
Contracted Wife Of Cold Mafia

The story you've described involves a young girl named Irene who is 20 years old and diagnosed with cancer. To fund her mother's operation, she encounters a character named Kai, who is a 25-year-old member of the mafia. They make a contract where Kai agrees to provide the necessary funds for Irene's mother's operation. As part of the agreement, Irene agrees to marry him. After a physical relationship, they develop feelings for each other and fall in love.

Roylxx · Aktion
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18 Chs

Meeting him

The next morning, Irene woke up to the sound of birds chirping, and sunlight gently fell on her face, signaling the start of a new day. As she opened her eyes, she noticed her mother sleeping peacefully. Irene gently gentle tapping her and softly spoke, "Mom, wake up. It's time for your medicine." Her mother awake, and Irene helped her with her morning routine before giving her the prescribed medication.

After some time, Irene received a call from an unknown number. Curious, she picked up the call and heard Kai's deep and husky voice on the other end. His voice sent shivers down her spine, and she felt a rush of nervousness. He spoke, "Hello, we need to talk about our contract. I'll provide you with the address, and we'll meet at sharp 11 am. Don't be late." Irene, managed to respond, "Okay, sir. I will be there." As he hung up the call.

After Kai hung up the call, Irene closed her eyes and deep in thought. She couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and uncertainty about what Kai might say during their conversation. The idea that he might be involved with the Mafia weighed heavily on her mind, creating a sense of unease. She tried to gather her thoughts and prepare herself mentally for their upcoming meeting, unsure of what to expect and how to face the situation.

Irene, realizing she had to meet Kai about contract , turned to her mother and said, "Mom, I have some work to take care of. Please take care of yourself, and I'll be back soon." Concern for her mother's well-being filled her words, and she wanted to reassure her that she would return as quickly as possible. Irene made sure her mother was comfortable and had everything she needed before heading out, promising to return soon.

Irene left the hospital feeling a mixture of anticipation and nervousness as she headed home to get ready for her meeting with Mafia Kai. Upon reaching her house, she decided to take a relaxing hot water shower to refresh herself. Afterward, she applied some makeup and chose to wear simple yet elegant clothes for the meeting.

While she was preparing, her mobile phone vibrated, indicating a new message. Irene opened her phone to find a message from Kai, containing the address of the café where they were supposed to meet. Reading the message, Irene quickly gathered her belongings and left the house, ready to meet with Kai.

Irene anxiously stood at the bus stop, feeling a growing sense of fear as time passed. The thought of facing Kai's potential anger if she were to be late intensified her anxiety. Not wanting to take any chances, she decided to call a cab. Thankfully, a cab arrived promptly, and Irene hurriedly got into the vehicle.

However, as the cab started moving, they encountered heavy traffic on the road. Irene couldn't help but express her urgency to the driver, pleading for him to hurry. Unfortunately, the driver informed her that the traffic was beyond his control, and he couldn't do much to speed up the journey. Irene sighed in disappointment, realizing that she might already be late.

After a few long minutes, the cab finally arrived at its destination. Irene paid the fare and hurriedly stepped out, a mix of worry and anticipation filling her thoughts. She entered the café, thinking what might happen next, whether Kai would be angry with her for being late.