
Conquest of Magic

Prologue She leads a simple life and is unaware of her great abilities or the existence of the supernatural world. She finds herself drawn to two charming princes. One is a vampire who loves her more than his mate and the other is a Witch who haunts her dream and claims her to be his mate. What will happen when her life is plunged into danger as ancient prophecies, vampires, werewolves and witches invade her life, and the choice she makes will change her fate? She must choose! Have you ever read a book where a vampire and a witch, both from different Realms, are brothers and fall in love with a girl whose powers are superior to both their races? If not then this book is for you. This is a story about two princes who fight hard for her love but it seems like neither of them will win her heart or will they?

shruthi_ashok · Fantasie
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60 Chs

Part 29

The silver-eyed witch entered the king's office, her heart racing with anticipation. She had done as she was instructed, but still felt a twinge of nervousness. As she relayed the news to the king, she watched his expression carefully, trying to gauge his reaction. He remained stoic, but she could tell from the glint in his eye that he was pleased with the outcome. He had been listening in on the conversation between Kristen and his son, and the witch knew that her mission had been a success. A sense of relief washed over her, and she couldn't help but feel a little proud of herself for carrying out her duty.

"Good. "Make sure William is locked up in the southern wing, and he shouldn't be released until everything is done." He has given in to bloodlust. "Make sure he is well fed." The king spoke up and dismissed her. The king's voice was filled with a cold and calculating tone as he issued his orders. He seemed pleased with the outcome of his plan and didn't show any concern for the wellbeing of his son. He looked as if he enjoyed the idea of his own son being locked up and fed like an animal.

The witch bowed and left the room. As he picked up his phone, the king's face twisted into a cruel smile when he called Lima, the witch who abducted Kristen along with John. He knew that Lima was one of his most loyal subjects, and she would follow his orders without question. She is keeping an eye on the humans related to her, and if they make any attempt to look for her or get suspicious, she will erase their memory and make them believe that she went abroad to meet her parents. The thought of erasing the memories of innocent humans didn't bother him at all, as long as it served his purpose.

Lima answers the phone on the second ring. "Hello, my king. "What can I do for you?" She asks on the phone.

"It's time." "Capture her friends and bring them back." The king says He felt a rush of power as he gave his commands, reveling in the control he had over others.

"Yes, my king. "We shall arrive by evening." She replies, and the king hangs up.

As Lima looks at Kristen's friends having a good time at the restaurant, a feeling of guilt washes over her. She knows she is doing something wrong, but she has no other choice. She sighs before walking inside the restaurant and stops at their table. Her heart races as she casts a spell to make them follow her. She can see the confusion and fear in their eyes as they obediently get into the car and sit quietly. She knows she has just robbed them of their free will and she hates herself for it.

Meanwhile, the king's impatience is growing. He paces back and forth in his office, waiting for the guard to bring Kristen to the courtroom. His mind is filled with thoughts of revenge and he can't wait to see Kristen suffer. He calls the guard outside his office, his voice cold and commanding. The guard jumps at his tone and rushes to get Kristen.

Kristen P.O.V

"Something doesn't feel right." I'll meet my mom and find out what is going on." Peter says. I nodded in response.

"Will you be alright?" He asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, I will be fine," I said before he left the room. Peter's words didn't ease the knot in my stomach. My mind was racing with the possibilities of what could be happening to my friends and family. John was still standing on the balcony. I sighed and walked to him. I approached him, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. "John, I know that William is your friend, but you saw what happened." I was attacked twice today, both by the King and William. I don't know who to trust anymore. William looked like a different person to me, and it scares me. "I'm afraid of what they might do to me or to those I care about," I said, as a lone tear escaped from my eye. My voice broke with fear and uncertainty.

John turned his head and looked at me. His eyes looked pained. "Kristen, whatever happens, I am there for you. Even if I have to go against William to protect you, I will. But I must find out what these people are planning to do with you. I will try to get some information and see what they are up to. I know the King is planning to start a war with the witches and is planning to use you against them, but I must find out when and how." He said, wiping the tears from my face. I relaxed in his touch.

"I think it's time for you to leave this place." He spoke in a quiet voice. John's voice was solemn and full of concern. His gaze was intense. "Kristen, I cannot stand the thought of you being in danger. You must leave this place, even if it means leaving everything behind. I will not rest until I find a way to keep you safe." His words were filled with determination, and his hand tightened around mine as he spoke. I looked up at him, feeling a sense of comfort and protection in his presence. "I trust you, John," I whispered, my voice barely above a whisper. "I know that you will do whatever it takes to keep me safe."

He nodded in agreement, his eyes never leaving mine. "I will make the necessary arrangements for you to leave as soon as possible," he said, his voice firm and resolute. "Until then, you must keep a low profile." "I promise you, I will not let anything happen to you."

"Kristen." Lyn's voice broke our small bonding moment. I took a step back from John.

"Are you okay?" She asked and ran to me.

"Where were you all this time?" It's your job to protect her." John yelled at her.

"I took her to the King's office, but they wouldn't let me in, and the maid from the kitchen sent me out to run an errand, and I just came back. Lyn's eyes widened at the sight of my blood-stained clothes. "What happened? "Who did this to you?"

I took a deep breath before giving her a brief summary of the day's events. As I spoke, I could see the fear growing in Lyn's eyes.

"Be with her until I come back." "Never leave her side." He said, looking at her sternly, and left. As John stormed out of the room, Lyn rushed to my side, concern etched on her face. I could feel her trembling hands as she checked me over for injuries. "Are you okay?" she asked again, her voice filled with worry.

"I'll be fine," I reassured her, trying to hide the fear and uncertainty in my own voice. "Just a little shaken up."

"Kristen, I knew something was not right from the way they sent me out. "I was worried sick." She said and hugged me. "You need a shower." She said it with teary eyes. I chucked.

"Yes. Can you get me some food while I finish my shower? "I am really hungry." I tried to smile.

"John asked to never leave your side, and from what it looks like, he is right. The moment I leave you, these monsters attack you." She said and sighed. I chuckled.

"Lyn, I am not the human girl who needs saving." "You know who I am now, right?" I asked, trying to ease the mood. Lyn pulled back from the hug and looked at me with a mix of concern and awe in her eyes. "Yes, I do know who you are, Kristen. "You are the powerful witch who gets herself into trouble the moment I leave her alone. But that doesn't mean I can just sit back and watch you get hurt. You may be powerful, but you're still human at the end of the day, and humans can be fragile. "Besides, John's right, you're in danger, and I'm not leaving your side." She said it determinedly, wiping away her tears. I smiled at her, grateful for her loyalty and care. "Thank you, Lyn. I appreciate it. I am fine now, there is nothing more they can do now. They have done everything they could. Now, can you please get me something to eat? "My stomach is growling." I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Lyn chuckled and nodded. "Okay, I will be quick." She said, before heading out of the room, looking on either side to make sure no vampire was lurking in the corner, and running fast. I chucked and locked the useless door, which gives no protection at all, and went to take a shower.

As usual, Lyn brought a tray of food, and we chatted for a while about the attack.

"I think something is not right," Lyn speaks her mind.

"I mean, nothing is right, to begin with, but William attacking you is a bit far. "I never thought he would do such a thing when he always thinks about protecting you." She says and sighs.

Well, even I didn't think such a thing would happen, but now we know he is one of them." Even though it hurt me inside, the sudden change of events and William showing his true colors. I must focus on what is next, and I am having this feeling that something bad is going to happen very soon.

"Don't worry, Kristen. Everything happens for a reason, and John will help us. I believe in my brother." She says and squeezes my hand. I nod. "I hope you are right, Lyn. I am starting to feel like a pawn in their game, and I don't like it. William's betrayal hurts more than anything." I confess, feeling a lump form in my throat. It was difficult to accept that someone I had trusted had turned against me.

"I know, Kristen. It's okay to feel hurt and betrayed. But we will get through this together. "We have each other's backs." Lyn's words were reassuring, but I couldn't shake off the feeling of impending doom.

"I hope John finds something soon. I can't keep living like this, always looking over my shoulder." I said, my voice shaking slightly.

"He will, Kristen." I know my brother. He won't rest until he finds a way to protect you. Lyn's unwavering faith in her brother brought a small smile to my face. I squeezed her hand back, grateful for her support.

The knock on the door startled us, and my heart raced as I wondered what new trouble had arrived. The door creaked open, and a maid appeared, looking small and terrified. "Yes?" I asked, trying to keep my voice level.

"Mam, the King requires your presence in the courtroom," she stammered, her eyes avoiding mine.

I stood up from the bed, my anger boiling inside me. "What does he want with me now?" I demanded, my fists clenching so tightly that my nails dug into my palms. Flames licked up my arms, and the maid's eyes widened as she took several steps back, fearing me and my powers.

"I am sorry, your highness, but I do not know anything." "Please spare me." She said and got down on her knees. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't have scared the poor girl, but now I could care less about anyone in this castle who serves that bastard King. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my anger, and extinguished the flames on my hands. "Get out of my sight," I said in a raised tone. The maid quickly stood up and rushed out of the room, closing the door behind her.

My fists were still clenched, and my heart was racing with anger and frustration. "Why does the King keep summoning me?" I muttered to myself, feeling helpless and trapped. The thought of meeting the king made me nauseous, but I knew I had no choice.

I took a deep breath and stepped out of the room with Lyn on my heels. I stopped and turned back to her. "Lyn, you should not be with me now. It's dangerous for you. "Find your brother and let him know," I said, looking at her without any place for an argument. She opened her mouth to say something but kept it shut. She knows when to not argue with me.

"Okay, be safe." She said and ran to the opposite side of the corridor. There were a few guards outside the courtroom, and they just looked at me like I was some kind of threat. When they saw my eyes change colour, they took a step back in fear.

"The king summoned me." "Would you be kind enough to open the door or should I do it for you?" I asked in a threatening way. Their eyes turned the size of a saucer before one of the guards opened the door and let me in. As much as I tried to convince myself that this meeting would not be like anything before, a feeling in the pit of my stomach refused to agree. As I entered, the first thing that caught my eye was the giant throne sitting on the raised platform, decorated with gems and gold. The sunlight passed through the windows and illuminated the room like glitter. So many tables and chairs were placed on either side of the room. The King, along with a few other men, were engaged in a serious conversation with their backs facing me. I walked to them silently and stopped at a good distance. They stopped their conversation and turned to look at me.

The King locked his eyes on me, and his eyes stayed on mine for a good long minute before he cleared his throat. The way he looked at me made me feel anger and hatred.

"Good to have you here, Kristen." He spoke as if nothing had happened, which made my anger increase. I didn't bother to greet him.

"What do you want from me now?" I asked, raising my brows.

The other men in the room gasped at my disrespect, but I couldn't care less. His green eyes looked at me warningly not to do anything stupid, which sent a chill down my spine. He gestured to me to sit on the nearest chair, and I took a seat along with the others. The king sat on his throne. I tried to keep my composure, but my heart was pounding in my chest. I had a bad feeling about this meeting. The tension in the room was palpable as we all waited for the King to speak. I refused to look at him and instead, stared at the ground.

I heard footsteps as the door to the courtroom opened, and a few females walked in with cloaks. I could tell they were witches based on their auras. My heart started beating wildly when I sensed three humans with their heads and bodies covered in black cloth. For some reason, I felt like I knew these people. Linda walked in a minute later, gracefully, without sparing me a glance. She walked to the king and bowed her head before going to stand with the other witches.

The King cleared his throat and began speaking: "Kristen, I have called you here to discuss a matter of great importance." His voice was smooth, but I could hear the underlying menace in his words. "As you know, tensions between our kingdom and the witches have been escalating. "We need to take action to protect our people and prevent a war from breaking out." I could feel the weight of his words, and I knew exactly where this was going. The king wanted me to use my powers to fight against the witches. I clenched my fists in anger. I wouldn't be used as a weapon for his selfish desires.

My heart hammered in my chest, wishing those people were not the ones I think they are. The king nodded at a witch, and the women removed the covers from all three of the people's heads, and my heart stopped.