
Chapter 4

I just put my bag in its place when I was called into Angle's office. Knowing that nothing good would come, my colleagues looked at me with sympathy in their eyes. I know almost everyone knows what transpired yesterday. This is really terrible! What should I do?!

"Come in yourself." Before I knocked on the door, I heard Angle's angry growl.

“You're really a big shot. Everyone was working late yesterday and you were the only one who was left early!” Angle snorts.

"I've finished my task earlier. So, I got off work." This woman is so annoying.

"You always have an excuse. Do you still remember that you are a team member, you left early yesterday without telling your superior!" Angel was being a little unreasonable.

"I asked permission to Warren Wilson before I left yesterday." I had no choice but to resort to her superior.

"Heh, you're amazing. You even hooked up with Warren Wilson. One Smith isn't enough! You're a slut! Neither are you good looking, nor do you have any shame. You have strong sexual skills, don’t you? I'm telling you! Smith is mine, and stay away from him. Don't think that I don't know what you did in the elevator yesterday. Next time I find out, I'll rip your mouth off!" Angle seemed like a crazy lion, and I couldn't stand it any longer I took out the phone from my pocket which I had used for recording her voice.

"Angel, I have recorded it, and if you keep on being so rude, I will play it for everyone to hear, especially to sir Smith. So that he will know what kind of a bitch you are!" This woman is so disgusting. She’s reaching my end!

I didn’t even take a few steps away when I heard the sound of screaming. Followed by it, are the sound of things being thrown on the floor which kept echoing in the corridor.

Andie immediately came to me. “Alexia, you shouldn't get into a fight with Angel. I just found out that she's the granddaughter of the chairman of the Group. She's not easy to be messed with!”

“I won't get into trouble with her, but if she ever pisses me again, I'm out!” I said with a heavy heart.

Andie couldn’t help her advices. “But for someone like her being our superior, I would rather leave the company. She really has a great backup!”

“I just hope that she could be quiet for a few days.” My words are really coming from my heart. I won’t stand it anymore.

I was serious when I said I wasn’t going to work at this company. After all, with a superior like Angel, my future would be pretty grim. But every time I thought about quitting the job, I felt a bit sad about it...sad about what? The affection? Is it really worth staying with these kinds of mess?

Lunch in the company cafeteria

Warren suddenly sat down next to Andie and me.

"Eh? So, you guys usually come to this cafeteria to eat?" Andie looked curious.

"I thought of your identity guys that you actually eat at a fancy restaurant rather than in this cafeteria."

He is acting funny. We are not the kind of a person he thought though.

Warren took out his phone and added both of us into his contact list.

The meal was very enjoyable, although I didn’t know what kind of gossip would pop up again. Eh, I was getting tired of staying in this company. I don’t even feel the excitement I used to feel every time I come to work.

After Warren finished eating and left, Andie whispered in my ear, "Eh, Warren likes you. You see, he asked for your contact information.

"Come on, didn't he also add you to his contact list? You know what, he is after you!" I teased Andie back, but I was also thinking of Smith who offered his contact information. Gosh, this man is so intriguing.

It is Friday. I could have expected a beautiful weekend, but I found myself left with a lot of work, which shouldn't have been done by me alone.

It was clear to me that it is Angel who took advantage of her position to get me into trouble.

Being very buys with these, I hadn’t even had a sip of water the whole noon, but in spite of working really hard there is still a pile of work I would have to deal with by the end of the day even after getting Andie’s help. Later, I worked overtime all by myself, but by 9:00 pm, there are still a lot to be finished.

It was then I noticed that my mom called me several times, I quickly called her back. "Did you forget, that you have an appointment today! The guy has been waiting for you for half an hour!" Mom's tone was so urgent. I really forget that I had a blind date today. It wasn’t my style to make people wait. Let me get up early tomorrow and do the job at hand!

"Hurry! I'll call Jack and tell him you're working late and will be there soon." Mom was more anxious than me.

I didn’t really want to waste time, but I also didn’t want to make my mom angry. So, I forced myself to go and meet this guy, who I heard is a lawyer. I guessed he would be more reliable than the previous ones.

However, when I stood in front of the elevator, I got so scared, and my head started to get dizzy. I'd better climb the stairs, I wasn’t wearing high heels. So, I'd have no problem exercising.

Just as I walked towards the stair, another elevator door opened and Smith was standing inside.

"Come up."

I reluctantly entered the elevator, praying that nothing would happen. I wouldn’t be so fortunate to see Mr. Smith.

But the truth turned out to be the opposite.

The elevator strolled down, and Smith was standing near the button with his back facing me.

I was suddenly very nervous.

Oh my God, my face immediately blushed.

I didn’t even realize the elevator had stopped at the underground garage, and I didn’t have a car.

I was so embarrassed. I wanted to send Smith away and take a cab upstairs myself.

"Where are you going? I'll drive you home."

"No, no, I'll take a cab." If I would be left alone with him again, I might not be able to control myself.

Smith opened the door and I had no choice but to get in the car.

"Give me your cell phone. I will play a song."

How strange the man was! Why would he always take my phone away? But I couldn't say no to him either.

After all, he is my boss.

"You're a real slut, you're not good looking, you're good at sex, right?” I unintentionally touch the display button. The record played loudly, and I looked at him awkwardly,

God, let me dig a hole and hide myself in it forever.

"Sorry, I'll delete it." I looked at Smith who was stunned.

"No, keep it." Smith suddenly grabbed my hand and stubbornly held onto me for a long time. We were so close that our body almost touched!

I quickly scooted away and took my hand back.

I lowered my head, face flushing again.

"You're scared of me?" Smith questioned in haughtiness.


I heaved a sigh and felt a little bit relieved.

Then I couldn't help but start thinking about it again. Why didn't he let me delete the recording? Did he want to keep it as a souvenir?

"Here it is!" Smith turned his head and returned my phone.

I was so embarrassed that I couldn't even utter a simple thank you and quickly ran away.

When I arrived at the coffee shop, it was almost 11:00 pm.

I was ready to meet no one, but to my surprise, the lawyer, Jack Williams, was still there. He was surprised to hear someone entering the shop at this time.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Jack Williams?" Out of courtesy, I still introduced myself to the man.

"Well, I am! Are you-" The man looked up at me upon hearing my voice.

The moment he saw me, I could see something flashing in his eyes that quickly went away.

"Hi, I'm Alexia Brown. I'm really sorry to keep you waiting, but I was unexpectedly working late today."

"Oh, no problem no problem! Auntie already told me about it!" Jack Williams' anger vanished. He would have never thought that his aunt would introduce him to such a beautiful girl.

We started talking and the atmosphere was very pleasant.

Meanwhile, in a private room not far from me, someone was sitting in a distance where he could see me at first glance.

Although I had no intention of getting married, I thought Jack Williams was a nice guy. So, when he asked me to exchange cell phone numbers, I leisurely agreed.

It's just that I felt like I was being watched the whole night. From the moment I sat down, I could feel like someone was keeping his eyes on me, and the café bar was also strangely quiet today.

Who is that person?

I first thought I saw Smith, but then I denied the thought. Probably because I was too tired today.

"Miss Alexia, where do you live? I'll give you a ride."

"Thanks, but I don't live far from here. I can take a bus." I smiled.

After all, it was the first time we met, and even if he gave me a good impression, I would have to be careful.

"That…fine, but be careful on the road!" Jack Williams nodded gently. This gentlemanly courtesy deepened my fondness for him.

As we walked around the corner, the waiter pushed open the door, and I unconsciously glanced at a figure which made me feel like vomiting.

It was Anni Jones.

How could she be here? I glanced at her mother together with that disgusting Abby Williams and some college friends.

"Mr. Jack, why don't you go home? It's my roommate. I'll go home with her." I said goodbye to Jack Williams and walked into the room.

"Hey, look, isn't that Alexia Brown? You're on another blind date, again, huh? Your mom really thinks you're cheap and keeps setting you up with guys." Abby Williams said with a mocking smile on her face.

"Sorry, wrong room!" I deliberately avoided Abby Williams' handshake. I never wanted to touch her again because the very sight of her would bring back those terrible memories.

"Why are you walking away? Look at that blind date guy. He's not a slightest bit handsome like Johnny Evans." Abby Williams deliberately said that to make me feel pain.

"Abby Williams, do you want me to remind you when you got down on your knees and begged me to let you have Johnny Evans? As I remember, you were pregnant when you left the country, weren’t you? I'm sure you guys are already married and your kids are in elementary school."

Few people know what had happened back then. Everyone thought that Johnny Evans had dumped me and left the country with Abby Williams, but they didn't know that there was something behind.

"Alexia Brown, don't you dare talk nonsense here. It's obvious that he doesn't want you!" One of Abby Williams's friends refuted.

"Heh, you should know whether I'm bullshitting or not!" I stared at Abby Williams' face and replied coldly.