
Considering The Circumstances

Hiashi Hyuuga sends Hinata to public school for the first time. From day one, she struggles to figure out who are her friends and who's just pretending to be. One thing's for sure: the silver-haired, foul-mouthed guy that Konan hangs out with is as intimidating as he is attractive. (I'm aware of how crazy this pairing is, but I don't care!) Rated M for a reason!

Hina5enpai · Anime und Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 22

A pressure so intense that it was painful held Hinata's wrists to the ground.

'What's going on? I fell asleep in Hidan's room. It's not him doing this, right?'

She tried to wake herself up, but the process was slow. Somehow, she managed to mumble out groggily, "...it hurts…."

Weight appeared atop her hips, and then the sleep disappeared instantly. Her eyes shot open to lock onto cold brown ones, long white hair framing her attacker's face. Terror flooded her entire being, and then Hinata woke up, sitting up straight with a gasp and wide eyes. A throbbing came at her temples, likely a hangover, but the tightness in her chest was much worse.

'I'm alright. It was just another nightmare. Kabuto's not here.'

An arm slid around her waist as she wiped her tears, and she was pulled back to the bed. For a moment, she was scared, but then she recognized Hidan's familiar scent and sighed in relief, hands lightly grasping the arm across her middle. Half-lidded, sleepy, magenta eyes were watching her when she turned her head on the pillow.

The room was still dark, meaning it wasn't yet morning. It was probably not far away since the music that'd played downstairs last night was no longer there. The house was silent.

Unsure if Hidan realized what'd just happened, Hinata turned her head back to how it was and stared at the ceiling as she tried to calm her breathing. When successful, the girl closed her eyes and moved slightly closer to her boyfriend.

Even if he was awake enough to comprehend that she'd had a nightmare, he didn't say anything. It wasn't in his character, anyway. Neither was being openly comforting, but he still tightened his hold around her and pressed a kiss into her bare shoulder before reclosing his eyes to fall asleep again.

Hinata hesitantly looked at him once more when she realized he wasn't going to say anything and stared in wonder at his sleeping face. None of the irritated tension he often holds in his brow was there, making Hidan appear more approachable.

'He looks cute,' she thought with a blush rising to her cheeks. He'd definitely get mad if she said that to his face, but it was still the truth.

Her thoughts returned to what they'd done together just hours ago. Rather than make her panic, it made warmth swell in her chest. Hinata didn't regret it one bit. Though he said he wouldn't go easy on her, he still waited until it no longer hurt before relaxing. Hidan ensured she wouldn't be traumatized by the act and made sure it felt good by the end.

'He really is a big sweetheart. It's a shame he doesn't let anyone else see it,' she mused, a smile tugging at her lips as she carefully turned onto her side to face him fully. 'Then again, it's kind of flattering that he treats me differently.'

The giddy, happy feelings became too much for Hinata to bear, and she hesitantly wrapped her arms around his head, pulling his face to her chest. Surprisingly, Hidan responded, obviously awake though she was sure he'd been asleep. The silver-haired man wrapped both arms around her middle and pulled himself flush against her.

The previously mild blush on the Hyuuga's face warmed substantially as she absently ran her fingers into his hair soothingly, '...this is way more intimate than I expected Hidan to allow….'

As she fell asleep again, she couldn't help but wonder if he'd wait for her to return from being sent away. They'll be apart from January to the middle of May, almost five whole months. Once the girl graduates high school, her father won't have a say in what she does, so they can be together again.

"...incess, wake u…."

Hinata groaned, curling further against the warmth. A familiar-sounding chuckle met her ears, pulling her from the sleepy haze.

Hidan whispered in her ear, his breath tickling the sensitive skin there, "If you don't get up soon, I'm gonna have you for breakfast."

Pearl-colored eyes snapped open in shock, and the girl blushed when her boyfriend pulled back to fix her with an unserious glare, "Well, damn. I was hoping for round two."

She hadn't noticed in the middle of the night, but it was pretty sore between her legs from what they'd done together. Wincing, she averted her gaze from his and glanced around the room until she lay eyes on her backpack sitting in the chair, "C-C-Can I-I shower?"

The man offered an affirming sound. The blush on her face only getting hotter, Hinata snatched up the bag and disappeared into the ensuite, shutting the door firmly behind her. Then she turned to see her reflection in the mirror.

Black hair was messy, and tiny love marks and crescent lines dusted her waist, hips, and thighs. Though she was horrified Hidan'd hypothetically claimed her as his by leaving his mark, Hinata was relieved they were all easily hidable with clothing. While the water was warming, she searched her face in the mirror, relieved once again.

'The makeup under my eyes didn't disappear. Thank God. I'd hate for him to think I look awful and comment on it again.'

Last night, the memory of all they'd done didn't hit her in total, so she wasn't bashful. Now, though, her mind was clear as can be. Should she act like she always does around him, or would he prefer it if she relaxed more because they're closer now? The Hyuuga had no clue because she'd never been in this situation.

Wincing at the mild ache between her legs, she stepped into the shower and felt her hair become weighed down by the water.

'I wonder if we'll do it again before I'm sent away,' Hinata touched her lower abdomen, remembering the warm feeling that'd pooled there last night flooding her brain, 'I hope so.' The girl hadn't expected to like it as much as she did.

"Scoot over."

Hinata jumped in fright, moving away as Hidan suddenly pushed the curtain back and stepped under the water, "W-What are you-"

"What the fuck do you think I'm doin'?"

She stared doe-eyed at the back of his broad shoulders as he ran his hands through his hair. Her gaze wandered a little lower, and she tilted her head curiously before a fire erupted within her entire body, and she squeezed her eyes closed again.

The night before her first day of public school, Tenten told her that she doesn't have a type as long as the guy's tall and has a cute butt. Hinata didn't understand what she meant. Her best friend said, "You'll know when you see one. Just wait," instead of explaining.

Tenten was right.

The timid girl understood entirely now.

Her arm was grabbed, and she was tugged forward, a tiny squeak passing her lips as the water fell over her once more. Hidan glared down at her, obviously tired and grumpy because it was early. Frowning, she pushed the wet hair out of her face and awkwardly tried to figure out what she should look at because meeting his eye was still hard in her bashful state.

"Two weeks, huh?" His voice was quieter than usual.

'He's talking about how long until the school semester ends, I think.'

Unhappy that he'd brought up such a stressful topic first thing the morning after they had sex for the first time, Hinata nodded. They have eight days of school left, then they're off December twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth. The last day of the semester is on her birthday, the twenty-seventh.

'What a great birthday that'll be. I get to spend the day saying goodbye to all of the friends I've made.'

To her surprise, Hidan didn't say anything else, and they silently showered and dressed. Somewhat shamelessly, she put on the shirt she was supposed to use for pajamas last night so she could take it home. She anxiously fiddled with its hem as she followed her boyfriend downstairs and toward the kitchen.

A low whistle met Hinata's ears, and she looked up to see Kisame, Zetsu, Nagato, and Kakuzu sitting at the dining table with mugs of coffee, the former having been the one to whistle. Deidara and Sasori were asleep, sitting side by side on the floor nearby, both obviously haven drunk too much and passed out.

"Sit down," Hidan grumbled, and she silently obeyed because his temper's much shorter in the morning.

Kisame nudged with his elbow, grinning widely when she looked at him, "So, did you get lucky or what?"

Kakuzu scoffed before Hinata's blush could even finish arising, "She's an heiress. It's unlikely she'd do something like that with someone like him."

Anger overcame the girl in question, and she glared at the man, "What's that supposed to mean?" Maybe it was the hangover, or perhaps she'd unconsciously become the type to be grumpy in the morning, but her gaze didn't soften just because the man turned his eyes onto her.

"You can't expect us to believe you're actually taking things seriously with Hidan."

Disbelief soaked her response, "Have you felt this way the whole t-time? Why just now say something?"

Nagato interjected as Hidan sat beside Kakuzu with a cup of coffee, sliding one across the table to Hinata in silence, "You're going too far."

He ignored his friend, instead narrowing his eyes at the Hyuuga girl, "Do you honestly expect us to-" "It's not true, so stop," Hinata cut Kakuzu off. Hidan was here now, and she didn't want him to get it in his head that she cared about things like names and wealth.

The older man glanced at the silver-haired one, who glared back, before gazing at her again with an unsatisfied look.

Hinata's temper boiled over, and she hissed, trying not to raise her voice and wake the two sleeping boys nearby, "What's your fucking problem? Who I decide to have in my life has nothing to do with my family, and it's sure as hell none of your business."

The moment the words left her mouth, Hinata gasped and covered her mouth, "I-I-I am so sorry! I didn't mean t-to say it so d-disrespectfully! I-I just lost my temper, is all!"

The men at the table stared at her with wide eyes before they all broke out into laughter, even Kakuzu offering a few chuckles at her expense.

Zetsu leaned forward to rest his chin on his fist with a smirk once they settled down, "I owe you an apology. I didn't believe what they told me last night because you're so weak-looking, so they wanted to prove me wrong."

Hinata's mouth fell open slightly, blush rising to her face as she looked at the others at the table.

Kisame snickered, "You're rubbing off on her, Hidan. She even dropped the f-bomb."

The man in question sat back in his chair with a tired smirk, eyeing his girlfriend, "Don't let her fool ya. She's not all sweet and innocent behind closed doors."

Memories of how she'd drunkenly jumped his bones last night crossed Hinata's mind, and she waved her hands in a shushing gesture, "Don't tell people that!"

"You mean to tell me someone that beat the shit out of two girls at the same time isn't a boring fuck? I'm so surprised," Sasori suddenly piped in, his voice monotone.

Deidara snickered, only to be cut off by a groan as his red-haired friend pulled him upright, his blonde hair falling messily over his shoulders, "Is he as bad in bed as everyone thinks he is?"

Hinata's blush couldn't get hotter. She stared pointedly down into the mug of coffee before her, "I-I-I…." "Alright, shut up, you nosy bitches."

The room went silent other than Deidara groaning softly as Sasori maneuvered him into a dining chair before wandering into the kitchen to get some coffee. Nagato broke the tension, "So, you can fight, then? I'd love to see that."

Hidan perked up slightly, pulling out his phone, "Check this shit out. It's hilarious."

'He has the video on his phone! Why?'

Zetsu and the others leaned over to watch the tiny screen when he handed the phone to the redhead. Hinata glared weakly at her boyfriend while they watched, receiving a smug grin in response. Her brow furrowed, and she sipped her coffee with the blush that refused to fade.

A minute or so later, the four men who hadn't seen the video before looked at her with new eyes. She sighed, feeling awful all over again about what'd happened between her, Ino, Karin, and Sakura.

"...I like her, Hidan," Kakuzu mumbled, surprising everyone at the table.

"I don't need your damn approval, old man. Leave her alone, or I'll break your fuckin' fingers."

Kisame laughed, wrapping an arm around Hinata's shoulders, "You're a scrappy one, eh? I should've known after patching you up."

Hidan sat up straighter in his chair, eyes ablaze in a glare at the blue-haired man, "What the hell did I just say? Do you want me to kick your ass?"

"Ugh, shut up!" Deidara all but yelled as Sasori sat beside him, "They're obviously teasing you, Idiot!"

The tension in the air became almost palpable as the blonde and silver-haired men glared at one another. Fearing a fight would break out, Hinata swallowed her pride with a distraction sure to put a stop to it, "H-He's good," she averted her gaze to the table when everyone looked at her in confusion, "Hidan. In b-bed."

As the room erupted with laughter and chaos, the girl glanced up at her boyfriend bashfully. He shook his head while sipping coffee, eyes warm with amusement.

'How embarrassing….'