
Congratulations, You're Dead!

*Ding**Ding**Ding**Ding**Ding**Ding**Ding**Ding* *Ding**Ding**Ding**Ding**Ding**Ding* *Ding**Ding**Ding**Ding**Ding**Ding**Ding**Ding**Ding**Ding**Ding* "Uh, whatcha doing there System-chan?" *Ding**Ding**Ding**Ding* "You know they can't understand you right?" *Ding*

Farmer_Rebellion · Fantasie
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37 Chs



-Mana Manipulation has evolved into Mana Control-

'Thank you Temmie-chan' I say in my head before speaking aloud. "For you Abigail. May you always know exactly what magic is capable of." I sit back down and place the glass kitten in front of the awed girl. Amelia comes up and hugs me from behind. I'm hiding it well, but she can tell that I'm nearly drained.

"It's not even hot." Abby says, gingerly testing it.

"It's safe, she's yours now, you can pick her up.

She does, turning the kitten about to examine it from all angles. Until she gasps and nearly drops it. See, the kitten isn't really sleeping, it's eyes are open just a crack. And, thanks to some fiber-optic trickery, you can only see the flame coming from its eyes when looking at it head on.

"Her eyes.. how?" She whispers. "It's glass... The flames should..." She trails off and gently sets the kitten down.

"Just a little reminder." I say with a sad smile. "Now, you guys are burning daylight." My smile widens into one full of humor as Amelia lets out a little groan at my pun. "You're going to have to hustle to reach the next waypoint by dark."

"Thank you.. For everything." Marta says looking up from her own inspection of the kitten.

"Not a problem. And, sorry I had to get so dramatic." I shrug.

"Some lessons can only be learned the hard way." The woman says with a loving look at her niece. "Thank you for teaching her this one, and for leaving her with such a.. unique reminder." The girl in question is just staring silently at the glass sculpture.

"We'll meet again in the Capital. Once she's ready, you have but to say the word."

With that, the painter hands her niece the kitten before shooing her into the carriage. Her men having already started gathering everything after my earlier reminder. I just sat there with Amelia at my back until they rode away.

"Thank the gods. They're finally gone." I gasp out slumping onto the table.

"Dumbass." Amelia says lovingly. "What happened to just giving the girl a bit of a scare? And what did you do to the sculptures eyes? I didn't get a good look."

"Oh, that? That's why I'm so drained right now." I say. Rolling my head to the side so I can see her. "You know how water and glass can bend light? Well, I made it so that when looking at the kitten's face you can only see the flame from it's eyes. I felt she still needed something tangible to drive the lesson home."

"Dumbass showoff." She says. Sitting next to me and wrapping me in a hug.

"But, I'm your dumbass showoff." Smiling at her before looking up to the wall. "You can come down now, they're gone."

"Yay! Waffles!" The pixie dives onto the platter and starts shoveling the confectionary into her face. "Amelia's right though. You are a dumbass. Doing all that work with just Fire magic when you should save your power for making more treats."

"Heh, I may be a dumbass for doing it like that, but it paid off big." A smug smile forms on my face. "Mana Manipulation got upgraded into Mana Control."

"..." The tiny, winged woman just keeps shoveling leftovers into her face. She's been suspicious about my growth, and we've made it a bit of a game to tease her about it.

Things fall back into a routine again, after that. It takes another week and a half for someone from the kingdom to arrive. But they're just a small squad from the town closest to the grasslands who'd received orders via messenger bird to secure the dungeon.

Just having other people there to watch over it is a great relief, and you could practically see the built up stress just flow out of us. But, we can't leave just yet. The squad sent a bird of their own back with confirmation, but we still need someone from the Capital here to sign off on our claim. So, it's back to waiting.


"I don't see why you don't just show yourself. You can claim to be our companion or something." I tell Apricot. She's been spending most of her time hiding in our wagon ever since the squad got here. So, much so that I built her, her own little home, which she makes me soundproof every night. "What are you going to do when we leave?"

"Your soundproofing is up, right?" She asks, even though she can see that it is. One of the perks of being a purely magical race. "I was kinda hoping that maybe..."

"That we'd take you with us?" I finish her sentence.

"Shh! What if Co hears?" Co being short for Circle Orchard. The name stuck, not surprising since the next best one was The Rat Pit. "I don't want to hurt his feelings."

I just smile at her antics. "Look, we already saw this coming. It took a while but we're friends now, so Amelia and I are happy with you tagging along." I explain to the frazzled little thing. "I've been able to make Mana stones ever since I unlocked Control. So, that's not an issue."

"Oh, I forgot you could do that." Her wings still.

"Then how where you going to come with us?" Amelia asks.

"Umm..." She looks up hopefully. "I was hoping one of you would.. bond with me."

"Like you are with Co?" I ask.

"What exactly would that mean for us?" Amelia adds.

"Yes, but instead of just being a drain, I'd be able to help you." Apricot spurts out. "I can draw in and purify the mana you absorb. You'll actually be getting more mana overall, even with some siphoning off back to me."

"Wow, that sounds great." I say. "What are the downsides?" My inner paranoid adds.

"For you none." She spits out, afraid we won't accept. "It's only a risk for my folk, and then only because the people we bond to could die far away from any other mana source."

"We don't plan to die anytime soon, but here. Just in case." I toss her a pouch full of mana stones. "Keep that in your inventory, and you won't have to worry."

Apricot just bursts into tears at my possibly life-saving generosity.

"So, you want to do it?" I ask Amelia. "It's not like I need more power."

"Oh, sure. Take pity on the poor Water Mage." Amelia jokes.

"Not pity, just smart planning." I explain seriously. "I feel like I'm right on the cusp of Magical sight, and once I crack it. Then, chances are, I'll be able to copy whatever she does for you."

"Argh! Of course you would have thought of something like that." Amelia hits me with a pillow.

"How can you just say stuff like that?" The pixie finally rejoins the conversation. "Something that should be impossible for anyone else, and you say it like it's inevitable. Tell me the truth, please. Are you actually a dragon?"

Amelia and I can't help it, and just bust up laughing. "Oh gods! You, a dragon?" She gasps out. "Oh, that's a good one, Apricot."

"You know?" I say, catching my breath. "I actually thought about it for a second, but the cost was too high." Amelia seems intrigued, and Apricot looks even more lost. "And besides, who wants to sit in a cave hoarding gold all day, or whatever it is dragons do... Though." A wicked glint appears in my eyes. "I do rather enjoy eating maidens." I add, causing Amelia to hit me with her pillow again before hiding her blushing face behind it.

"Ugh!" Apricot groans. "No sex talk, please. It's bad enough that you two are going at it all the time as it is. And you!" She points her tiny hand at me. "Quit being totally serious while talking about the impossible. Please just tell me the truth."

"I will." I let all the humor wash from my face. "After you bond with Amelia, and we are finally away from this place. Then, I promise to tell you everything."

"You mean it?" She says. Face full of fearful hope. "You're not just teasing me again?"

"He means it." Amelia comes to my defense. "I don't know if you've noticed but he doesn't lie, like ever. If he says he's going to do something, then it's as good as done."

"Well, I know he's not Fae, and that stupid rumor is about as false as can be." The actual Fae speaks up.

"He's just Sorrel."

"She's right." I agree. "And if you want to find out, you'll just have to wait. Unfortunately, even if the delegation arrives tomorrow it'll probably be a few days before we can get out of here. And, I'm guessing you don't want to bond with her until after we leave the dungeon."

"Yeah, It's not like he'll care, not really. But, I'll feel bad." She slumps. "I never wanted to be a dungeon pixie, and I'm no good at it. He barely even talks to me anymore. Do you think, once we leave, we could find someway to contact the clans and let them know about him? It'll take years for his signal to reach them otherwise."

"Of course." Amelia stops herself from reaching out, afraid her gesture of comfort would hurt the tiny creature. "We'll send missives to the nearest areas with magical sources. Hire a local to give them word. I'm sure daddy knows some contacts that are trustworthy."

"Thank you." Apricot looks relieved. "Heheheh." She starts laughing. "I can just imagine it now. Some lunker walking up to the nearest dungeon or mana spring and reading off a scroll. "Attention magical creatures, a new dungeon has formed in the middle of bloody nowhere." Hah." She laughs out again.

"Sounds good, but I think it's about time for bed." The pixie groans out at this. "And tomorrow you get to meet the squad."

"No, I don't wanna." She huffs.

"He's right." Amelia adds. "If you're going to be living with us, you can't just stay hidden away all the time. The guys are great, maybe a little wimpy about magic stuff, but that's just mean they'll give you even more respect."

"I know right. Haven't been able to do anything big since they got here. They just stand there gawping at the littlest things. You'd think they'd at least get used to how I make breakfast by now."

"Sweetie." Amelia coo's at me. "It's not really their fault. You do tend to put on a bit of a show."

"I may not know what you are." Apricot starts. "But, I do know what you aren't, and that's subtle."

"Fine, pick on me." I wag my finger at the tiny woman. "But, guess who's not getting breakfast if she doesn't come out to meet the guys."

"Hmph!" She hmphs, and flies into her house. Only to shout out a second later. "I'll think about it. And don't forget the bloody Soundproofing, you great bloo.." I cast it just to cut off her rant.

Amelia Sidles up closer to me. "Are you sure about telling her.. everything?" She asks leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Yeah, probably would have eventually. But, with an actual bond between us, she's tying her life to ours, and the least I can do is repay some of that trust."

"And that's why I love you, you bloody lunker."

"Oh really? I thought it was for some of my more dragon like tendencies."


"Huh?" Something snaps me out of my trance. "Damn! I was so close. Oh, hey Apricot. What's up? Finally decide to interact with the guys? I know Amelia snuck you a plate earlier."

It's after noon, and I'm still trying to master Magical sight. Amelia's deep into her own spell work, out behind the wall to not to scare the guards. And they're.. Well, they look bored as hell. Being a guard is already boring work, but they're used to at least being in a town. They found out real quick that being stuck in the middle of bloody nowhere with no one else around sucks. To put it lightly.

"Yeah, yeah. And sorry for disturbing you. But, it looks like the delegation is almost here." The tiny woman tells me what I've been waiting to hear for weeks now.

"Really? There's been no dust trail. Ah!" I exclaim. "They must have a mage who's keeping the dust down."

"Yeah, I only spotted them by chance when I was flying around. Want me to get Amelia? It looked like we only have half an hour or so until they get here." She says looking both excited and nervous at the prospect of new people, and more importantly, the chance to get out of here.

"Please do, I'll warn the guards." She zips over the wall and I go give the guys the good news.

Thirty minutes later we're all standing outside the gate, watching a several caravans and over a dozen riders roll up. Most of the riders seem to be military, but I see one well well-dressed rider stiffen for a moment as he crosses into the dungeon's territory.

"So, that's the mage? I thought they'd be in one of the carriages." I lean over and say to Amelia.

"He was probably excited to see it firsthand. Little does he know just how boring it'll be after just a few days." She breathes out a sigh before perking up. "Mommy? Daddy?" She shouts and runs forward after spotting a middle aged couple looking out from the window of one the carriages.

The woman looks just like an older version of Amelia. Maybe a few crow's-feet around her eyes, and laugh lines around her mouth. Her eyes are different though, Amelia seems to have gotten those from her father. He's got a receding hairline, and what looks a normally cheerful face that looks to have been under enormous stress recently.

I watch her go with sad eyes for what is bound to be a tearful reunion. "Greetings, Sir Mage." I step forward and call out to the well-dressed rider once he dismounts. "Welcome to Circle Orchard Dungeon. And, boy am I glad you guys finaly got here."

"Gave myself away, did I?" Says the man.

He's somewhat taller than me, with light sandy brown hair. Maybe around thirty-five years of age. He not fit, but not fat either, decently good looking. Not that I'm a great judge of that, when it comes to men at least. But, he doesn't look like he'd have any trouble getting a date.

"The Aura's a bit shocking at first." I explain.

"Ah." He nods. "You must be Sorrel then, right? And that's obviously Amelia." He looks over at the crying family. "Poor family, they've been going through hell this whole trip. Doing their best not to show it, mind you, but it's hard to hide something like that in such a small group. You have my and the Kingdom's thanks for catching those bastards."

I just nod.

"Name's Coen, by the way. Earth Mage. I got a quick debrief from uh, Charlie before they practically shoved us on the road. But, would you mind filling me in on things."

"Not much to fill in. It's been, thankfully rather boring. Not a peep from the dungeon, not since that first attack." I go on to give him a full run down of the attack and it's aftermath, and a general outline of events since.

"And you wove that spell throughout this whole clearing? I thought I felt something, but passed it off as the dungeon's influence. And, you have been holding it this whole time? Would you mind if I asked your level?"

"Not the whole time, I do need to sleep after all." I would chuckle, but the sight of Amelia and her family has robbed me of any humor, for the moment. "And the grass actually does all the heavy lifting for me. I grew it with the intent to support and power the spell. That's what got me to level four. Feels like I'm a hair's breadth away from five right now."

"Remarkable! I'd read that Nature mages could do such things, but I thought they'd have to be much higher level. I mean, I'm level fifteen, and I doubt I could cover an area this large with Tremorsense for more than an hour."

"Eh, I've got a knack for plants." I understate my abilities. "That, and most of my practice goes straight into mastering control. Now, if you'll excuse me." I say turning my attention to Amelia and her parents.

"Ah, yes. Of course." He follows my gaze to see the family heading this way. "I should confer with the captain, anyways."

"Tell him if he needs anything. Food, supplies, buildings, whatever. He just needs to ask."

Thank you, that'll be a big help. I'll leave you to it then, Sorrel. Mister, Miss Rialta" He gives them a nod as they arrive, before heading over to where the army guys are setting up.

"Sir, Ma'am. You have my deepest apologies for not being there in time to save your son." I say solemnly. I don't really know what else to say.

"Nonsense!" Kaitlyn, Amelia's mother says. Her eyes still red from crying. "It's the Gods' own blessing that you were there at all. You saved my little Amy."

"Mom." Amelia whines

She ignores her daughter's dislike for nicknames. "You healed her head wound. Caught those bastards!" She snarls. "Protected her all this time. And, you gave her magic. My little girl.. My little Amy has magic, she's a Mage. All thanks to you." She chokes out before clutching her daughter, fresh tears washing down her face.

"She's right, Son." Amelia's father, Turner says, rubbing his wife's back. "It's a miracle that you were there at all."

"... I still wish I could have done more. To spare you and Amelia from that pain." My voice catches in my throat when I say her name.

"I know, Son. I know. Why don't you show us to this wagon Amy told us about. Get us all out of this sunlight."

"Of course." Taking his offered out, I nod and walk us over.

The initial awkwardness is over, and seems to have taken most of the tears with it, for now. We reach camp after a short walk, and the couple marvel over the vardo and it's carvings. Turner, his inner merchant coming out, seems very interested in the wood itself.