
The Story of a lost Family

I was wake up by Travis mechanical voice. " 100 % assimilation of memories and abilities completed abilities won 0.00124 " (Travis remarks body extremely weak.) what time is Travis? It is 0100 Aran. I can't believe that you wake me up in the middle of my sleep , where is common sense Travis. I was surprise for the silence for two minutes, until the mechanical voice resounded in my mind again"Travis remarks to Aran , I was following verbal command issued .....suggestion for brain scan to rule out early signs of dementia".

I was without words and decided to review the memories starting by my new family member's. My sister Aria is a 5 years little girl that attend to the outer clan school, she is a water magic user level 1, my mother Elien Mars was the Patriarch daughter of the Mars clan a decaying and small clan, she was promised to my father Kurt Longheart as the 4 concubine, her level was a water magic user level 8 , My father had 3 principal wifes and 8 concubines , his specialty was stealing skirts , his level is Esquire silver level 1, trash in the level of cultivation for a man of 75 years old with clan resources. He hates Aran to the bone , because people mock him as the failure of the failures. Aran only remembered to see him 3 times in his entire life, never was a word betwen them past the evaluation talent where Aran scored bottom with no affinity for magic and limit growth until Esquire bronze level 2. Aran half brother's never had a relation with him besides humilliation. The Longheart clan is a middle size clan( subordinate to the Greenwood clan) locate in the small Kingdom of Rothenberg ,who was subordinate of the medium size kingdom of Evergreen. I was very thankfully to Aran love for books, because help me understand a little about the situation in the Itria continent. My grandfather is Marcus Longheart he is the strongest and patriarch of the clan with a cultivation of Intermedia knight level 2 and his age is 252 years old. He was very hard with Aran to the point to retire the appointed resurces to cultivate. The rest was pain and more pain and at the end. I decide to rise and protect the people that love me ... my mom and sister.

Morning arrives with a ligh entering between windows. I decide that the first thing to do today was going to the library and use Travis to compile information and review the tattered book that was hiden in a secret compartment.

Standing up is very painful , I see a long old mirror in a conner of the room and I decide to remove the gray long slevee shirt .

"wao ! my body is only bones and bruises and different stages of healing are covering my torso and arm. I definitively was their punch bag. "

I was 5'5 with dark eyes, black hair until my shoulders and just the average looking teen,

I covered again with my clothes, my pants simple , dark color and my old boots. I went to the door , thinking that my pool genes from my Mom side , took a different route. I went to the door and at openning I see Aria in the hallway , she was dresing in a plain blue dress with a leather belt and light low boots, she had pigtails and in general look very cute.

" Aran, Mom ask me to bring your breakfast to your room , but I wanna know if you have desire for any food in particular before coming"

with her childish voice she looked like a small version of Elien, I patted her head smilling. she cry and hung me very hard saying.

" I was so worried for you , kurt and his lackeys are just a bunch of abusers"

her eyes became red at the end of her words.

I was very touch for her love.

" we should go to the table to get breakfast with mom , brother is ok , thanks for your support and love"

she smile and we went to the kitchen. Elien was setting the breakfast black bread and warm milk, we live in a 2 floor building of stone and wood , the first floor have 2 bedrooms , one small hall , the bathroom and kitchen eating area, in the second floor is my small bedroom and the prayer room. We live alone because the last servant was removed by the main family 3 years ago. Provisions are deliver every 4 days by an outer servant knows as uncle Towen, he is kind to my family, and always try to bring more goods that the assignment, because over time our goods have been reduced by order of the first wife. Elien influence was almost zero in the family. I finished my breakfast fast and I was almost going out , when I hear a voice in my back.

" Aran where are you going? , you should go to rest"

" Mom I am feeling better, I am just going to the library for a couple hours"

Elien took a momentum thinking

" Do you want that I go with you?"

" No ,mom I am ok , besides I am sure that you will be busy taking Aria to the outer school and I will just go to the library for a book and I will be back soon"

My mind was in the tattered book , Elien accept and I abandon the house with a fast pace( the pace that allow me my weak body move). I was trying to avoid Kurt and his connies. I arrive behind the library toilets and deep in the the roots of the old tree was a dark skin involving the book. I decide to hide in one of the toilets and see the book ( the smell in the toilet was awfull). I touch the book and I start to feel dizzy. My head hurt and I can hear Travis voice in my mind.

" Unknown object transfer of energy to your soul ,can't stop the process assimilation 100%"

my body feel so weak I can't pass here in this place ..... strength god ...strength. I am taking deep breaths and I feel better at that time Ican see in my soul two objects a white small light and a page with a breathing technique(Ocean deep breathing technique) . The small white was Travis. Travis could you see any change in my body.

" Besides increase in 0.2 in agility , strength and dexterity , the rest is the same. Travis remarks: I hope that you charge rent to this intruder"

I feel lost and decide to walk to the enter of the library where Elder Sun the protector of the library is resting in a old rocking chair. He is dressing in a long white tunic and pants with belt of a rare animal , a short sword is pending to his side. I talk in my mind to Travis

" Travis could you check his stats?"

" Impossible to complete analysis my level is to low. Travis remarks: Aran to weak , need strength and intelligence ASAt more"

I could not believe Travis words I felt that this AI should be top like the Ironman.

I was in front of Elder Sun already.

" Good morning Elder Sun can I get a pass to the general library Topics"

Elder Sun open his eyes .

" Good morning Aran , It is 2 days already since I saw you, I heared rumours that you were hitting by Kurt until almost passing out "

" Thanks Elder Sun for your concerns was a child fight. I am ok now"

" Aran if you want I can talk with the inner teacher about Kurt fighting you. He is 14 years and a Bone dense level 3 cultivator and you are a normal kid"

" Thank you Elder Sun, but I will deal with him myself"

A token of color green with a wolf in the center appeared in my hand .

"You can enter for 2 hr"

I stepped in a central flat stone and was transported to the general topics. The library was a magical building with four levels that work too as the skill building , the general topics of education that usually nobody visit , the level one for cultivator in the bone dense or magic user level , the level two for cultivators in the Esquire level , Novice and Apprentice of magic and the third level for knight level or Mage. To accede the others levels you need to have points merrits and cultivation according level. All the information in my mind was the memories of the old Aran. Elder Sun was very fond of Aran that is why he allow him to enter the library general topics almost all the time.

When Aran disappeared in the matriz. Elder Sun murmured to himself

" Poor kid"