
Considering The Circumstances

Hiashi Hyuuga sends Hinata to public school for the first time. From day one, she struggles to figure out who are her friends and who's just pretending to be. One thing's for sure: the silver-haired, foul-mouthed guy that Konan hangs out with is as intimidating as he is attractive. (I'm aware of how crazy this pairing is, but I don't care!) Rated M for a reason!

Hina5enpai · Anime und Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 1

First things first, I know very well how weird this ship is. Here's the thing; I read a SUPER good fic a few years ago, and I've since been looking for other Hidan x Hinata stuff because I really liked it. I couldn't find much, so I decided to just make some for my own amusement. Anyway, thanks for reading. Hope you like it :D


Hinata Hyuuga's mother died. That was what forced the once-absent Hiashi Hyuuga to drastically change his career-focused lifestyle. After all, an adult had to be present in the household to raise Hinata and Hanabi.

The successful government agent had to adjust his work from hands-on to office-oriented. Hyuuga was a popular name in the massive town of Konohagakure, Konoha for short. That was because they're famous for working in the law enforcement departments high up on the hypothetical food chain. They excelled at jobs like secret agents and protection details but kept their foot in the door as attorneys and the occasional police officer.

It was unheard of for the head of the family to have a desk position. As a result, the Hyuuga mansion was in emotional disarray. Hiashi didn't have the slightest clue how to raise children because his late wife, Yua, happily did everything. It may have been an uncomfortable situation, but his two daughters would've understood should he actually spend time learning how to be a father. That was where the hypotheticals ended because he didn't do that. He didn't even try.

The first thing he did was send the younger sister to a boarding school abroad in Sunagakure, claiming he wanted to right the wrongs his late wife had allowed the girl to develop. He then put all the household responsibilities on his eldest daughter, Hinata. He didn't send her away like Hanabi because, in his eyes, it was too late to fix her.

She'd been a soft-spoken girl since birth but remained at the top of her class for her entire private school career because her mother always knew what encouraging words to say. Out of the two girls, she was more heartbroken. Hanabi obviously cared dearly for her mother. It was just that her elder sister had a profound bond with the woman.

The tearful goodbye the sisters shared just a week after their mother's funeral was gutwrenching. They swore to write to one another weekly so they'd remain close despite the distance.

Though he didn't send Hinata to a boarding school, he did remove her from the private academy she'd studied at all her life and enroll her at the local public high school for her final year. The timid girl wasn't a socialite but was forced to say goodbye to the few classmates she often shared her notes with and occasionally sat with at lunch.

To be quite honest, Hinata avoided befriending her peers on purpose. When she was in year five, a group of girls claimed to be her friend. She was so happy to be included in the recess games of tag and study groups, but it all ended when she accidentally heard them gossiping about her. They said they were only hanging around her because their parents told them they had to; the Hyuugas were well-off, even compared to the upper-class families of the private school. Heartbroken, the girl distanced herself from others and never allowed herself to make that mistake again.

When Hinata learned of her transfer, her initial reaction was excitement because her goal had always been to experience new things. Then her one actual friend, a chipper maid named Tenten, informed her that the school wasn't unisex. She'd have to learn amidst boys for the first time.

The tall, tan brunette eagerly gave her advice during the remaining three weeks of summer break. It was evident to Hinata that she was trying to cheer her up, and she greatly appreciated the gesture, but her anxiety had faded very little by the day before the new school year began.

After suffering a particularly rough tongue-lashing from her father for not taking the initiative and making dinner because the cook called in sick, Hinata trudged upstairs to the second floor out of three. She threw herself onto her bed with a sigh, lavender-pearl eyes staring unfocused at the ceiling.

Hiashi was rarely around throughout her childhood, only attending the occasional business party or family dinner. The impatient and strict personality the man offered was a shock. She knew he was a serious man but didn't expect his presence to be so stifling. "Things could always be worse," she thought, 'At least he doesn't hit me.'

"I have arrived to distract you with household gossip! Care to hear it?"

The Hyuuga girl turned her head and saw Tenten's mischievous grin. She smiled. The maid entered the room the rest of the way, closing the door behind her so no one would hear them speaking to one another so casually.

The family head forbade the mansion's staff from addressing any Hyuuga's unless spoken to first, and even then, they were expected to talk and act with incredible professionalism. Tenten said he paid them well enough to make such demands. Apparently, she made more by the hour than most middle-classed adults, and she was still only seventeen. In her words, the uniform being cute was another perk. It was a stereotypical Lolita-style maid outfit, complete with white stockings, frills, and lace.

"Ami said Okami told her that some of the other maids have been given a notice that they're to be fired. She said your dad's hiring a bunch of new people to replace them, too," Just in case someone was nearby, Tenten idly pretended to tidy up the large vanity. It was often used as a desk rather than for beauty purposes.

"You're not getting fired, right?" Hinata asked fearfully.

Her friend grinned, shaking her head, "Hiashi'd be a fool to fire his best employee!"

The girls shared a short laugh.

"Also, your class schedule arrived today. I took the liberty of comparing it to mine," Tenten pouted, "We only have phys. ed. together!"

Hinata closed her eyes and sighed defeatedly, "Figures."

Something soft landed on her stomach, and she looked down to see it was a pillow. The maid in the room frowned at her, "Positive thoughts, Hina! You'll ruin your own mood pouting like that."

When the Hyuuga girl nodded obediently, her friend's expression lightened again, "I have archery practice in the morning, so I won't be able to show you around, but I drew a map on your schedule to your locker and first class."

Hinata offered her a grateful smile, "Thank you. That means a lot to me."

A slight heat raised to her face when Tenten swiftly changed the subject, "Enough mushy-talk. Let's get down to the important stuff, like the fact that you're about to go to school with boys."

She sat up on the bed, her previous anxiety returning with vigor.

Her friend continued, ever aware of the girl's bashful nature, "I wonder how long it'll take for them to start confessing. Sucks for them. Hiashi's never going to let you date."

"Stop it! You know I can't talk to boys. There's no way I'll be able to befriend, much less d-date one."

Tenten laughed, a hand to her lips, "Hey, what's your type? I think you'll look cute with a preppy boy. I'd avoid jocks, though, because they'll try to get lucky way too quickly. Maybe an honor student, instead?"

Hinata didn't bother responding. When her friend went off on a tangent like that, she no longer required a second person to keep the conversation flowing.

"Personally, I don't care what kind of style they have. All I want is a tall guy with a nice butt," she dramatically sighed, eyes dazed off in the distance as though she was searching the horizon with a hand wistfully lifted to her head, "Is that so much to ask?"

"How can a boy's butt be attractive?" Hinata wondered aloud.

Tenten smirked, waggling her brows suggestively, "You'll know when you see a good one. Just wait."

The following morning, Hinata got up a little early to prepare for her first day of public school. She heeded Tenten's advice to dress more casually than usual, or else she'd stick out like a sore thumb.

Her shirt was pastel blue and white with short sleeves and a pretty lace design across the chest. Paired with it was a black skirt, much shorter than she'd prefer. Tenten picked the outfit, threatening to tell everyone the girl's exact bra size to their classmates if she chose to wear something else. The timid girl paired the outfit with a delicate locket necklace, a gift from her late mother, and simple black flats.

Hinata drove to school, choosing to park a block away so no one would see her exit the high-end vehicle. She'd asked for a basic car, nothing fancy, but her father refused, claiming it'd defame the Hyuuga name's sense of class. So, she decided to play it safe. If someone saw it, they might assume she was trying to brag or flaunt her family's wealth; she wasn't.

Her fingers trembled as she approached the school's front doors, dozens of students rushing around and goofing off in her vicinity. To hide it, she grasped the strap of her bag more tightly and kept her gaze straight ahead. The unmistakable feeling of eyes on her back caused goosebumps to rise on her arms, but she did her best to ignore it as she finally entered her new school.

Tenten had warned her about the public school hallways, comparing them to a busy street during rush hour, but it still shocked her. At Hinata's old school, there was a pleasant murmur of chatter, but no one was running around or yelling like this.

Before she could get lost, the uncomfortable girl pulled out the map her friend had drawn on the back of her schedule, unfolded it, and glanced around to figure out where she should go. Someone bumped her from behind, making her lose her grip on the paper and stumble not to fall. When she looked up, she saw the back of two boys, one with long blonde hair and one with silver hair slicked back, but she couldn't see their faces. The silver-haired one chased the other and yelled expletive insults above the buzz.

"Are you alright? Sorry about them. Here."

Hinata's spine straightened when she realized a pretty blue-haired girl had picked up her schedule and offered it to her with an apologetic grin. She was unlike anyone the out-of-place girl had met before. Shoulder-length hair was half tied up into a bun, her clothes were only black, and she even had a piercing below the center of her bottom lip.

Though her style was unfamiliar, Hinata could only think to herself, 'She's so pretty!'

"Oh, you have Mr. Oro for the first period, huh? He's such a creep. Some advice? Sit in the middle row. He calls on the front and back."

Snapping out of her stunned state, Hinata smiled shyly and accepted her paper, "Thank you, um...."

The pretty girl smirked, but it didn't come off negatively, "Konan. Who are you?"


"Well, Hinata, I gotta chase down two dumbasses before they beat the hell out of each other. Maybe we'll have a class together or something," Konan offered before turning to hurry in the direction the two boys had disappeared.

A small smile tugged at the Hyuuga girl's lips as she returned to locating her locker, thinking to herself, 'If everyone's as nice as her, maybe this won't be so bad.'

After stuffing her bag into her locker and procuring a fresh notebook, Hinata found her way to the science department and entered the door labeled "Orochimaru". Three long tables with thirty chairs in total were inside. No one else was there yet, so she took Konan's advice and found a random seat in the middle row, not exactly at either end, but not right in the middle, either. There wasn't enough time before class would start that she could go explore the school some more, so she opened her notebook and absently doodled, daydreaming while she waited.

It felt like a single minute passed when she suddenly snapped to attention and realized the classroom was almost completely full. Only a few seats in the front row remained empty. A girl with short pink hair sat on her left with her back turned as she talked excitedly with a gorgeous blonde girl.

'I don't want to interrupt them to introduce myself; that'd be rude,' Hinata thought.

She glanced to her right, only to force her gaze forward and down, when she realized it was a boy. He had long, dark hair tied into a low ponytail that ended between his shoulder blades. His eyes were the same color.

'Oh, his nails are painted! That's odd....' She didn't think of it as good or bad, just different.

He wore black pants with a dark blue, long-sleeved shirt. It was difficult to judge his height since he was sitting, but he at least seemed tall and maybe a little lanky, but not underweight. The boy suddenly looked her way, catching her glancing at him, and she averted her gaze to the table again.

Once she gained the courage, she awkwardly greeted him, "Hello."

The boy didn't respond, so she was forced to look at him again. He was reaching down into his bag for something. Hinata's face warmed slightly as she took in his delicate features. Long lashes brushed against his pale skin as he looked down.

'He's....He's pretty, too.'

Her brow furrowed when he set a black notebook on the table and caught her staring for the second time. His expression didn't stray from neutral, but he made a quiet sound of greeting before looking down at his notebook and opening it.

Hinata thought she might've bothered him, but she didn't get that feeling from the sound he made. Assuming he wasn't a morning person or was simply an introvert, she followed his lead and focused on her own notebook rather than risk bothering him a third time.

"Oh my gosh, I love your shirt. It's adorable!"

An energetic voice startled the Hyuuga girl. Looking to her left, she realized the pink-haired girl was talking to her, so she tried to smile normally, "Really? Thank you. I, um.... I like your nails." They were long, pointy, and painted mint green with tiny white flowers decorating them. It was obviously something the girl put effort into.

Having guessed correctly, the pink-haired girl's smile widened further, and she looked down at her hands while flexing her fingers to better show off her nails, "Good eye. My mom's a beautician. What could be better than free mani-pedis, right?"

Hinata nodded, smiling more casually since the girl didn't seem to dislike her.

"I'm Sakura. This is Ino, my best friend. Are you new here?" She gestured to the blond girl sitting on her other side, who was too busy talking with a dark-haired guy in the back row to notice.

"Yes. Is it that obvious?"

Sakura nodded, jokingly nudging Hinata, "You look like a lost puppy."

The shy girl blushed, but the more outgoing one giggled, "Lucky for you, I love dogs!"

A tall man with incredibly long black hair and odd, yellow eyes entered the room, and the class began quieting down under his calculating gaze. It could only be the teacher Konan had familiarly called "Mr. Oro".

Sakura hissed under her breath so she wouldn't be heard by anyone else, "Do you have lunch A? Wanna sit with us? I'll introduce you to our other friends."

'A lunch invite so quickly from a nice girl like her? Maybe I was scared for no reason,' Hinata mused while nodding.

Mr. Oro took roll call, and she tried to put names to faces. To her surprise, there was not one but two Uchihas in the classroom, and the attractive boy at her side was one of them. The Uchiha family was as prestigious as the Hyuugas, if not more, though they didn't specialize in any specific line of work.

The following three classes passed by in a blur. Hinata was thrilled to learn she shared her art class with Konan, who introduced her to the blonde boy she'd seen running through the hallway earlier, named Deidara, and a redheaded boy named Sasori. She even made Deidara apologize for knocking into her this morning. The blonde was sarcastic and a little grumpy but not unlikeable. He and Sasori spent a large portion of the class arguing their views on art. The redhead hardly betrayed any emotion other than irritation a couple of times at his partner. Neither seemed to pay Hinata much attention, but she told herself not to take it personally.

'Not everyone will want to be acquaintances.'

Konan invited Hinata to join them for lunch, which left the Hyuuga girl with a choice: Sakura or the blue-haired girl.

Since she accepted Sakura's offer first, she declined but promised to join them tomorrow. The pierced girl was understanding.

After her fourth class, it was time for lunch. Hinata nearly froze in the doorway of the massive cafeteria. It was loud and hectic. Students filled almost every table. Some even sat casually against the far wall while talking, eating, and playing on their phones.

"There you are, Hinata. Let's go!" Sakura suddenly appeared at her side, grabbing her arm and pulling her along to the long lunch line.

The shorter girl allowed it, nervously greeting the blond girl named Ino, who was casually following them, "Hello. I'm-" "Hinata Hyuuga, I know. You're famous already," the girl cut her off with a confident grin.

They finally reached the end of the line, and Sakura released her arm so they could speak more casually.

Hinata's brow furrowed, "Famous?"

The two taller girls shared a look before Ino explained, "You do know you're a total hottie, right?"

The Hyuuga girl sputtered, blushing harder as she tried to find a response.

Sakura laughed, lightly slapping the bashful girl's arm, "If I had tits like those, I'd flaunt them a bit more."

"That's because you're as flat as a board," Ino rolled her eyes, pretending to check her nails.

Sakura growled angrily, "Says the girl who stuffed her bra until last year. At least I'm not trying to fool anyone."

Ino didn't get annoyed like her pink-haired friend. Instead, she puffed her chest out, making Hinata notice her outfit. She wore high-waisted skinny jeans with a low-cut purple crop top.

'Isn't that against the dress code?'

The line moved forward, the two more outgoing girls conversing about some guys they thought were cute.

Hinata awkwardly looked around, unsure how to join in because she wasn't comfortable with the topic. Her gaze locked onto Konan, who'd noticed her and waved from across the room. She waved back, smiling softly.

Deidara was shoving a notebook in Sasori's face, appearing to be adamantly trying to convince him of something. The redhead simply chewed his food with dull eyes and ignored him.

Others were at their table, including the Uchiha boy she'd sat beside during Science. He was silently reading a book, not eating. Finally, the silver-haired boy from earlier was there, but his back was turned yet again, so Hinata couldn't see his face. At least this time, he was seated rather than running, cussing, and yelling.

"Did you just wave at Konan?"

Hinata's attention was pulled back to Ino and Sakura, who were the ones to speak, and nodded, "She's in my art class. I like her."

The two girls shared a look like they had before. This time, when Sakura explained, she lowered her voice to a whisper and leaned in as though she didn't want anyone else to hear, "I don't wanna tell you how to live your life, but I'd avoid her if I were you. Those guys she's with, too."

Hinata's brow furrowed. She didn't like the derogatory way they talked about the nice girl who helped her this morning. They appeared to recognize her unease because Ino continued, her tone similar to Sakura's, "Rumor has it that she sells if you know what I mean."

The shy girl had no idea what she was talking about, "Sells? What does she sell?"

Sakura made a shushing motion with her hands, glancing around to ensure no one was paying attention to them before leaning in again, "Herself, like, for sex."

'...What did she just say?'

"At the end of last year, like four different guys came forward and said they paid her for it. Apparently, she asked if she could come over to study after school, and then....Well, you know."

Ino nodded, wrinkling her nose in disgust, "I bet she's sleeping with every one of those guys. What a slut."

Hinata frowned, her hands shaking, "But you don't know if they were lying or not. What if she's innocent?"

The two other girls' expressions morphed into surprise simultaneously. There was a short pause before Sakura shook her head, "You're right, I guess. Still, you should just stick with us. If you hang around people like her, you might get a bad reputation. You don't want that, right?"

She glanced between her and Ino in muted disbelief before slowly glancing at Konan's table again. The girl was reaching across the table to steal a forkful of food from Deidara's tray, laughing when he caught her and temporarily abandoned his argument with Sasori to yell at her.

"I think I'll ask her about it first, but thank you for the advice. I'll keep it in mind."

'I don't think these two are as nice as I thought this morning.'