
Chapter 20

Leaving the general manager's office, I still feel dizzy.

Is God from above pitied my situation and has given me the benefit of the doubt? Back in the office, I ignored Angel’s harassment and verbal attacks. My colleagues were happy to know that I’ll be staying in the company for a while even though I’ll be taking my leave.

When I left the company, I receive a call from Andie.

"Alexia, I hit someone, and is now under investigation," Andie yells with a crying tone.

I am shocked and hurriedly leave the office to look for her.

In the hospital, the family members of the injured are very rude to me, although the police judged that Andie does not need to take the main responsibility, but they still demand that Andie pay $100,000.

We all know that this was extortion. Even if we do not agree, Andie's car insurance has not been paid in time, and the insurance company cannot help, so Andie still has to pay a lot of money. It took hours of negotiations with them; I did not expect that Jack would show up in the hospital.

After he learned about our situation, he tells the police that he is a lawyer and would handle this matter. We are very grateful.

In the afternoon, He calls and tells that the compensation was only $20,000. Andie and I are relieved.

In order to express our gratitude, we invited him to dinner together. At the dinner table, "Alexia, I am so sorry, I shouldn't......"

I stuffed some beef into his mouth, “Taste this, it is delicious." I don't mind anymore.

We both smiled. Now I just want my mother to be with me. Andie, also works hard to collect money, and I also return the money she lent me before. Money was really hard to earn.

My previous part time job crossed my mind, I could make some money by working there again, dancing in the bar. I lack of money before, I made money from this and it did serve me well.

Although I may need to wear fewer clothes, it was also a good place to make money.

It’s as if he knows that I was talking about him, Tom, my former boss called in.

"Hey, I have a good friend who just came back from abroad. I want a surprise for him, so I thought of you." Tom says, in fact, he wants to find me a long time ago.

"Boss, I went dancing, not to sell myself!" I am quite shocked.

Don’t be nervous I am not selling you out for sex stuff, it’s just that this guy likes to watch you dance, and it was your dancing style that makes him awe. So how about this offer, $2000 a night? How’s that sound?”

I was still hesitating at first, but when I heard the price, I agreed without hesitation.

One dance can earn 2000, which was great!

"Okay meet me at 10 P.M. sharp!" The boss let out a grin and hangs up the phone. I have a bad feeling and hope that tonight will be all right. Tom's bar is called Heaven, and he has a strong backup, so the business was particularly good.

Tonight, what I didn’t know that the one being surprised by his former boss was Smith.

The owner of the bar said he wanted to celebrate his birthday. He wants to refuse, but when he just returned home, he calls me and find out that I am added to the phone blacklist. He needs to find a place to release the pressure.

"Mr. Smith, don't worry, your gift will be here in 5 minutes!" Tom smirks.

I was very nervous back stage, it’s been a long time since I danced in front of an audience. The adrenaline coursing through my veins. As I’ll step out onto the stage, I’d release all the pressure that’s been stored for the past few days.

A modern dance represents my current state of mind, release, comfort, and sentimentality. The people in the audience are very happy, so beautiful, not only the stage but also the elegance of the step.

Tom was pleased with everyone's responses. He believes that Mr. Smith would be satisfied too. Sure enough, Mr. Smith smiles.

Calvin’s P.O.V

I didn’t realize that the woman I’ve been thinking through day and night would suddenly appear here, coincidentally.

I laughed frantically like a child finding his lost mother. But, seeing so many people wanting to rush to the stage and touch me, pisses me off. This girl belongs to me.

The security at Heaven Bar is very professional, before the situation got out of control, the crowd rushing towards the stage, but she safely returns to her dressing room. After a while, Tom rushes in.

Alexia’s P.O.V

"Alexia, you are great, this is your payment tonight." Tom gives me an invoice. Alexia, you did great tonight! Fascinating as ever. Here’s your payment and I’m truly sorry about the raucous that has happened outside.

"Boss, what is this?" I bat an eyebrow at him, this extra money is definitely not easy to get.

"My friend was very satisfied with you. I want to introduce you to him." Tom pushes the invoice to me.

“Boss we agreed. I’ll only dance for not prostituting for you!” I’m a little offended by the offer and a little bit mad.

"Here is your 5,000 dollars. Just chat with him!"

5000? I was attracted!

"It's just chatting. My friend is very nice and won't be rude to girls." Tom knew that I couldn't refuse the money because he discovers that I am particularly short of money recently.

"Really?" It's not the first time we met, don't worry! Let's go now, don't remove your makeup, it's pretty good." Tom stares at my face. In fact, he keeps introducing work to me because he likes me, he believes sooner or later he can get me.

Tom takes me to the suite on the top floor. When I saw the room, I felt something was wrong and want to return the money to Tom.

"Boss, I'm sorry, I don't want the money, let me go!" I beg, clutching the railing in front of the door.

"Impossible." Tom forces me into the room and locks the door. The room’s dark, and I am terrified. I beg him to let me out, but there was no one outside. Suddenly the light flashes on, and I turned around. It was Calvin! My eyes are wide open, and suddenly I felt the cold air blowing through my back.

My first reaction was to keep knocking on the door.

"Hey! Open the door and let me out!"

Of all people, why him?

If I knew it was him, I would definitely not come here! Calvin doesn't say anything, he was leaning on the sofa with a glass of wine.

I know that I couldn't get out today, so I stop struggling. I am ready for him to humiliate me again. As long as he let me go, I immediately disappear from him.

However, Calvin just put the wine glass on the table, look up at me and smirks, "Come here!” I stood still.

Calvin sneers suddenly, "Do you still want to pretend?" he suddenly stands up and walks towards me step by step,

"Didn't you say you want to quit and get married? Does your fiancé know you are like this?"

"This has nothing to do with you, please let them open the door." My hands tremble,

"It's not the first time you've been here, why are you so naive? Just give you $5,000 for chatting? Do you think you are so valuable?" Calvin touches my mouth and laughs mockingly.

This sentence was more hurtful than ever. My bag fell to the ground and the invoice fell out. Calvin stares at the invoice. I bit my lip, my body trembles because of being humiliated,

"I don't want the money! You let me go!" Calvin clenches his fists and his breath suddenly became heavy.

He wants to ask me, but disappointed from the bottom of his heart when he thought of the career path, I might be in. He can bear that I have countless ex-boyfriends, but he can't accept the fact that I may be a prostitute, even if I looks so demure!

"Impossible!" Calvin couldn't help but grab my neck.

"How many things are you lying to me? You can't dance. And secretly dating a man, which one is true and which one was fake?" My throat was pinched, and I couldn't breathe. I tried to break him, but his strength was so great that I couldn't get rid of it.

"I just know that you don't like the gifts I give, but you like playing tricks on men." Calvin got angrier with no remorse.

"How much does it cost to sleep with you?" I finally escape his clutches. When I heard what he said, I am mad, and I laugh provocatively,

"Yes, I like this kind of life, so what's the matter? At least it’s good than stealing."


"You said you like me, and I rejected you because I don't want to be trapped by a man!" I laugh, "Yes! I just like men. I like to see men being fascinated by me, flirting with me and sleeping with me. I admit it. Are you satisfied?!"

"Bitch!" Calvin clenches his fists.

"Yes, I'm a slut! Don't you want to sleep with me? Come on" I am trembled with anger and begin to take off my clothes.

Calvin stops me, "Go away!"

I won’t, I can leave, but the acting has to be finished, I continue to untie my clothes.

 I walked up to Cavin and deliberately rub his arm with my chest, and said coquettishly, "I won't go, you are a paid guest. I will satisfy you tonight~"

“Here why don’t you put on your hands all over me? Feel the heat of my body as the others did. Would you want me to dance strip for you? I could if you want me to after all you should be satisfied or I won’t get any other customers from Tom.” I snapped and provoked him. The words enraged me like no one else did before.

“What are you doing? Stop that!” Calvin looks at me with disdain.

“Why do you want me to stop? The money has been paid and I have received it the only thing to do was for you to have a pleasurable night. I am open to the thought.”

"I told you to get out!" Calvin couldn't bear it anymore. He suddenly stretches out his hand and pinned me towards the wall. To make a gap between us.

I didn't expect him to be like this, because I didn't have a good rest. I just feel that my eyes are dark and could not move.

 “It’s funny how I fell with a pig like you, a slut! I was madly in love with you.” Calvin didn't even look at me, his mood was completely full of anger now,

"Get out!" I laugh, I achieved my goal.