
Contracted Wife Of Cold Mafia

The story you've described involves a young girl named Irene who is 20 years old and diagnosed with cancer. To fund her mother's operation, she encounters a character named Kai, who is a 25-year-old member of the mafia. They make a contract where Kai agrees to provide the necessary funds for Irene's mother's operation. As part of the agreement, Irene agrees to marry him. After a physical relationship, they develop feelings for each other and fall in love.

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18 Chs

Mom, I lied

Irene's mother, recovering in her hospital bed, regained consciousness after two hours. When she opened her eyes, she saw Irene sitting beside her. Irene's mother managed a slight smile and spoke, "Irene."

Irene lifted her head and asked, "Are you okay, Mom?" Her mother nodded, and at that moment, the doors opened, revealing Kai approaching them. Irene's mother, curious, asked Irene who he was. Before Irene could respond, she interrupted, stating that he was her boyfriend. This revelation shocked Irene, as she realized that she was obligated to marry Kai according to their contractual agreement. Irene's mother, perplexed, asked Irene if it was true that Kai was her boyfriend. In fear, Irene nodded, acknowledging that he was indeed her boyfriend.After Irene's request, Kai reluctantly followed her outside. Once they were outside, Irene pleaded with him, "Please, don't let my mom know about our contract." Kai responded coldly, "Okay," and walked away.

Irene returned to her mother's room with a slight smile on her face. Her mother, intrigued, started asking numerous questions about Kai. Irene forced a sad chuckle and replied, "Mom, I've been dating him for a few months now. He's a businessman." Her mother continued probing and asked if she was happy with him. Reluctantly, Irene lied and said, "Yes, Mom, I am happy with Kai."As Irene sat there with a smile on her face, she couldn't shake off the sadness that enveloped her. She felt guilty for lying to her mother about her relationship with Kai .

Irene realized that honesty was crucial, especially when it came to her relationship with her mother. She contemplated whether it was time to come clean and reveal the truth about the contract and her feelings towards Kai. However, fear and uncertainty held her back, as she didn't know how her mother would react.Caught between her desire for honesty and her fear of disappointing her mother, Irene struggled with conflicting emotions.

She knew that the path she had chosen was based on a lie, and she longed for a resolution that would bring clarity and understanding to the situation. But for now, she remained silently conflicted, unsure of what the future held for her and her relationship with Kai.