
Control, Madness and Me

Shawn got captured and was forced to see his wife being raped in front of him. What happened to him? And how would he fight back something so absurd which appeared in many hentais? This is his story in venturing into the twisted world of mind controllers.

Repeehs · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Ah shit.

"If you agree to give me back my phone, your wife will be free. I will turn the bitch back to normal and disappear from your sight, never to interfere with your family again? How does that sound? If you want, I can even give you more than one bitch?"

"You bastard. You expect me to believe a single word coming out of your god damn mouth?"

"Oh well, you can choose to not believe me, but your wife is mine to play with. I can order her to go around naked and get fucked like a bitch in heat. She can help with community service, does that not sound great? Hahahahahahahaha"

"You bastard!"

The more I talked to this pig, the more I lost my cool. He was menacing. Lustful at the core, degenerate beyond imagination, born from the worst of evil, like a devil itself.

As I could not retaliate with anything meaningful, Otto stepped in.

"Oi, you really like to talk like a villain huh?"

"…Hmm? And who are you?"

"Who I am is not important, what's important is that your phone is in our hand. If you don't give back Beth along with her sanity, we will destroy your phone and report you to the police for assaulting and kidnapping."

"Oh, you really know how to play this… Then what I should do now… I can't fuck anymore girls now that it has come to this. I guess my only option left is… to run away then."

"…. Hah?"

"It's unfortunate, but I guess the phone has to be in your hand now. This bitch was not a bad sex toy, but oh well, I guess you can have it back now, Shawn."

"What do you mean, you motherfucker!?", I raised my voice as his weird remark.

"…Hmm? Whatever do you mean? It's hopeless to even try and attack you now that the police is involved and I don't even have my phone. Aren't you happy Shawn? Now your wife is a hundred times sexier, and you can play with her all you want. Am I not a good trainer? You should thank me for it. Hahahahaha"

The fat and hungry pig could not stop with its dirty jokes.

"But I am still a human being, believe it or not. You can accept my deal or leave it, I will be gone before the police could knock the door. The transfer will happen here, at your house. You have until midnight to show up. If you don't, you will never hear anything from me again and you can say goodbye to your bitch's sanity."

"I will never forgive you, you bastard! I will kill you, you hear that? I will kill you!"

"Then hurry and come to kill me. Hahahahaha"

The phone call stopped there.

*Rumble* "Damn it!"

I slammed my punch at the table. I could not do anything.

Even without the mind controlling device, he still made us play into his hands.

"...No sweats about that now, he was a better tactician than we thought", Otto said in a soothing tone.

I now had no choice but to follow with the pig's demands. He was much more dangerous than I thought, I could not tread lightly here.

"Otto, what should we do now?"

I asked Otto in a bit of hope that this developer friend of mine could think of anything.

"Honestly, I am at a loss myself."

"Is that so?"

The two of us stayed silence for a long while.


It was 10 p.m, Otto and I were now standing in front of my home's doorstep.

The house was lit, and the street was very quiet. Nothing out of the ordinary.

"Before jumping in this trap, let us review our plan of attack.", Otto said calmly.


"I will come in first and do the transfer. Shawn, you will wait here and do the look-out."

"If after 30 minutes and I don't come out then you will immediately call for the police and wake the whole neighborhood up with the recorded alarm. We can't let him escape."

"We will do this carefully. If you feel like something is strange, give me a shout, or call me on the phone."

"Ok, leave the look-out for me."

After the phone call, we took some rest and started to think up a plan.

We decided to have one doing the transfer and the other doing the watch-out. Since I might be still unstable if I saw Beth, Otto was chosen to do the meeting. Our phones were ready to be called at a moment's notice. We would have Beth back, and in exchange the bastard would have his phone so he could turn Beth back to normal.

The plan had a big flaw. The bastard could just use the phone and restrain the two of us, so it was decided that we must stay away from each other during the meeting. So that, in the worse scenario, we would not fall together.

"…Hey Shawn, I want to confirm, are you sure these sunglasses are necessary?"

"Well, from your story, the victims need to look at the phone screen in order to be controlled, right? So, the simplest solution is to blind ourselves."

Otto was truly amazing, through a few details, he had come up with countermeasures for the situation. He was truly dependable.

"Alright, no more delays, let's go!"

"Yeah, let's go!"



Otto had entered the house. He was looking around to find if something was unsual.

"The place is pretty quiet. I expect to hear more moaning and all the fucking like in a JAV."

"…Now, where to?"

Otto was careful not to be ambushed but since the phone was in his possession, he was quite confident.

"Shawn said when he left, they were upstairs, in the second bedroom, I guess I will check that first," Otto thought as he walked towards the stairs.

The lights were on, and everything looked like it was normal, the only weird thing was that the rooms were empty.

Otto walked lightly on the stairs case, trying not to make any sounds.

As he approached the bedroom door, still nothing weird had happened yet.

"This is weird, could things really go this smoothly?"

Feeling worried about the casual atmosphere which should be dangerous, Otto was hesitant to open the door.

"No, there is no turning back now."

Otto steeled himself and opened the door.

The things awaited him behind the door were not some erotic scenes from Japanese hentais or JAV, it was only Beth there, lying on the floor, and no signs of anyone else.


Confused by the reality which was different from his expectations, Otto could not help but feel like something bad was going to happen.

"In any cases, I still need to check on Beth."

Otto then proceeded to walk towards Beth, checking her condition.

Beth was naked. Her body did not suffer any injuries, her cheeks were a bit red, and from her vagina, something sticky was pouring out. She was sleeping. She looked exhausted.

"Beth! Wake up Beth! Beth!"


"No, it's me, Otto."

"…Otto? Why are you…AHHHHHHHHH"

As Beth was trying to get up, she felt pain all over her body.

"Huh? Beth, what's wrong?"

"AHHHHH. No, Ahhhhhh. Don't do it. Please stop. Ahhhhh"

"Calm down Beth! Calm down!"

Otto tried to calm Beth with words, but she kept yelling.

And while that was happening.


The room door was knocked open.

"…What the hell1?", Otto cursed out.

"Freeze! This is the police force of xx City! Otto Darwin and Shawn Jackson, you both had been charged with sexually abusing and assaulting Mrs. Jackson. Please come out and peacefully follow us!"

The room was suddenly swarmed with police officers, there were also cars and people around the house.

Otto was shocked by the situation and could not stop sweating.

Only one word came to his mind.

"…Ah shit."