
Contract of Love

Ana Lucia Mendez is a young recent graduate of business administration, she has just submitted an interview to work in the prestigious company Enterprise Soler Ink. And she had never felt so happy, this was like a dream come true, this job would surely open doors in any job she wanted, so she had to do well, this was her dream, she swore to her mother that she would return everything she had done for her, being a single mother was not easy, so she had to make her proud. What Ana didn't count on was that her boss would be Alvaro Soler himself, president and owner of Enterprise Soler Ink and not only that, but he was the sexiest man on the face of the earth, one look from him made her legs shake like jelly. Alvaro Soler Intimidating, arrogant, master of his world and sexy like no other, Alvaro has built an empire in only 6 years and he is proud of it, he is lucky in business and that has made him earn a fortune at only 35 years old, a fortune that will be increased in a short time, his grandfather has died leaving him an immense fortune, But there is something that prevents him from taking it, a clause in the will of his grandfather, if he does not fulfill this clause before 1 year the fortune will be inherited automatically by his cousin Sirus, he does not care about that money he has enough for this life and the next, but his cousin and he have always lived in dispute and losing against him is not an option. Alvaro is lucky in almost everything he does, but there is one thing that no matter how hard he tries he is not able to reach commitment, with women specifically, his grandfather died worried that his beloved grandson will never find love, so he has left stipulated in his will that if Alvaro does not get married before the end of the year the fortune will pass to his other grandson Sirus Soler, the old man knows that they hate each other and compete for everything and therefore hopes that Alvaro find a woman to marry soon.

yandra_curvelo · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

With this new news she had no choice but to go and find him right now and tell him everything, she finished her breakfast and went out to the building.

Once she got there she didn't go straight to her workplace, she went to the reception.

—Hello, good morning," she greeted.

—Hello, how can I help you?

—Is it possible to see Mr. Alvaro Soler?

—Do you have an appointment?

—I don't, but it's an urgent matter I must tell him about.

—I'm sorry, but if you don't have an appointment I can't let you in.

While they were talking, the elevator opened letting Alvaro out, Ana turned her eyes and they both saw each other, Alvaro stopped in his tracks, during the last two months he had not stopped thinking about that crazy stranger and what they had done together, every now and then he saw the pictures he still had in his cell phone.

—Hello," he was the first to speak.

—How are you? —she answered.

—Well, I'm surprised to see you here.

—I know, I need to talk to you about something.

—Sure, let's go to my office," he stepped aside and invited her to accompany him back to the elevator.

Once they entered his office he invited her to take a seat.

—Well, you tell me what you want to talk about," he asked once they were face to face, Ana took a deep breath and faced him.

—I'm pregnant," she blurted out.

Ana looked down at the floor nervously waiting for his reaction.

—Are you absolutely sure it's mine?

—Yes, I haven't been with anyone else.

—I believe you if you say it's mine, we'll find a good doctor and we'll take care of it, there won't be any complications.

—What do you mean?

—We'll look for a good clinic where you won't be in danger so you can have an abortion, of course.

—How can you ask me to do something like that? I'm already two months pregnant.

—And what does that mean?

—That the baby already has a heart, Alvaro, it's alive, I'm not going to kill it.

—You're going to have it?

—I have to.

—My God, then you'll do a DNA test, I need to be sure about this and know that you're not doing it for some kind of blackmail.

—I don't have to lie to you, but however you want to do it, I have nothing to hide.

—Then in the afternoon I'll take you to perform it, where do I pick you up?

—I work here, in the administration department, I started recently, you can meet me there or I'll wait for you outside the building.

—You work here, this is unbelievable," he says sarcastically.

—This is not what you think, I applied for the position long before I met you, I didn't know who you are, I found out from the announcement of your engagement in the newspaper and I thought you had a right to know that you will have a child.

—There is no point in discussing this any further, I will meet you outside the building on your lunch hour to go to the doctor.

That night when Ana got home after everything that had happened, she had to tell her mother everything.

—You're going to kill me," she said as she fainted.

—Mom, calm down," Ana tried to calm her down as she took her in her arms and sat her on the sofa, "it was an accident, mom, but it happened and now I have to face it.

—But you are not married Ana, what will the family say, the neighbors, look how hard it was for me after your father's death, how could you think of having a baby?

—It's already happened and I can't stop the time, the important thing now is not that, but who is the father.

Her mother looks at her attentively.

—It's Alvaro Soler, the owner of the companies where I work.

—My mother, the millionaire?


—But why didn't you start with that information, we are saved, my daughter, that man will be able to give you a princess life.

—It won't be that easy, he asked me to do a dna test, mom, today I did it, in a few days we will have the results, he doesn't trust me, he thinks I did it on purpose.

—But if it's his?

—Of course, mom.

—Then what does it matter what he thinks, he must take responsibility or we will sue him, he must give you everything you need, everything will be fine, you will see, it is not exactly what I imagined for you, but God has his plans.

10 days later.

Today they must go to get the results of the DNA tests, Alvaro is at home getting ready, he has not said anything to anyone, he will still have to break the engagement, his mother will be in shock, the press will go crazy, hopefully this is a lie and nothing more or his life will be totally disrupted, he does not understand how all this happened, the memories of that night are still a little blurry in his mind.

Ana has just woken up, she has missed a lot of work lately, the discomforts of pregnancy have hit her very hard, she may be at risk of losing her job, she tries not to worry because it affects the baby but it is inevitable, she still has student debts and the fact that she barely knows the father of her child does not make things better.

—Honey, go downstairs for breakfast, today the exams are due and we have to go to the clinic," her mother tells her from the door of her room.

—Yes mom, I'll get ready and I'll be right down.

Ana went downstairs for breakfast, she tried to eat everything her mother had laid out on the table but she couldn't, she ran to the bathroom to return the little she had consumed.

— I'm sorry mom, I can't keep food down.

— Don't worry, come and drink all the juice, that discomfort will pass in a short time.

While they were having breakfast they knocked on the front door, their mother went to open it.

— Good afternoon ma'am, you must be Ana's mother, my name is Álvaro Soler, I have come to pick you up to go together to solve a matter.

— Hello Álvaro, yes I know, I was thinking of accompanying her.

— I'm sorry to bother you, but I think it's better that only the two of us go, this matter is something we must solve and face together, if you understand me.

— Of course I understand, I just hope you don't hurt her please and understand that she is sincere and has a noble soul, she would never do anything to hurt you, things just happened and now you must be responsible adults.

— I know, don't worry, she will be fine.

— Please come in.

They both enter the house and meet Ana in the dining room.

— Alvaro, what are you doing here?

— I know you haven't been feeling well these days so I thought I would pick you up and we would go together for the results, then I will bring you back to your house, no matter the result.

— You are very kind, I hope we can understand each other, it is not my intention to complicate your life, I am really sorry.

— This is cause for both of us Ana, don't apologize, we'll see what happens as we go along, now we should go or we'll be late.

— Yes of course — Ana takes her things and says goodbye to her mother.

— I love you sweetheart, remember you are strong and brave, I am proud of you no matter what, you are my baby and my greatest gift.

Álvaro listens to the words of Ana's mother to her daughter and is pleased to know that at least she grew up surrounded by love, because it is clear that she did not have many luxuries, they would have time to know each other thoroughly, they did not look like bad people, he began to believe that the baby was definitely his, he would have to start making the necessary arrangements in his life for Ana and the baby to be part of it, he was not sure of many things but he suspected that his grandfather was getting involved in this matter from the beyond.

When he left the clinic everything changed, now it was a reality that Álvaro Soler would be a father in a few months, the idea scared him and excited him in equal parts, they were not the best circumstances but what was done was done.

—Now that we know the truth, I think we should do things right," he says as he drives.

—What do you mean?

—We will go to a jewelry store and buy the wedding rings, we must do the right thing for the baby Ana.

— It's not necessary to do that Alvaro, we are in the twenty first century, I just hope you are present in their life, I didn't have my dad and I know how hard it can be to grow up like that.

— I don't plan to abandon them, we will be a family now, I know it is not ideal or the most romantic thing, but it is not about that anymore, now we must think about what is best for our son, we will go to eat something because you must be well fed and then we will go for those rings, I know women dream about the big wedding, but it will be better if we do something discreet and intimate.

— I don't see the need for us to get married for real.

— My family will not allow us to live that way, and I know your mother would be happy if she sees her little girl dressed as a bride.

That last thing convinced her, she knows that it would be her mother's peace of mind and in a way the protection of her baby.

— Okay, let's do it.