

Maya is an impudent heiress of her father’s empire and is very uninterested in marriage talk. Unaware that her father was sick, her father wants to have a grandson since he doesn’t have much time left and so he give her a condition that she has to marry a husband or lose her inheritance, so she approaches Kendrick , her driver to be her temporary husband. Kendrick accepts the contract to save his dying girlfriend, Sofia who Maya has no idea about and Maya gradually falls in love with Kendrick. What happens when Sofia gets better and is demanding to get married to Kendrick? What will happen when Maya finds out about Kendrick’s sick girlfriend? Will there be a love triangle between Maya, Kendrick and Sofia? Find out in this exciting novel

khaozarat_adebayo · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Princely and the Beast

The sun wore a fair smile in the blue sky, gleaming her fair share of magical beauty. A perfect weather, most would have thought. However, Kendrick's light elbow-length shirt soaked profusely. he panted rhythmically as he made out of the door with a heavy black box he jerked in his two hands. "Can you carry that any better. Don't be such a wimp". Maya jeered, while Sharon, Maya's pudgy friend chuckled in scorn from behind her as they walked out of the front titanium built door, with a facial and voice recognition sensor built to it. The door was the entrance to the spacious mansion bathed in milk and ash colored paint, giving it a fine blend. there were six cars parked at the car space, with a Basket ball and a Tennis court set up opposite each other on the far end of the spacious compound.

The vastness was massive with several tall coconut trees lined in order, providing a lovely nature feel to the expensively-built house. The house also had a sixteen by thirty-two feet swimming pool sitting by the right side of the compound, with a lovely flower bed by the walls of the compound.

'Maya, your tongue is as sharp as a samurai's blade. i hope you don't cut someone down with it someday".

Pudgy Sharon joked in a playful tone, her face still wearing a wide laugh, poofing out her chubby cheeks to form a cute dimple.m

"Oh, he will survive, Sharon. He always does". Maya replied with a flick of her hand, depicting triviality. Kendrick pressed a button and the car kicked in with a revving sound, he then turned it to an abrupt off. Jerking from the car, he trodded to where Maya and Sharon were sharing a drink in a bar set by the pool, with raffia made chairs and tables arranged in triangular form in 

a set of 1 2. They basked in an aura of laughter, while they drank. "The car is ready miss Maya". Kendrick said, with a faint smile-on his face.

"Thank you, you can leave now". Maya shoved him off with a flick of her hand. In minutes, Maya and Sharon were in the backseat. Kendrick pressed the on-button and the black-thunder Maron squealed into motion. The protector gate slid open itself as the car drove out onto the road, sliding back to an automatic lock.

In minutes, Kendrick had stopped within the prestigious , prominent, and jaw-dropping leading tech companies in all of MEADOW city, "CONNORQUIM ENTERPRISE". " WOW! your dad has really done great with Connorquim" Sharon said perusing the whole building in wonder. "Duh! i would do better than he did. You'll see. All my plans for my dada's legacy to continue in the sands of time, will be fruitful". Maya said, in boastful confidence. As Kendrick stretched his hand to cock the car handle open, it whined open.

"How long does it take you to open a car-door, you moron!" she snapped lightly coming out from the car.

" You need to understand i have got a company to run and it's urgency can never be overemphasized" Maya added.

Her tone filled with fierceness, but not loud. Her audaciousness combined with her facial charm was indeed a direct innuendo of the old greek myth, Medusa, the perfect beauty but a monsters she was cursed to become. the only difference was, Maya wasn't cursed she was just grumpy and obnoxious out of her will. Maya's blue retinas were fitting to her oval-shaped face with a french-sized looking nose and a small pink lips to match, a beauty she bested with brains.

One thing Kendrick did like about her was her love for family and her ability to stir someone's mood up. She was also a natural-faced lover. she would only make up fairly, when she had launch-parties or weddings of dignitaries to attend. A touch of her she saw in his girlfriend, Sofia.

But here, right now , at this moment! he wasn't seeing any of those charming physical features, just some snarky, grumpy, prideful young lady with a temper as bad as his pay. He had thought of leaving the job, but there were no options to choose from.

"And what would be Sofia' fate?" he gave thought to that several times. She was diagnosed of an inflamed appendix and was due for an appendectomy surgery, but the due date had passed because he couldn't meet up with the financial provisions. He knew he needed to save enough for the surgery. " I must go through the hellish and unwholesome attitude of his boss' daughter, Maya to meet his goal".

"I am truly sorry miss Maya. It won't happen again". Kendrick blurted in a calm, soft tone.

Fortunately for KENDRICK he wouldn't be dropping off  Sharon. she works for Maya, as her personal secretary and confidante. So, both would be at work. Kendrick gave a sigh of relief. At least, for ten hours he would be free from Maya's constant boorish talks and sarcastic jeers. ' I think i need to go have a sight of Sofia's wellbeing" He thought, throwing the key to the air, and swooping it immediately. Je smiled and moved to the car. In an instant he pressed the car to a start, and soon he veered off on the road.

Sofia laid on the hospital bed, eyes glued at the television screen. Her scrawny, pale body spoke in clear light how badly the sickness had eaten her up. She was on a drip, with fruits and veggies by the side of her bed. She laughed weakly as she continued her focus on the screen. Comedy was her only way to relieve her mind from pessimistic thoughts, and her doctor had suggested to Kendrick that negative news be cancelled from her ears to avoid her recuperation been affected.

"This dude must be..." before she could say Jack. "Kendrick !!" Sofia called out happily, but in a weak voice.

Her face brimming with a fine smile that exposed her cheek bone. She might look sickly , but her beauty was unaffected by her situation. Kendrick faked a smile as he walked in. He was sad, seeing how scrawny and lean she had gotten. His mind shot to the past when his love, Sofia had cheeks as chubby as an oversized baby. And her skin were as fair as the new morning's dawn, but now the sickness had dimmed the fairness of her skin color, and eating her chubby cheeks up.

Sofia saw the glint of sadness that doused his smile. She would always know when his "birdie" was sad, even when he covered it with a spurious smile. She had dated Kendrick for two years, having met at a diner back in College. She knew his smile was more lovely than what she sees now. They had planed to get ringed at the altar, before Sofia was caught up with the ailment. "Babe. Stop please. I will be fine". Sofia grunted a little as she whispered weakly.

"As if noticing that Sofia had seen the sadness that tore his smiles, he gave a light smirk. "I know babe, just...". Kendrick ran out of words, while he held her two hands with his and putting his stare into her eyes.

"I-just can't live without you, Sofia". Kendrick whimpered, his eyes gradually drenching his cheeks with light tears, while he still smiled. Sofia, saw the pain in his eyes, while still in hands with him. She had decided she was going to disabuse her mind from whatsoever would make her cry, but, there she went again, crying like a baby who yearned after her mother. In each other's arms they surrendered their pains.

"I love you to the very last of my strength and to the last drop of my blood" Kendrick whispered passionately, his hands around her. "I love you too, birdie. To the very end of space and life itself". Sofia replied , sniffling. Kendrick held her face and pecked her forehead softly, just then his pocket buzzed. It was his phone. It might be Maya, he thought. He stood all he bought for her on the adjustable board by her side.

"Babe, I have to hurry, I think my boss is done from work" Kendrick said, swinging his phone from his pocket as he swiped it and placed it on his ear. He bopped his head with a sigh of exasperation. "I knew it would be her". Kendrick continued tired.

"She needs to take it easy on you, Kendrick " Sofia said softly, gaining her voice back a little. " You don't want to get overworked to a bad health" Sofia added with vigor.

"I know babe. I know, but don't you worry about me. I will be fine". Kendrick said reassuringly, with a fine smile. " I always am" He added, confidently.

"I love you birdie" Sofia said, grinning widely. "And i, you, my barbie". Kendrick replied, stressing on each part of the word as he pronounced in a rather funny, but quirky way. Sofia sniggered chirpily. She loved being called Barbie. A title that has stuck on through time. She had cute blue eyes and wobbly cheeks that made her resemblance to the cartoon character unarguable.

"See you soon, barbie" Kendrick added. kissing her on the cheek. He clicked his fingers, as if he just remembered something. "Try not to miss me much, huh!" He blurted, smiling lavishly with a wink as he made for the door. A soft thud came right behind him as he exited. The car revved in motion, and he was on the way.

"On a scale of 1 -1 0, how dorky are you?" Maya asked rhetorically in a tone that depicted anger.

"How could you have left me here, for eight good minutes". Maya continued. Her tone getting louder and fiercer. She poked her index finger at him in audacious confidence blended with anger.

"You had better not be wasteful and brainless with my time, next time" Maya turned to get the car opened, but as she tilted her eyes back to him, that a heavy smack had come on his cheeks. He tilted his face in reflex, holding his cheek with his hand and a w

face. He had apologized but, what he got for it was a hard clap to his face. "You are one step away to getting into the car and getting me out of here, to being a jobless twat" Maya added, indifferent to Kendrick sorry state. He had felt insulted on several occasions, but this, this was the peak. He felt less than a man, than a wolf felt as a wild dog. But indifferent Maya gave a hiss, as she walked away. Kendrick day had seen worse in a job, compared to when he was a baker at "Mr Chen's Bread House". This was a choke on his neck, but he still had to endure till he found a way to scale free. He reasoned deeply. "I've got something to lose, and it's not what i would love to lose, if i lose this job" He thought aloud. Tears trickled his cheeks as his mind continued to think. "Say what now?" Maya asked, overhearing his incoherent mutterings.

" Oh! not....hing at.. all miss Maya" He stuttered, tilting his face to the other side from her to conceal his tears. He immediately wiped his eyes with his shoulders. "You better get your head focused on the wheel. I am so unready to have a covered grave along with your pathetic, boring life" Maya said in a chuckled jeer. Maya heard a buzz in her hand bag. It was her phone. Mya immediately jerked her phone to her ears.

"Hello dad!" She answered with enthusiasm. "I am great dad". She paused a while, and continued. "Yeah, the company is dong great too. in fact, let me be the first to announce to you that the space arms designer prototype was given a go-ahead by the Chief of Defense Staff, himself". She said proudly.

Kendrick stole a sight of her from the rearview mirror. She wore a smile as beautiful as cartoon characters, fine tuned with a lovely dimple that almost resounded his heart with a tingling feeling. "Not bad for a grumpy". Kendrick thought, giving a not-bad shrug. Her black hair had a silky, smooth touch to it. Flowing down to her shoulders and her well brushed and beautified eye-brows matched her face, making it look like an American-Indian's. Her lips had impeccable softness, that radiated with alluring looks that most men didn't know how to shut off from her. But Maya's unsavory characteristics did the job for her, a lot too well.

"I wouldn't even think of it, she has a bad attitude". Kendrick thought to himself. "Plus, i've got all i want in Sofia". He smiled, nodding in affirmation. "If i can just..." Kendrick was brought back from his thought by Maya's enthusiastic conversation with her dad. Although, she had a bad attitude, but Kendrick was happy to see her all smiles and laughing genuinely, and not in a jeer to someone's mistakes. "I can't wait to see you dad! Missed you" Maya chirped happily. "Oh! come on! dad!" Her face had gone into a scowl.

 "Dad! i am unready for this now. Remember the company needs to be in good shape, considering how senile you getting". she sighed in exasperation, holding her forehead as if she had an ache. "What's the use of a man, when i can always adopt to continue your legacy?" Maya argued, her tone saturated with confidence and stillness. "Okay, i am sorry dad. i..am..sorry!!" she stressed the words one to the other. sighing, "Didn't mean to be disrespectful" she said, her voice lower than usual.

"Wow!" Kendrick thought, surprised. "She could actually say those words? "I am sorry?!" Kendrick nodded in disbelief, staring through the rearview mirror and half focused on the road. "Probably, it's cos it's her dad" kendrick thought again. "Okay dad. How about we finish this when you're back from vacation?" Maya asked calmly, popping her make-up clean off her pink looking cheeks and red painted lips. She never liked it anyways, only because Sharon would impose it on her to do so, which she seldomly agrees to. Today, she had to, but work was over and she was headed home.

She wiped the pink color off her cheeks and the red off of her lips, while she stared at the mirror. "Okay dad, love you!" she blurted perkily. She gave a sigh of relief, as she brought out her AirPods, and with a swipe on the phone, melodious tunes blasted into her ears. "Love, love, love. This is not my world to love". She sang, with her AirPods glued to her ears. She swerved her body while seated, oblivious of Kendrick taking a slight notice of her.

Her voice seemed to blossomed sonorously to the track. Every keys and notes blending to the track to make a lovely tune that her voice sounded even more beautiful without the track playing through her AirPods. She swung her hands high and her body jived side to side. She pointed at Kendrick in a fancy move, bopping her head to the track.

"This love makes me go dark from living". She danced her eyebrows attractively. "So take me home where my heart is lost from love" Maya sang with smiles beaming her face. Kendrick observed her, half focused on the road with weird happiness. He was also caught in the liveliness that Maya surrounded the atmosphere with. She might beanery, spoilt-brat, but she sure knows how to lighten the mood, when she wants to.

"So, What do you think? Kendrick?" Maya asked noticing how much he had being watching her from the rearview mirror.

"Wha..what..wha..me?" Kendrick stuttered, stupefied by the sudden question popped to him.

"Yes, you doofus!" she replied sniggering. "Who else is in the car with me?" she asked rhetorically, squinting her eyes coyishly at Kendrick face, through the mirror. "What do you think about love?" She inquired, outing a witty smile. She waited to hear kendrick's unintelligent answer, so she could talk him down like always. Kendrick cleared his throat, re- adjusting himself on the wheel.

" I feel love is a beauty unshaded and unblinded by imperfections or flaws, rather they make love perfect. And i think regardless of who we are, and how imperfect or flawless we are, it still doesn't look at that, instead it looks at the magic we all can create together from the storm and imperfections".

Kendrick boldness and confidence jolting out. A part of him he didn't feel existed anymore. A public speaker back in college. He had helped students in their final year get a reduction in fees through his public speaking and also drove the hands of the chancellors and Deans to supporting students with scholarships. All these were his life, before he dropped out and a new life as a chauffeur began. "Wow! not bad for a chauffeur " Maya exclaimed, sipping a gold liquid from a glass cup.

" Not bad Kendrick , not bad" She patted his shoulder lightly, impressed by the reply Kendrick had given. " you indeed averted my hurricane" She said, laughing. Kendrick who comprehended what she meant joined in the laughter. First time in his whole life as a chauffeur, he had taken a laugh with the hard-to-please Maya. "She wasn't all that bad, just a little tweak here and..." A light knock on his head brought him back to reality. "Are you trying to ram us to the gate?" She said in a vague smile.

"My apologies, miss Maya" Kendrick replied softly. He was liking this Maya that bubbled with exhilaration.

Maya had always being a no-duller for the fun-life. She knew how to spark moods up to colorful liveliness. A part of her that endeared Kendrick to her.