her eyes widen seeing Zeke bringing Shadow down to release another slash. 'Shit, forgot he could do more than just one now.' She grit her teeth letting the first slash rend her shoulder, and cleaved through the second slash. Zeke prepared himself to release another slash from a low position. Eliza planted her lead foot onto the spine of Shadow, and swung Choppy into his face. He flew through several concrete walls dragging Shadow with him. It sliced through her boot and foot.

Eliza returned to normal, jumping and hopping on one foot. "Fucker that thing is sharp!" She held her shoulder touching the more shallow wound. Her leather armour mitigating the damage on the first slash. "Want a swap yet?" Adrianna asked appearing beside her. "I'm fine. Are those two gonna interrupt us?" "They're not going anywhere." "What about the others. They know better than to interrupt. How's he doing?" "Still holding back on me, he had a clear shot on me and hesitated." Zeke sat up spitting out blood, feeling his loose molars. He slammed his fist into the ground cracking the floor and let out a echoing roar. Adrianna and Eliza turned. "I think he's getting into the mood now." Eliza groaned. "Let's get this-" The Spectre's hand wrapped around Eliza. The two looked down before locking eyes with each other. Adrianna waved at Eliza before she was violently ripped through the walls. Adrianna winced hearing her crash through each one. "She's never gonna let him live that one down."

Eliza groaned sitting up covered in rubble. "Eugh...that fucking hurt." The darkness was illuminated by the Spectre looming over her. Its fists clenched by its side. "Not gonna fight me with your sword anymore?" "You want me to let out my anger right?" Zeke growled, his voice vibrating the building. "Yeah, that's the idea. What ya got planned for me?" She smirked. Red lightning crackled and surged violently around Zeke, illuminating his boxing silhouette."Oh shit."

Zeke disappeared in a streak of red lightning. Eliza was ripped forcefully aside by Adrianna. The two skidded through a wall. Eliza sat up with Adrianna holding her right arm. A portion of it clawed away. "He's got a scary piece of magic there." Adrianna winced sucking in her lips. Eliza grimaced grabbing her limp arm. "I think we're gonna need some help for this one. We are woefully under prepared for this, and too fucking old." Eliza said. "Maybe you're too old. I feel great." "Who are you doing this bit for? It's just us here." Adrianna grabbed her phone. "Peter, I need a fav...yeah that's us. When do you think you could get-" Adrianna hung her phone up. "He's been watching us the whole time hasn't he?" "Mmhmm." "He's not gonna help till we get hurt a little bit more right?" Adrianna nodded. "Is this because-" "Oh you already know the answer!" Adrianna snapped. The two groaned forcing themselves to stand. "No bet?" "No bet." Adrianna said.

From outside the seven of them watched a bolt of red lightning shoot out from the site. "Um...do any of them have lightning powers?" Raven asked. "Mum doesn't have of those." "Neither does Eliza." Weaver said from behind them. Everyone let out a startled yelp. Tucked under his arms were Moon and Sunny mummified in webbing with only their nose and eyes exposed. "Are you here to help them?" Raven asked. "Yes, but later." He said dropping them and rubbing his jaw. "For now, I'll benefit from doing what Zeke does best." Weaver took a seat on the hood, making Han cringe. A violent roar echoed out with the Spectre appearing tripled in size. Everyone reeled back at its growth before seeing it recede. "Still think you could take him?" Sakura whispered nudging Constantine. "I didn't say that." He hissed. Moon and Sunny squirmed and writhed in their bindings. "Is this really good for Zeke?" Raven asked. "Picture him as a dam, at critical capacity. Without him releasing some of the pressure in his life, he'll cause more problems than if he didn't."

Zeke leapt into the air using a Mana step, diving head first through the construction site. Eliza banished Choppy summoning a colossal two headed maul and a hulking set of crimson plate armour. She lowered herself ready for a giant swing. Adrianna banished Spine summoning a giant glaive. Blue lights danced in the air. "Did you get rid of that ice before coming here?" Eliza asked. "I...did not." "Ah fuck-berries." A barrage of Phantom swords rushed in. The two shattered the swords with a single swing, their weapons becoming covered in a layer of frost. Panting and heaving after the barrage the two stood back to back. "I think he's out of Mana." Adrianna wheezed. "Maybe, but something feels off." The two stopped seeing cold smoke emit from each breath. "Is that you?" Eliza plucked her hair, looking at Adrianna askance. A slash tore through the ground beneath them. The two leapt out of the way with Eliza struggling to keep her balance.

Adrianna teleported Eliza out of the site, landing on top of a crane. Wave after wave shot into the air. The construction site crumbled atop of him. "He's gotta be done now." Adrianna panted. "That kid is making me work over time." Red lightning trickled over the site. Weaver stood up cracking his neck and fingers. "Clever dick!" Eliza shouted pushing Adrianna away. The rubble exploded into the air with Zeke's echoing scream ringing out. Everyone ducked for cover seeing the debris fly into the air. They stood up after hearing nothing hit the ground, except the sound of tension in strings. Looking up they saw everything suspended in the air by golden threads. Their gazes went back to Weaver with a smirk across his face. Adrianna and Eliza appeared beside Weaver haggard and covered in dents. "You couldn't have done that sooner?" Eliza panted. Weaver turned his cheek. "I'm sorry." Weaver cupped his ear." "I'm deeply sorry Peter. Happy?"

"Watch over them." "I don't get it. He should be out of Mana by now. His limit was barely a minute." Eliza said.

"He's running low that lightning takes it out of him." Weaver said looking into sky. Everyone did the same as the debris crashed down revealing Zeke floating in the air. He stared down at them with his Spectre breathing heavily, standing a top platform of ice. It continued to ripple out and break at the edges. "Is Zeke floating?" Han asked. Moon and Sunny gazed up, seeing Zeke resemble Samael atop his throne. The Spectre started to flicker. "Oh sure. Now he starts to run out." Eliza said. Red lightning enveloped Zeke and the Spectre pulsating violently. Everyone took a small step back. "That doesn't look good..." Han said her voice trembling. "You might want to take a step back miss. I don't think your body can handle what comes next." Zeke let out a shriek his Spectre growing in size. Weaver clenched his fists holding them out. A sonic boom quaked the air. Threads attached to the ground ripped slowing Zeke's approach. Han screamed ducking as she blown away.

He was stopped a few millimetres from them completely bound in golden threads. Everyone else was knocked back struggling to keep their foot. His crimson and black eye stared into them brimming with rage. Weaver's finger tips dripped with blood the taut strings digging into him. He strained keeping Zeke at bay. "I'm sorry about this Zeke. This is really going to hurt." The threads binding Zeke, slithered down his throat and into his lungs. He fell to his knees choking and clawing at his throat, returning to normal, he gasped for air. Weaver took out his lighter igniting Zeke from within. He erupted into a giant plume of fire before falling face first. Weaver shook his bleeding hands releasing Moon and Sunny. The scrambled to hold him up. "Zeke!" "Ezekiel!" Eliza sat up throwing a pebble at them. "Alright, remember this saying for the rest of your lives with Twig. Keep his balls empty, stomach full, and for the loving ever Christ. Keep him happy." She said lying flat on her back. "Remember to let him vent his frustrations. I am not doing this again. I'm too old for this shit." Eliza fist pumped excitedly. "She finally admitted it! Thank you so much Twig." "Fuck you."