
Conquest of Magic

Prologue She leads a simple life and is unaware of her great abilities or the existence of the supernatural world. She finds herself drawn to two charming princes. One is a vampire who loves her more than his mate and the other is a Witch who haunts her dream and claims her to be his mate. What will happen when her life is plunged into danger as ancient prophecies, vampires, werewolves and witches invade her life, and the choice she makes will change her fate? She must choose! Have you ever read a book where a vampire and a witch, both from different Realms, are brothers and fall in love with a girl whose powers are superior to both their races? If not then this book is for you. This is a story about two princes who fight hard for her love but it seems like neither of them will win her heart or will they?

shruthi_ashok · Fantasie
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60 Chs

Part 38

"Kristen," I heard my name being called, the sound piercing through the haze of my thoughts. Startled, I opened my eyes, gasping for air as my body jolted upright. My chest heaved as I struggled to catch my breath.

"Are you alright?" Stanley's voice was filled with genuine concern, breaking through the remnants of my vision. I looked up at him, my eyes searching for answers. His face was etched with worry, lines creasing his forehead as he anxiously observed me. The intensity in his gaze made it seem as though he might collapse from his own concern.

"What happened?" I managed to ask, my voice is shaky and weak. Stanley's concern deepened, and he hesitated for a moment before responding.

"We were talking, and then you suddenly froze," he explained, his voice tinged with anxiety. "You wouldn't respond for almost half an hour. I was worried sick."

My throat tightened as I processed his words. Half an hour? It felt like an eternity had passed as if I had been lost in another world for far longer than that. The gravity of the situation settled upon me, and I swallowed hard, trying to regain my composure.

"I saw a vision," I admitted, my voice filled with hesitation. I said and waited for Stanley's response, and he locked his gaze onto mine, silently urging me to continue.

"I... I tried to reach out to your mother," I confessed, my voice wavering. "I wanted to understand how her powers became evil." I looked back at Stanley, searching his face for any sign of understanding.

But as soon as the words left my lips, his expression turned icy and his eyes began to glow ominously. Dread knotted in my stomach, realizing I had angered him. His anger radiated off him in waves, and I could practically feel the intensity of his rage.

"Why would you risk your life by doing something like that, I already told you everything, right?" he snapped, his voice dripping with fury. He glared at me, his eyes burning with anger. I averted my gaze, unable to meet his furious stare. Outside my room, I could hear the sound of approaching footsteps, adding to the tension in the air.

Linda and Peter pushed open the door, rushing to my side. Concern etched across Linda's face as she spoke, her voice laced with worry. It was evident that she had already sensed something was wrong and had hurried here to check on me.

"Kristen, are you alright? What have you done?" she asked, her tone filled with concern and worry. The way she looked at me, I could tell she knew exactly what I had done.

"I'm fine, Aunt Linda," I replied, forcing a tight smile. However, she didn't seem convinced by my words. Her gaze bore into me, her eyes filled with concern.

"I know what you did, Kristen," she stated firmly, her voice carrying a tinge of anger. "And you should understand the danger of summoning such power. I warned you about the late queen's dark powers for a reason. It's not something to be taken lightly." Linda's tone matched Stanley's earlier anger, adding to my guilt. I let out a heavy sigh.

"I'm aware of the risks," I admitted, my voice tinged with remorse. "I just... I needed to understand why Queen Amanda resorted to dark magic. It felt as though her powers were calling out to me. I couldn't resist the pull, so I decided to investigate for myself." I lowered my gaze, avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room.

Linda's voice turned crisp as she questioned me further. "What did you see?" Her tone held a mix of curiosity and concern, demanding an explanation. I met her gaze and mustered the courage to share my experience.

"I witnessed the events of the war when Queen Irna went to rescue Queen Amanda," I explained, my voice carrying a sense of awe and authenticity. "It felt as if I was actually there, immersed in the scene. And it became clear to me that it wasn't Queen Amanda's fault."

Linda regarded me with a questioning look, clearly intrigued by my words. However, before I could say anything more, Queen Irna entered the room. I couldn't help but let out an involuntary sigh, knowing I would have to face her and endure the consequences of my actions.

To my surprise, Queen Irna approached me and took a seat beside me, gently clasping my hands in hers. A warm smile graced her face, and I hesitantly looked up at her, hoping for understanding rather than anger. I apologized, my voice filled with genuine remorse. "I'm sorry."

Her smile widened, and she reassured me with a comforting tone. "It's okay. Now you know the truth of what truly happened." I nodded, relieved by her understanding and acceptance.

"I guess my daughter wanted you to know the truth. Everything happens for a reason. Your powers are connected with her that's why you were able to see the past. It takes great energy to will that much power but you did that with ease." She said and smiled. "I think your powers are fully restored but you must train properly and understand your full potential." She said taking my hands in hers. "Okay," I replied.

"Let her rest." She said to Linda and left with her. "Kristen, if you need anything let me know," Peter said placing his hand on my shoulder and giving it a light squeeze. I smiled. I felt happy to know there are so many people who worry for me. I turned and looked at Stanley who was sitting silently beside me. I took his hands in mine and he sighed. "I am sorry." He said in a broken voice. "When I saw you lifeless it almost killed me from the inside." He said and placed his right hand on my cheek and caressed it. I felt the warmth of his hand soothe me.

Stanley's voice trembled with concern. "Promise me that you won't put yourself in harm's way when I'm not around. I know you're strong and powerful, but I can't bear the thought of you getting hurt."

"I promise," I replied, sincerity filling my voice as I leaned in to kiss his other hand. A warm smile played on his lips, and he reassured me. "Rest now."

He left the room, closing the door behind him, and I let out a weary sigh. Lying back on the bed, I closed my eyes, feeling a mix of guilt and determination. I couldn't help but feel sorry for causing worry and concern, yet I held no regrets. The truth had been unveiled, and now I knew the path I had to follow. Thoughts swirled in my mind as I drifted into sleep, my eyelids growing heavy with the weight of the day's events.

The morning light gently filtered through the window, casting a warm glow across my room. I stirred, feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep. With a satisfying sigh, I sat up in bed, stretching my arms above my head.

Just as I was about to get up, I heard a knock on my door, and it creaked open, revealing Terra holding a tray of delicious breakfast. A smile played on Terra's lips as she entered the room, her eyes sparkling with joy. "Hey, you up?" She asked, and I laughed, looking at the way she was peeking her head.

"Good morning, Terra," I said cheerfully as she placed the tray on the bedside table. "I hope you slept well. I thought you might enjoy a hearty breakfast and could use some company." She said and looked at me. I laughed. "Yes, I would really love that."

My eyes widened in happiness. "Thank you, Terra! That's so thoughtful of you!" I said, feeling a surge of gratitude.

As we sat together, savouring the delicious food, I couldn't help but feel curious about her. I recalled their brief encounter during the previous day's meeting, but I wanted to know more about her.

Terra noticed the inquisitive look in my eyes and set her plate aside, giving me her full attention. "I guess we didn't really have a chance to properly introduce ourselves yesterday," she said, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "I am Terra, and my magical abilities revolve around controlling water," she said as if reading my thoughts.

I've used my powers to aid the Fork's land during floods, preventing disasters, and even raising tsunamis if needed." She said and winked, which made me choke on the water that I was drinking. I coughed and placed the cup on the table with wide eyes. She paused for a second and laughed.

"I am just kidding." I sighed and took out my fork to continue eating.

"It's really good to know. I am glad to meet you." I said with a smile.

Terra nodded, her expression warm and humble. "Indeed. I've always believed that our powers should be used responsibly and with the intention of benefiting others. I have never used my abilities to cause harm or destruction. And now we will train to master your elemental power."

My face lit up with excitement and happiness. The prospect of proper training with fellow element users filled me with hope and excitement. I finished her breakfast quickly, eager to join the others in the training field.

"I can't wait to begin training," I said with enthusiasm. She chuckled.

"Let's go and meet the others!" She said and we left for the training field.

Terra, Amrin, and Jasmine, the experienced wielders of elemental magic, gathered around me in the open land. The sky was clear and when I looked around there was nothing but grass surrounding me. I guess this is the training ground for element users. I thought.

"Are you ready?" Terra asked with a smile. "Yes," I replied.

"Remember, Kristen, control is the key," Terra said as she positioned herself in front of me, her voice calm and soothing. "Focus on your inner powers and visualize the water responding to your will."

"Now, focus and think of what you want the water to take form as, and visualize it in your palm." She guided.

I did as I was told and thought of a giant ball, just like I did in vampire land but this time with water. At first, there was no response, and I thought I had failed, but when I concentrated hard, I was able to will the powers, and a giant water ball formed in my palms. I opened my eyes and saw the others with admiration in their eyes.

Terra had an approving look on her face and nodded at me with a smile. I shifted the water to my other hand and made it lift up in the sky and spin around without splashing water on others. It was spinning like a small tornado. I smiled impressed with my powers.

Jasmin looked at me with a cunning smile and lifted her hand and called her element 'fire' forth, and it took the shape of a giant dragon. I gasped, looking at the fierce and magnificent dragon that soared in the daylight and hovered above our heads. Suddenly she had a wicked smile on her face, and I figured out what she was thinking. When I looked up from her face, the fierce dragon flew in my direction.

"Jasmine, I don't think she is ready yet. Let's not play now." Terra said. "Let's see what you've got." Jasmin ignored Terra's warning and looked at me as if she were challenging me to defeat the dragon. I gulped, as fire is my first element, and I was not strong enough to challenge my own element. Yet, I tried my best, called on my powers, placed my hands above my head, placed one foot behind the other to support my body, and summoned the water to put out the fire. The dragon looked like it was smiling at me with the intention of burning me to a crisp. I believe in my powers, and when the scorching heat of the dragon was steps away from me, I pushed my hands forward, and water flew out of my hands like waves on the beach. The dragon pushed itself and resisted the water, which made it hard for me to stay on my feet.

"Fire is passion and intensity, but you must learn to temper it. Sense the flames within you and learn to guide the strength without letting it consume you."

"That is enough, Jasmine," Terra yelled.

"Do you accept your defeat?" Jasmin asked as if mocking me when I was having a hard time following her instructions. I did not let her voice distract me; instead, I focused on the dragon in front of me and pushed my hands further with more force. This time the water started to penetrate the dragon, and slowly it started to distinguish the flames. I couldn't hold on to the powers anymore as her powers were overwhelming, but I cannot accept defeat. I focused more, and a headache started to form in my head. I summoned the water to eliminate the dragon completely, and the powers within me left my hands in full force, which made me stumble a few steps back, yet I did not let go of the form. This time, the water eliminated the fire completely, and what was left of the dragon was just a cloud of black smoke. Exhaustion took over me, and I fell on the grass. "Are you okay?" Jasmine came to my side and helped me stand up.

"That was impressive. I thought you would give up, but I am amazed by your determination." She said placing her hand on my shoulder and giving it a light squeeze.

Amrin, the master of air manipulation, chimed in, her voice carrying a gentle breeze. "Let's go on to the next step." I smiled getting myself ready for the next lesson.

"With air, it's all about finding balance. Feel the currents around you and channel your energy into directing them." She instructed.

I nodded, absorbing her instructions with eager determination. I closed her eyes, centring myself, and began to envision each element within my grasp. I extended my hand, focusing on the water, feeling the energy flow through my fingertips. Gradually, a small droplet materialized, floating in the air as I willed it to move and dance.

"Well done, Kristen! You're starting to get the hang of it." She said in an encouraging way which boosted my confidence.

I moved on to manipulating the air around me. I felt the subtle currents, adjusting their speed and direction with each controlled breath. The space around me filled with a gentle breeze. Like Jasmine she did not do anything to challenge me, she taught me how to channel the air power without summoning my other powers in the process. If I ended up willing to air and fire at the same time it will create a disaster. She warned me. After an hour I finished learning everything about using air elements. My breathing was ragged and heavy. I was beyond exhausted.

"Let's take a short break." Terra looks at my exhausted state and announces. I mouthed her a thank you and we all took a seat in a tree bark. "I am really grateful to you all for helping me hone my powers. It's been a long time since I had so much fun." I said and sighed missing the time I spent with my friends.

Kristen, you're doing great. It's not easy to master even one elemental power, and here you are, handling all of them. The fact that the elders entrusted their powers to you must have some reasons behind it. Terra said. I couldn't agree more, Kristen. You're proving yourself to be incredibly powerful. I mean, manipulating all the elements? That's extraordinary! Jasmin said and held my hand. I smiled and thanked them. Sometimes it's exhausting when I think about it. Until a few months ago I was nothing but a normal human. But now I am someone with great powers like people say and a threat to vampires. I said and sighed rubbing my face with my palm.

You've come a long way since you discovered your powers. Remember, we're here for you. We'll support you through this journey, no matter how tough it gets. Amrin said in a concerned tone. I gave her a tight smile and nodded.

I'm grateful to have you all by my side. It's just that sometimes I can't help but think about the past, about what I went through before I even knew about my powers. I said honestly.

If you don't mind me asking, what was it like in the vampire land? I've heard stories, but I can't even imagine what it must have been like for you. Jasmin asked with a hint of curiosity in her tone. My face paled and cringed at her sudden question about vampires.

I had to clear my throat to get my voice out. It's just... it wasn't a pleasant experience to share. I pause taking a deep breath before talking. "I was abducted by them, you see. They wanted to use my powers when I myself had no idea I possessed any magical abilities. I was living a seemingly perfect human life, with friends and studies. It felt like everything changed around me within a blink of an eye. I was attacked and almost bled myself to death. It was hard to live among them but there were few who understood me and helped me escape the king by sacrificing their lives." A single tear rolled down my eyes as I remembered John and Lyn's face before their death.

"I'm sorry to upset you, Kristen. I didn't mean to bring up painful memories. Jasmin said apologetically."

I smiled softly. "No, it's okay, Jasmine. I appreciate your concern. It's important for me to confront my past and come to terms with it. It's made me who I am today, after all. And having friends like you all makes it easier to face those difficult memories." My words made them smile.

"Of course, we're here to support you through good and bad. And remember, your powers have grown since you came to Fork's land. You've become a powerful force to be reckoned with. You're destined for greatness and restore peace among all races." Jasmine said.

"Enough of all sadness, let's work on your prime element- fire," Jasmine suggested a hint of excitement in her voice which didn't reach her eyes. She looked like she wanted to change the topic for that I am glad. Once again we gathered in the empty field.

"Remember, it's about harnessing your inner strength and passion without losing control."

I took a deep breath, summoning the fiery essence within me. I focused on maintaining a delicate balance, allowing flames to flicker in my palms without growing wild or dangerous. As she mastered the art of controlling the fire's intensity, my confidence grew. I concentrated hard and willed the white flames. Without wasting any second the white flames erupted from my fingertips and reached the sky at lightning speed. My body was covered in a familiar warmth and I felt myself letting go of any negative thoughts and engulfing myself in my pure powers. I heard the girls around me gasp and take several steps away from me. When I open my eyes I saw them standing a few meters away. I frowned when is saw their eyes bulge when they looked at the sky. I smiled and willed my flames back and it obeyed.

"Are you guys alright?" I asked walking towards them. They took several steps away from me which made me stop in my track. It felt like they feared me from the way they looked. "What happened?" I asked getting a litter wary of their odd behaviour.

Terra looked at others and took a hesitant step towards me. "How did you summon white flame?" She asked in a scared tone.

I was confused. "It is my soul power," I said as a matter of fact. She looked at me with wide eyes again. I felt my heart race in my chest. I was a little surprised at how calmly my voice came out even though I was panicking on the inside.

"Terra, what is wrong? Why do you look scared?" The tension that filled the atmosphere was so thick that I was tempted to run away, almost.

She gulped. "Only the moon goddess can summon white flames. Even the queen cannot summon it with her years of experience." She said in a shocked tone.

"Oh." That was all I could say. As I didn't know who the moon goddess is and how I possess the same powers as her. Jasmin and Amrin came forward with an awe expressions. I sighed and looked downward, at a loss for words. "We are sorry. We just got startled when we saw the white flames. We have only heard about it in stories. Not even our elders saw white flame before." Not sure how to respond I nodded, forcing a tight-lipped smile on my face.

Terra cleared her throat. "Let's end the training here. You should rest."

"Yea, let's continue the training tomorrow. Amrin said and I felt a new awkwardness between us all. I brushed it off and headed back to my room. I didn't get to meet Stanley today and started wondering where he was while I climbed onto my bed. It was almost seven in the evening and I do not sleep until late at night but today after burning all my energy my eyes felt heavy and I fell into a deep sleep almost immediately.

My body felt as though it was floating in the air and my stomach churned at the unusual sensation, making my eyes flutter open and blink with uncertainty at my surroundings. When I looked around I felt like I was back in my home and in my room. I looked around engulfing the familiarity of the space. I missed it so much. My laptop, my fluffy blanket and my Pj's were all there. I got out of the room and went to Anne's room. It was empty, I looked around at the coffee table in case she left some notes as she does usually but it was not there. My home felt real yet it wasn't. The ground beneath my feet felt like a cloud and it took me a moment to realize that it was not real. I might be dreaming. I thought.

I didn't want the dream to end just yet. I walked out of my home and the next moment I was on a highway road which we often take to college. How did I reach here I had no idea. I looked at either side of the road and I couldn't find any vehicles passing by. I started to walk in the direction of my college. I gasped when I saw Jacob near the parking and I ran to him calling out his name. But for some strange reason, my voice echoed off and it made me stop on my tracks in freight. I twisted my head in every direction. Suddenly I heard a familiar voice laughing. This is not a dream I mumbled to myself and started to look around for the source of the voice. It stopped after a few seconds and I started running inside the campus and stopped at the place where we use to meet. Everything looked familiar and I heard footsteps of my friends coming in my direction. My eyes almost teared up looking at them happily chatting and laughing. I breathed out in relief when I felt my heart start to beat normally.


My whole body froze like ice. My feet were forced down into the ground. Slowly, I turned around and held my breath, scared to make any sound. Once I turned around and was facing the source of the voice my heart stopped beating. It was him. I looked at him feeling my eyes burn with tears as I stared at him.