
Conquering The Naruto World

A man is reincarnated into Naruto after his death watch his growth as he conquers the Naruto world.

BlackKingJade · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

The grey walls , lack of decoration, and small room reminded Kuro of the interrogation rooms he saw on TV in his past life. Being a kid he was small enough already, but seeing only two chairs and a wooden table he felt even more worried about what Kai might say.

Despite his worries he still kept a blank look on his face; as if this was a routine operation not wanting to give anything away.

"Take a seat in the second chair." Said Arakan while tensing his voice. As Kuro was sitting down in the uncomfortably small chair he was met with a look of tiredness from Arakan.

Kuro knew by this that he was a professional, so as a kid with no training he knew that he wasn't going to get out of this without a lot of effort and luck. However, that gave him a lot to ponder in a short time.

'So how do I speak without hinting or revealing I am a reincarnated individual- wait. Why would he think of me being reincarnated as the first guess? Sure, being more mature and intelligent than kids my age is weird. However, as long as I don't cross any lines in the end I am still a kid. Not to mention the goal is to get a confession of why we went out late at night.

The best thing to do is to lie while telling the truth to get out of most trouble so at most all we have to do are some chores.'

After he finished thinking, Kuro waited for Arakan to ask his question once more. The room was tense but Kuro was confident. With the enlightenment he obtained just now, as long as he is calm he will be able to get through it.

"What caused you both to break the rules? Did you want to worry us and the other kids because if that's your goal then it worked!" said Arakan while keeping his slightly raised tone, but never yelling as it felt that doing so felt demeaning to him.

"The teacher was discriminating against us Orphans, so in order to keep up with our other classmates, me and Kai decided to train our stealth at night in preparation for the team battle we will be having next month.

It's unfair that just because we don't have parents, and that we were abandoned, we are not able to train or use resources like the other kids. But as a student it's our responsibility to learn, so doing whatever I can to do that won't waste the effort you spent on us." Kuro said while watching Arakan nod his head in understanding; He couldn't help but remember Kuro's fathers talent for bullshitting and recalling the lessons he spent as an orphan training to serve brought back some fond memories.

But regardless of his fondness he had to keep pushing.

"But why did you not say anything to us? You know we care for you all and risking being kidnapped just for training is a horrible idea!" When Arakan said that he felt a bit sick in his mind, clearly lying to someone he was never supposed to lie too if a certain person was still alive. But he had obligations to protect the currently living from the dead.

"We didn't want to bother the both of you at night, it felt selfish to ask that when both sirs are busy tending to the matters of the orphanage." Saying another partial lie, Kuro felt that he managed to convince Arakan, and it was confirmed by what Arakan said next; bringing an unnoticeable smile to his face.

"Leave and go to bed." Arakan said, not punishing Kuro at all. Although he already knew the truth, he left it at that since he had his target and someday soon this incident won't matter much. Walking off to his room, Arakan made his way down the hallway leaving Kuro to himself to reflect.

Upon arriving at the door he could feel a dark and evil presence in his room and knowing who it was opened the door stepping inside.

He could hear the creaking sounds of the wooden door as a silent and shadowy figure with a cane and slightly hunched back along with a white bird in the room.

"Close the door." The figure spoke not raising his voice but Arakan quickly knew what to do and the door closed silently on it's own compared to the creaking sound earriler.

After the door was closed with silent steps Danzo walked from the shadows, half his face was bandaged along with his arm. He had black hair and a stren old looking face unlike hiruzen who seemed like a grandpa depsie his strength, Danzo looked old and depressed without strength but Arakan knew that it was all a ruse and it was very common in his line of work.

Kneeling on the ground Arakan reported like he usually does once a month about the happenings around the orphanage along with who was adopting kids, he reported kids with a more mature mind that with training would be able to become root members and also talented kids.

"So that little brat Kai stole some magazines without getting caught, and didn't say a word under the interrogation? And remove the transformation you have on yourself." Danzo asked the white bird.

"Yes lord Danzo, after placing a suggestion that it would be in his best interest to speak he was able to resist the strong compulsion against my genjutsu." Spoke the bird which undid the transformation jutsu turning into Hiroto before continuing.

"Even when transformed temporarily to Arakan to lower his guard even more. He would be perfect by next year to join the organization. By then we should be completely prepared with all the target members."

Danzo nodded before barking some orders. "I need some medical ninja, so go find some kids with potential to do that for me, I will be expecting the previous goods we talked about next month on the 5th am I clear?" When he talked he did so without regards to how they felt and by showing up like this they got the message that if they didn't fulfill their obligation then they could expect the only thing they treasure to be gone.

Anger filling both Arakan and Hiroto's chest, they went their separate ways and headed to bed .Not wanting to think about what they were doing for the past five years, and despite the numbness felt even more than they did the previous 5 years.

"It's all for the greater good." Hiroto said to himself before going to sleep. Next month will be difficult for him. Hiding himself deeper into the covers as he always had in hopes of finding more comfort.