
Conqueror of All

Izan is someone who’s under a lot of pain. Every day he wakes up with pain and late at night, he endures the pain and falls asleep. Izan is someone who wishes for to die as he can’t seem to keep up with the pain he is under. Suicide was an alternative which Izan wouldn’t commit as he knew that it would have pained his family more than he could have imagined. Day after day, Izan tried his best to endure for his family. Izan did also have a wish, a wish that strong which allowed Izan to continue forward until his breaking point. One day, Izan was allowed to seek for his wish in the vast universe. - Disclaimer, I do not own this picture. - I do not own One Piece, nor any of the upcoming series I will be visiting in this novel. - This is just a fan-fiction which I thought of in my mind, therefore, I will not always follow certain 'plot'.

iMiH · Anime und Comics
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Izan walked up to the deck with Hancock hanging on his arm. Izan had a helpless smile on his face as he held Hancock in his arms.

When Izan got out to the deck, he saw a News Coo flying around his ship. Izan motioned the News Coo to come closer with a smile on his face. As it came closer, Izan did also prepare a few things for it, a bowl of water and some seeds.

The News Coo flied towards Izan and landed on the table. It was Izan placing money in its pouch and grabbing a newspaper. Before the News Coo wanted to span its wings and fly, Izan stroked its head and said with a calm voice. "Why don't you eat a few seeds and drink a little water? It must have been exhausting to fly this far." The News Coo glanced at the seeds and the bowl of water, it finally understood that Izan had prepared these things for himself.

Izan saw the News Coo enjoying the seeds and drank half of the bowl of water before it span its wings and flied away with a cry of joy.

Izan chuckled as he opened the newspaper. He chuckled once again as he saw the front page.

"Execution of Portogas D. Ace."

Izan didn't know much of who Portogas D. Ace was. But he quickly found out more about him as he read the newspaper. It seemed that Portogas D. Ace was an executive of an Emperor of the Seas, Whitebeard. "It can't be this simple, even if it states that Whitebeard is old , I don't think he would let this happen." Izan mumbled before he smirked. "A war to kill the Emperor, this would give the Navy and the World Government a huge increase in popularity."

Izan had seen through their plans with a glance, and he was pretty sure that the Emperor, Whitebeard would too.

"A war between the Navy and Whitebeard?" Hancock asked with a surprised tone. She knew that the Four Emperors were far stronger than what she could imagine.

A chuckle escaped Izan's mouth. "For the Navy, Whitebeard's death is their priority. But, if Whitebeard really goes there, then his priority is Portogas D. Ace's life. I don't know the reason why, but I bet that Whitebeard wants him as a successor or something." Izan explained his thoughts while pondering further ahead.

Izan would speak with Jiutian, Nojiko and Robin about this later. He flipped the sides of the newspaper. Nothing was of big interest until he smirked as he saw a title was about him and his crew.

"During the short amount of time, the Heavenly Pirates has brought more chaos in Grand Line. The Devil Child Nico Robin has joined the Heavenly Pirates and it is presumed that Snake Princess Boa Hancock has also joined the Heavenly Pirates."

"Heavenly Izan had fought six battleships and tried to massacre the marines. Luckily Admiral Aokiji managed to save them and push back Izan without many casualties."

"What a bullshit lie!" Hancock roared out loud as she read the newspaper. She was fuming of how deceitful the Navy was.

Izan patted her head as he continued reading.

"This act of the Heavenly Pirates is a clear description of threatening the Navy and the World Government. From this day of, Heavenly Izan and his crew is wanted by the entire world!"

"Heavenly Izan"

"Bounty - 600 000 000 berry"

"Dead or Alive"

"Izan is a ruthless pirate who will stop at nothing to create chaos and ruin the peace. Izan has gathered a crew filled with pirates that hate and despise the Navy and the World Government."

"Golden Pole Nojiko"

"Bounty – 100 000 000 berry"

"Dead or Alive"

"Golden Pole Nojiko has again and again shown great animosity towards the Navy and is helping Heavenly Izan in killing marines who are working hard to uphold Justice."

"Silent Sword Jiutian"

"Bounty - 250 000 000 berry"

"Dead or Alive"

"Jiutian has shown great strength and is using it to help Izan. It has been found out that she, Silent Sword Jiutian is indeed the right hand of Heavenly Izan."

"Demon Child Nico Robin"

"Bounty - 100 000 000 berry"

"Dead or Alive"

"Demon Child Nico Robin has joined the Heavenly Pirates after betraying previous Royal Warrior Crocodile. She is supporting Izan in achieving his goals in ruining Justice."

"Snake Princess Boa Hancock"

"Bounty – 200 000 000 berry"

"Dead or Alive"

"Boa Hancock has rebelled and was trying to use her pirate crew to ambush a World Government ship which was guarded by five Navy battleships. After her failure, she managed to escape with the help of Heavenly Izan. It is presumed that Boa Hancock has now joined the Heavenly Pirates."

"Overall view of the Heavenly Pirates, they are a crazy and demonic group of pirates sailing on the seas. They only wish for chaos and will not stop at any cost. The Heavenly Pirates is very dangerous and it is highly recommended and advised that no one tries to stop them without sufficient strength."

Hancock was boiling in anger, she had a deep frown on her face and her fists were clenched till they became pale.

"It is a very interesting description." Izan tried to stay calm as he had a smile on his face, but his eyes were squinted and were glinting in coldness from time to time. "They are undermining us in the back of the newspaper. Heh, I can already guess that we are their next goal after they have dealt with Whitebeard." Izan snickered as he folded the newspaper before he walked inside while holding Hancock gently in his arms.

"Hancock, what do you want to do about this?" Izan asked as he narrowed his eyes he didn't mind the Navy's actions at the start, but they were getting bolder with what they were saying about him and his followers to the World.

Hancock shook her head gently as she spoke in a happy tone. "Just act the way you want. I have already entrusted my everything to you." Hancock felt slightly embarrassed as she hugged Izan even tighter with a blush on her face as she imagined living the rest of her life with Izan.

Izan didn't say much as he walked further inside till he went inside the room where they would usually relax in. Izan gave Jiutian the newspaper and explained his thoughts about the war and the Navy's description of them to Nojiko and Robin.

Nojiko frowned, but she didn't say anything.

"I think you are right, Izan. It seems that they are planning to deal with you and us after Whitebeard's death." Robin cupped her chin as she spoke with a calm voice.

"I am curious of why they want to deal with Izan..." Jiutian said in a cold voice as she unconsciously squinted her eyes. "They have either thought Izan to be too strong or they know something else about him."

Robin shook her head before she started speaking. "It can't be because of his strength. There are more powerful pirates out there, included the Four Emperors."

"Then they must want something from my Husband!?" Hancock's voice was cold as she gripped Izan tighter in her arms.

"I can at most guess that they are more afraid of Izan the the others. It might be because Izan has shown many different abilities since the Navy first saw him." Robin explained in details of how she observed the situation.

"They would be too late if they want to wait until Whitebeard's death." Izan smirked as he told Jiutian, Nojiko, Robin and Hancock his ideas and plans.

Heyo, eighth and last chapter of the week. (8/8) I hope that you have enjoyed the chapter of today.


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