
He is Gay

Nobody said anything to Mikołaj directly, but smiles and meaningful glances followed him until Friday afternoon.

Throughout the week he also managed to avoid unwanted meetings with Stefan Szwedas, although he heard a lot about him. It looked like the guy was a really good specialist and the CEO was practically eating out of his hand. In addition, all women in the company were under his spell. Apparently, talking to him was pure pleasure, and assistants and younger specialists simply dreamed of having to provide him with some documents.

No kidding, Skrzynecki thought every time he had to hear how charming Szwedas was. First of all, he knew it himself, and secondly, there was something inappropriate to hear about how another guy is sexy, cool and "wafer and cake" in general. However, if in any way he showed dissatisfaction because of this, people would immediately start to gossip about him, how jealous he is. He wasn't. He only wondered how all Szwedas fans would react if they found out that he had sex with him?

Uh, you better not even think about it, recognize and shake off these thoughts from your brain.

Monday turned out to be an even better day when he didn't notice Elwira after entering the office. With this Łukasz looked like he had tears in his eyes.

"She gave birth! Yesterday evening," he announced, and Mikołaj suddenly understood his emotion. Not only that, he shared them with all his heart.

"Praise the Lord!" He cried.

"What's going on? Why are you so happy?" Ewka has just entered the room.

"We are glad that our liking boss finally gave birth to the child," Skrzynecki explained.

"Uuuuu, and you're are probably very happy, since you come in such a tone. I have to write to her with congratulations. Also add a few words from you?"

"Sure, do as you want."

"But Elwira is going on a full vacation? She won't want to get back to work too soon?"

For a moment, Mikołaj felt awe in his heart.

"I think not…"

In the silence that fell, one could hear a passing mosquito if it suddenly decided to fly.

"I would sit with my child in her place" Łukasz finally said.

"Me too," Ewka added.

"But it's Elwira ..."

"Never mind," Skrzynecki said optimistically. "For now, we're alone and we need to take advantage of the situation. We'll worry later. Now let's celebrate. And let's get to work!"

For him, the day started really wonderful. In the end, he didn't have a boss who was still growling, who wasn't so hopeless, but without her he worked more pleasantly and efficiently. He wasn't even frightened by the meeting of department managers, because he knew that he would have to present himself anyway. Admittedly, his report today was short, concise and not significant, but he prepared himself thoroughly for it. Without Elwira, which intensified his irritation, even meeting with the Szwedas was not terrible for him, especially since a week had passed since his relocation, they passed each other in the corridor several times and never once did a situation that could reveal their earlier relations.

The meeting proceeded without incidents. The president only informed the department managers that due to the birth of the child, Elwira would be on vacation and her duties as department manager would be performed from now on by Mikołaj Skrzynecki. Because Mikołaj's presence at the meetings was nothing new, they all acknowledged. The Szwedas expressed his congratulations and asked to pas congratulation to the happy mother. Skrzynecki politely thanked and convinced himself that he was able to talk to the Szwedas. They were both professionals after all.

After the meeting, Mikołaj felt even better than before. He stated that he was unnecessarily affected by the appearance of Szwedas. After all, why should he care? The one-night adventure that took place some time ago on an exotic vacation was not something that should worry anyone. He was a fool, a naive kid that he had indulged in this sort of worry before.

For this reason, for the first time in a week, he went to the kitchen without worrying about finding a Stefan Szwedas there.

And as for the spite, he found him today.

He sat at one of the tables spreading a seductive aura on three of his companions. Even Jola from the financial department looked enchanted. Mikołaj sighed in spirit, but finally accepted the fact that he behaved infantile trying to avoid a new colleague. He took his cup, a jug of fresh coffee, and began pouring black tarry liquid.

"If I really had to decide which of the ladies to go to dinner with, it would be really difficult," he heard the coquettish voice of Szwedas behind him. "You are all charming and beautiful, there is only one snag. I don't meet women."

"What? How's that?" One of them asked excitedly, although the conversation was cheerful.

"I'm gay."

The jug fell out of Skrzynecki's hand, fortunately the Szwedas confession was so shocking that no one noticed Mikołaj's confusion.

"Gay? Impossible," the other woman said uncertainly.

Mikołaj turned towards them, not even knowing that he was doing it.

"And yet," the Szwedas nodded seductively, propping his head in his hand. Is he joking or serious? "I only meet with men."

Such a confession made with such calmness? Is he not aware of the consequences it will entail? So publicly, just admit being homosexual? Talk about it so openly and with such an expression?

"And you have never been with a woman?" One of them asked. It seemed that curiosity overcame.

"I tried it once. But it's not for me. Only guys."

"It's a pity," said the other. "Or maybe there is a guy in the company that you like. Mikołaj from sales is great."

Mikołaj turned pale. Jolka, who saw Skrzynecki enter the kitchen, kicked her friend in the ankle. The girl looked around and saw that the object of her speech was within her voice. She blushed like a cherry. The Szwedas smiled, looking at Mikołaj with amusement, but he left the question without comment.

Similarly, Skrzynecki, who took his cup and left without a word.

Stupid girls, he thought furiously.

Think that day started so well!


About two hours after the incident, which Mikołaj spent intensively verifying documents from contracts with new clients, Jola knocked on their room. She looked as if she was guilty of the entire universe and asked him to talk for a moment. Because he knew her, respected her and liked her for a long time, he got up and went out into the corridor.

" Mikołaj, I'm sorry, these were just jokes. Ania didn't think you were gay."

This type of justification affected him even more.

"Don't worry. It was a bit strange to hear that I'm cool, that's all."

"So you are not angry?"

"Of course not. I have nothing to be angry about."

"That's good. Actually, Ania likes you so much, so maybe that's why she thought about you first. She would be delighted if you could date her."

"Sorry, but apart from the fact that I'm not dating anyone from the company, I'm too busy for dates now."

"You should change your idiotic rule. Seriously."

"Maybe someday, but now on Elwira's leave I really have a lot of work to do."

"Work is work, but you also have to live. Well, but you know best."

"Don't worry, I'm not really angry. Only ... maybe Szwedas was offended that I left so suddenly? I wouldn't want to make an enemy of him."

"Right," admitted Jola. She looked thoughtful. "You know, he wasn't angry. He looked rather amused."

"Nice. Now even he is playing at my expense."

"No, Mikołaj, it's not like that. Damn. You know that girls sometimes gossip without thinking. I'm sure there won't be anything unpleasant."

"Yes, you are right."

When Mikołaj heard a comment in the kitchen, he panicked. Just because he slept with a guy once did not mean that he was gay, just like drinking a pint with his friends once a few months does not make him an alcoholic. However, if he were pinned such a patch, he would not have peace in the company. He would arouse such curiosity and sensation that the girls would look at him as a curiosity in the ZOO, and at best. One-time prank, holiday adventure could not ruin his professional life completely.

"I admire him, by the way," added Jola. "He just confessed."

"He shocked me well."

"I wouldn't expect it in my life. Such a cake. Completely unlike those effeminate television dolls."

"Do you think about him differently now?"

"I don't know, maybe a bit. I'm trying to imagine him, you know, with a guy, but I can't. I don't think I really believe him."

"Do you think he was joking?"

"I have no idea. I don't think so. Well, but I have to go, I have one more report to prepare. See you!"

"See you!"

He returned to the room and met the curious glances of the other two employees.

Damn, if the rumors spread and so they find out. Isn't he better telling them what happened?

"It looks like your boss can't live a week without being gossiped about him."

Ewka's eyes lit up, but immediately went out, as if she remembered that last time she was the cause of the commotion.

"Oh, somebody likes to shine here," Łukasz joked.

"Like hell. You better get to work!"

That day Skrzynecki stayed after hours. It seemed like Elwira, who was complaining about everything, did a lot of good work, and when she ran out, Mikołaj simply did not get along with everything. He had been fooling around with documents for two hours before saying that he had had enough of today and if he didn't eat any supper he would starve.

It seemed that only he was doing overtime. He sighed resignedly, that he is such a workaholic and headed for the elevator. He barely pressed a button to summon her when someone stood beside him.

"Tough day?"

Mikołaj jumped up.

What is the Szwedas doing here?