
Contracted to the unknown

Jack plopping his baby sister in such a situation wasn't easy for him. But he had no option rather than doing that. Knowing she had accepted his proposal got him relief as his rate of breathing fast was reduced. He picked up his cup of coffee and sipped. Queen faced her mirror for some minutes and she kept staring at her hands, knowing she was soon going to be putting on a ring on her fingers left her in a devastating position.

"What am I going to be putting on today? A white gown? Pink or black gown?" she said while facing Jack.

He smiled at her and asked her to follow him, she asked to take her bath before they left the house, but Jack was in a hearse, he said she was only going to take a bath when she was going to wear her marriage gown.

"At least let me change into something decent, except you want me to move around with my nightwear."

"Okay. Please make it two minutes, we have just two hours left before the wedding." he implored. While Queen resumed to her room, he remembered he had not informed the Thomson's about who was replacing Sarah. There, he picked up his phone and scrolled over it. He called the line, and it took him some seconds before he picked. "Hello, Bernard."

"Hello Jack, hope you've found a solution to the dilemma you put us through?" he asked furiously.

"Yes, my baby sister will be getting married to your son today." he voiced out.

"Queen? Because I know of just one?"

"Yes. We just had a conversation and she volunteered to replace Sarah."

"Well, I don't know if that's going to be a great idea I'll let my son know about that."

Queen was done with her clothes and soon joined Jack in the living room, she heard her brother talking on the phone and she knew it was her soon-to-be father-in-law. "Ready?"


They left for shopping, Queen opted for a single gown while Jack wanted something of standard. He wanted his baby sister to be the center of attention for the day. Left with no choice, she had to take what her brother chose for her. Done with shopping, they moved out of the shop, and on their way out of the shop, she fell on her friend who lived in the neighborhood. Sissy was from sport when she met her friend stepping out of a bridal shop with a huge package in her hands. Jack moved ahead while the two friends discussed for a while.

"What's this? And why are you handling such a big package into your hands?" Sissy asked politely.

"I'm getting married." she voiced out.

"What? You've never mentioned that, how come you are suddenly getting married?"

"Don't ask me cause I can't give you a clear explanation. But it was like a surprise, all of a sudden my brother asked me to get contracted to this man I know nothing about, never seen before and now what? Saw him desperate, what could I do? I said yes without thinking." she said, just when she placed her eyes on the package she was handling it got her more nervous.

"I don't know what to say. But girl you need some congratulatory messages cause I know it wouldn't be easy getting married to this unknown personality." she said while embracing her.

Jack was in the sun and got tired of waiting on her, he sent her some signals indicating they had to get going. Queen huge her friend and continued. Jack dropped her in front of her door, and a lady was waiting on her. It turned out to be the makeup artist who was contacted by Jack through his assistant. "Good morning madame." the lady said

"Good morning, the make up artist right?"

"Yes." They both made their entry into Queen's apartment, she left the house without taking a bath. She rushed to go freshen up, and once she was done, the artist began with her makeup and helped her with the white gown.

Sarah just got up, she had searched for her dad and he was no where. "Where did he go to?" she implored. It wasn't in his habit of leaving the house early. She took a seat and was waiting for her dad patiently, there she received a message from Bob. The billionaire she met at a night club while attending to her best friend's 26th anniversary. They both kept looking at themselves till he made the first move. He was a fairly tall man with brown eyes and slightly curved legs. Who wouldn't fall for such a guy? And above all, he was a billionaire. He was into petroleum products and equally owned several estates along the country side.

Jack was home now, but Sarah failed to notice his presence, she was busy with her phone. He did not want to disturb her, so he went straight to his room. "The place smells my dad perfume, he should be back now," she said. He was going to join her soon, as she thought. To her greatest surprise, her father was on his way out, he wore this grey coat designed by one of the best designers in the country, a dark brown shoe, and his wristwatch in his hand. For a while, Sarah said nothing, she thought her dad was only teasing. But str realized he was serious and was on his way out. "Hey papa!" she said in fear.

"Yes, do we have a problem?" he asked politely.

"No, where are you heading to like this?"

"I'm attending Harley's marriage," he said

Sarah opened her eyes widely, she refused getting married to him, and which wedding was her dad attending? She mumbled. She had no idea her dad took things into his hands.

"I see that face, you thought you could bring shame unto my name? Well, I replaced you with someone else, you are free now young lady."

"And who is that?"

"Queen!" he said firmly.

"Oops! Not a bad idea, she can get him. I got a new boyfriend handsome and rich than him, you will soon be celebrating my marriage to papa. Take care of yourself and don't forget to take some fun." she mumbled.

The lady was done with Queen and soon enough the car arrived and she batched in. It took them only 20 minutes to arrive at the hall meant for the ceremony. Harley was already in the place waiting for his bride. His dad was worried, "son, do you think it's a good idea?" he asked calmly.

"Sure, he's a fine man and I think his sister will be something close to him." he voiced out while smiling, just as he finished his speech, Queen arrived. She was looking all gorgeous in her beautiful white gown.

"Wow! She's so pretty." Harley's words when he placed eyes on her for the first time. She was scared but she had to stay firm in order not to deceive her brother. Standing in front of her, he wished he could know her more, but it wasn't possible they were in public it could only be done when they were home.

The priest began, he commenced with the laws of marriage and reminded them to support themselves in good and bad moments.

"Mr. Harley Thomson are you willing to take miss Queen Lee here as your wife?" the priest asked.

"Yes I do," he said boldly.

"Do you promise to love her in good and bad moments?"

"Yes I do." he said while looking at the priest. At this moment, Queen smiled from the inside. "Love? Is there any form of love here?" she whispered to herself.

The priest faced her and asked the same question. She turned and looked at Jack who was seated on the second seat right behind her. It was either she accepted or she brought shame unto his name. She took a deep breath and thought about her future with this total stranger standing next to her. She was wasting time, making the priest repeat himself.

"Miss Queen Lee do you accept taking Harley Thomson here as your spouse?" he said.

"Yes, I do," she said vehemently.