

An odd rumor spread from a friend of a friend guides a man into the deep of a forest. His intentions are innocent,yet he meets a malevolent fate.

Kieran_Novels_ · Horror
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1 Chs

first version

Ervil sifted through my cupboards while ranting about an annoyance from last night. With each of his words, a knee punctuated itself against the counter. Huffing as he complained, his jaw stiffened in discontent. I glanced at what snacks he was scouting.

I stood beside him, stacking the rest of my old, color stained cups together, sighing to myself. I was only half listening.

He went on further to describe the idiocy some stranger dared to disrupt his night with, hands plated flat on the cupboard doors. The creak of it faintly whisking underneath his words, "People like that dont make sense to me. How can you be so sure if you're so uneducated?"

I shrugged at him instead of giving a real answer, placing the cups where they belonged above my head. Eventually, his bickering subsided, and we fell into a refreshing silence.

I playfully knocked him out of the way to find my own snacks, "you're not gonna have to see him again, so why get mad about it?"

I asked, pushing knelt over bags of toothaches away from my treasure. They fumbled over each other in an artificial mound, limp and bright in all their eyesore glory.

"Those people piss me off," he uttered while dragging a few sodas from their chilled home in the fridge, snapping one open.

Prodding the ziploc seal apart, I mumbled, "yeah," then followed it by dumping some of the crunchy contents into my mouth.

Crackles poured from the freshly opened can, spewing in my ears as he sipped.

Walking together to my room, i lifted a hand, picking the hard pretzel out of my gums. "So,anything else new?"

Ervil moved himself in front of me quickly. Spinning his feet around, he huffed in my face with a blued tongue and a lean smirk. Swiftly strolling backward ahead and down the carpeted hall, his feet bounced in a suave manner. Sighing, I walked faster to catch him off guard and grinned at the sight of him stumbling beneath himself. Elbowing me softly in the stomach, Ervil laughed prior to taking a spot on our giant beanbag chair.

Making myself comfortable beside him,I plucked a bundle of cases off the tv stand, " Well?"

He grabbed my water bottle and tossed it at my feet, sneering, "You remember those woods by Crawdad's fishing hole?"

"Yeah," i said, keeping the question of why to myself.

The sizzling from Vil's beverage faded courteously in due time as he downed more of it.

"Mylie told me a monster lives in there thats got these freaky yellow teeth, and it can take the shape of a little girl. It hides in the trees, but if you're nice, it'll grant you wishes."

Settling in,each chilled groove of the chair accepted my weighty spine. As i stretched my legs out, i noticed now how malleable a beanbag was. I looked at Ervil again and pondered,

"Sean told me that ages ago,back in sixth? He kept saying we should check it out, but he moved before we could go in there, " I blurted, reminiscing in old times with him in the fields of property where his house sunk into the center.

Sean's hands were scuffed and coated in a clay like dirt along with his pants. He smiled and pointed at me, teeth shining white alongside the summer sun. He talked of what we could do for all the time off he was going to wish for. His hair was always wrecked and full of who knows what,most likely crumbs from the mountains he'd eat.

"He really wanted to wish for a giant storm so that we'd get out of school,kept saying we'd have a week long sleepover if it worked." Ervil joked between each sip.

I chuckled and shuffled my dvds while listening, "Yeah,we should call him one of these days. Are you gonna check it out? You need a better bike."

"Hell no! Why would someone waste a wish on a bike?" He scoffed, throwing his arm to the side and pushing the soda can into the deep of the rug.

"It'd be free, wouldn't it?"

"Maybe,but i doubt that. Monsters always want something from you, no matter how they get it," he spat, trying to hush a naivety that grew too loud.

Throwing my head back, i sighed, "And what makes her a monster? Does she take your heart for wishing to have a promotion? I think you're going out of it faster than Sean did when he thought his neighbor convinced his dog to run off,"

"You're dumb enough to think trading with an unnatural t h i n g rotting in the woods granting people "harmless" wishes isn't a risk?" Now he was out of his spot and nudging a foot into the beanbag, jostling me out of my comfort. His voice burned with confusion and the same annoyance as it had in the kitchen.

"I mean, you haven't tried. If the wish costs something she won't specify, then yeah, no one in their right mind would do it. But if it doesn't, then I don't see as much of an issue,so quit whining," I contorted, smacking his leg away from my pellet filled throne.

"Okay hotshot, but I heard that if she's angry when you find her, she out of the tree onto you and guts you."

My lungs shallowed, and breaths came quietly so that i could hear what he told. I hung on every word,waiting, "and then?" I pried,i dont know if it was forbidden curiosity or fear.

"She strings you to her trees by your bones like a spiderweb and licks up your blood. I'm not risking that"

The discs in my hand felt different, only now I realized that was rubbing one of them against another. Luckily, it wasn't the important side. Shifting deeper into the seat, I lost myself in what ervil said.

He scoffed as he plucked the Traitor's Seven disc out of my hands.

Those remarks he beckoned had made me want to push his buttons further.

"Ervil, if you're scared, you can tell me,I might go, though," I smiled, pressing my back farther into the molded plasticity of the seat.

The tv static flickered on our faces, and I hit play,ervil mumbled through his smile.

"Only a little, if she does exist, she's terrifying,stringing me by my innards now outwards,sounds like a monster."

With that, I aimed myself forward,then climbed out of the beanbag and pulled on my shirt.

"Im gonna go prove you wrong,im not getting you a bike, but I'll be back," I retorted, patting myself down for my keys and phone.

"Hey man,seriously, if it's true, you're gonna get your shit rocked," He babbled as he stole my controller and then my spot on our beanbag

"I dont know what i want yet, but I'll be seeing you soon, vil."

"Really? Nothing comes to mind?" He grinned as he eyeballed the old television before drawing a giant pizza on some stray paper to irk me.

"Pizza,but not a bike, huh?" I contorted,lowering my eyes sarcastically.

He chuckled as he pressed the punch button on a well loved controller.

I took that as my sign to leave him to his "zone." Abrupt and raunchy screaming spat from the tv as he started his pixilated rampage.

V hit pause and threw me a granola bar. with that, i left.

Eventually,my steps fell upon Crawdads fishing spot. The same old tree half rotted and arching spindly over piles of small throwing rocks. A soft but sturdy anthill that blinked in the sun's view, waking aside them.

The place itself was no more than a small cedar dock, its aged breaths fluttering away into a thin and cold brisk air. Dingy and old buckets once full of use now played freely in their accompanying moss. Flecks of dust and grime had been stirring with the wind as it passed through.

Splinters shooting from various angles had proven even more so how precarious of a state the pier was in. Each faint to the eye as they raced to stick up farther than the previous. I lifted a finger and patted it against one of the buckets' rim. Nothing but rust scratched the pad of my index. Gritty and pasty flaked remains fell from my fingertips.

This was my first marker point towards the search for the wish granter. Taking a deep breath as my boots landed harder and harder into the foilage. Each quiet press of man made protection into natural green reminded me where i was.

Slowly entering the paletted orchestra of trees and lumpy ground, the scent of wilderness plugged my nostrils with a natural fume. Rays stippling and sifting through tree branches, leaving a fluctuation across the grass. Arched leaves bent daintily from their stems. It seemed they preferred to mimic the splinters.

The sun was still up, but in my mind, the time was soaring. It felt like it had been hours since i made my start. Lifting my wrist softly,i checked the time. The silver ridden disc gleaming in the light of daytime. My clocks arm sleepily twitches forward. It's been twenty minutes, and checking the time too often will discourage me.

Busy winds pick up as I pressed on,blowing against my forehead. I raise my arm higher to shield myself weakly against it. Ears tuning into the sound of contrasting life once more,I heard very little. A few rustles and savory humming of insectous company along the way. Atop the scatter of branches, birds nestled further towards the treetops. Lips breaking into a tired tune,i knitted the silences bundle pleasantly with my own song. Pausing each time the bugs woven opera started its next act. I searched more,and all the while longer, i noticed that the occasional squaking chime hadn't faded. It completely ceased.

There was no one for miles,each tree seemed to blanket the sky. Twig after cut off of nimble wooden limbs looming to cover the vast open blue.

Proceeding forward, sharpening my view of the sky with my chin upward. My pace slowed so as not to hit any trees.

Grass left from underneath me as I fell off the tip of a small cliff. My hands pummeled into the loose dirt. My side burned, and blood dripped down my leg. Growing heat encased my torso, and I felt my side. I concluded the culprits frame. My fingers scratched a branch in my midsection.

Everything shook,I felt airy and reluctantly my body soothed, almost relaxed. Although my legs ruined my balance, along with my cardiac pulsing throughout my eardrums. The beat tunneling to escape into the outside air for brief freedom. Gradually jostling the branch,it slid out with a scarlet stream. Now, on my knees,i bundled my shirt into two lengths and wrenched it around itself. Staying attentive to tie it without hitting myself,I hauled the knot shut firmly.

I slung myself upwards with a hefty quail, legs shuddering and staggered. Promptly continuing my search, boots crushing the mulch under each advance. I kept looking for the girl,

After an hour or so, I spotted a person sitting in a moss pile. She was smaller than me and Ervil pictured. The little clothes she wore ruined and scrappy. Her hair tangled around itself,it lay right above her throat.

Before I could ask, she saw me.

"Hello," the girl uttered,now facing me with her body. As she turned the moss beneath her caved,greeting her fallen leg.The words in my windpipe stalled as I thought.

"Are you the girl who makes wishes?" My voice let out. Slowly,I sat near her like approaching a child. "Is that accurate?"

"Yes,would you.." her eyes trailed, and her speech slowed unnervingly. "Would you like me to fix your belly?" The girl wondered,analyzing the injury.

Clearing my throat and head, I admitted, "No,I'll be fine,I'm not sure what I want,still debating." Birds quieted, and they traveled north,leaving our silence to crow alone. Each moment staggered between words,as I pondered, the girl sat solemnly.

"Have you mutilated people who angered you?" This slid out,the moments stopped and waited for her answers as did I.

"No,I have never. Why that question?" Voice monotone yet shaken to near worry.

"I heard of you from a friend of mine. He thinks you string people in the trees by their bones and lap up their blood?"

Frail houlders altered,the question heavy on her back with. Her tongue fumbled, and her offense was taken into her eyes,however, I did not feel her pain a threat. She lifted her head to mine.

"He thought that of me?" She croaked.

My chest panged upon hearing that "He called you a monster, but he only heard rumors,I doubt he meant it." I waited a while before asking what had plagued my mind since finding her.

"Are you real?" My curiosity perplexed her.

"Would you like me to fix your side? It's looking worse. "

Soft buzzing of a gnat brushed against the knotted fabric shielding the wound.

This distracted my wonders. "Like i said,I'll be okay. Walking might help, though." I rose, and she did the same.

We traveled in silence for a while,permitting the scenery its turn in sound. Stumbling into light banter as we went.

"What do you eat out here?" I wondered as our gaze fell upon a tree formation,seemingly square? I stepped forward,the girl quiet. Inside the boxed trees, they slept a stump. Its stories are rooted deep in its homely soil. Bark withered from its rounded edges. The chopped end jagged and splintering. Soon enough, I asked once more, "What do you eat?"

"Mostly plants,I dont like bothering the animals." her words shrill.

I bellowed at her answer "well your eating their food supply. Why not just balance out the deers' numbers? Any season is hunting season for you, right?"

She nodded semi focused,muttering "...for me"

My breaths ran from me the longer I stayed in the trees capsulation,i had to get out.

Each step i hadn't felt,but as the sight around me changed from box to opening, I gasped almost in terror. The oxygen flooded in painfully. It flows through my veins on track once again. "Do you know a stream nearby?" I gagged,suppressing my heaves.

After taking notice of my state, the girl guided me east of the stump. Her hair didn't move much when walking. Stuck in place almost,but her feet glided through the grassy blades and mossy underneath

"Which plants taste good?"

Our footsteps synced rythmatically,her feet struck the earth as mine tore the forest bed with its leather form.

She told me of the taste of chickweeds,elderberry, and chicory.

"How is onion grass?" I recomended

"Not terrible,I easy mostly snowdrops and a few fish in winter,it's hard to stock up when plants rot"

I agreed as we came onto the stream,there weren't many fish. A stench fell around us,emitting from the river,yet i haven't seen water clearer than this. Slowing my body, I fell to my knees. Cupping my hands and I bowed my head like that of elk and drank. Once satisfied, I stood.

Her eyes were led by my movements as she spoke, "Have you thought of a wish yet?"

"Nope,can you actually grant wishes?"

"Yes,anything aside from money or reincarnation."

All this time, we delve further into the woods,my thoughts pleasantly found occupation. Despite my body being lost. "Why do you live out here?"Her tone whittled faintly."I'm not allowed to leave."

"But why not?" These words pitted in my stomach.

"I cannot,it is almost dark,have you decided?"

She did not care for herself,only what she could grant. It angered me for unknown reasons "I wish to help you leave."

Snapping rustled slightly from behind, and soft grumbling followed it.

"Bears come near this part for the water,we should move slowly." She hushed.

We backed away gingerly,our eyes fixed ahead. Once we were further south,she grabbed my arms. Gaze icy,and her grip quivering "stay with me,okay?"

A quick nod reassured her,leading her to continue, "im going to look for some berries, alright?"

Her presence faded off into the lush trunks that framed her.

I knelt and thumbed the grass around me,awaiting her voices return. Leaves swayed as the breeze lightened. Nearly harboring a sense of warmth,my panic subsided. Moments passed as I sat,lashes narrowing,soothing my eyes.

I smelled smoke, and it blew from the direction of the bear.cautiously brushing forward, and my eyes spotted flames between trees.They picked the air. Although she demanded it of me to not wander. My curiosity was shrouded by the oddness of the campfire appearingHaste was made as the distance from it shrunk,the fire grew, and it was a huge bonfire. She wasn't behind me,she wasn't anywhere. It felt wrong to go,I felt worried for her but kept my path onward. As the trees dissipated,I leaned my hands against onto bark. Five people stood in a diamond around the fire. Ones hood fell to his shoulder,jaw firm as he walked towards an old barn. My sight followed his feet, and he tapped two fingers into the aching wood of a lidded barrel. It sloshed in response.

"Wine?" I muttered,stumped by the contents,his companion coming to his side,mumbling.

They strode back into their group,straining my hearing, and they chanted something. Yet I couldn't fathom the language,nor the words roots. But the girl might,as I turned I realized she never told me her name.

Black limbs tied around my throat and hauled me back into their body. Air escaped me, and my leg flew back,hooking around theirs, and I ripped forward. They lost their balance, and I landed hard on top of the attacker.

Again, I looped a wrist relentlessly on my wind pipe. Gasping,I knocked my head back into theirs.They wailed and tightened the grip before turning out from under me. Space between each of my ribs spread, and I choked out as heavy weight landed on the blades of my shoulders.

"Get away from me bastard" I screamed before reaching upwards and gripping a fistful of the person's hair. I ripped and tore my arm forward, pressure loosening on my neck. Between my coughing, I kept pulling and tossling their head,gaze fiery.

A sharp cry left him as he wrenched in discomfort before thrusting a hand deep into my wounded side.

My turn to scream came, and the hold I had was gone. He twisted further,then ripping the hand free. I bellowed shrilly again and collapsed,wincing then sputtering in agony.

My shirts collar was yanked as he drug me. Heaving towards their circle of people,we passed more trees.

I linked my legs around one and yelled for help. It echoed,mocking my peril nothing. Once more, the collar was driven back, and there, his group stood. Another firm palm set my jaw agape. His men poured the barrels substance into a grimy cup. It was lifted to my teeth and surged down my throat. A liquor of sedatives and whiskey. I choked and tried to regurgitate it. Two more of the cloaked participants held my face still,my arms and legs convulsing in detest.Twice now, the cup has been filled,and twice now, its contents have been freed upon my tongue

After the moment that had felt a decade long was swept away,the cloaked men shrouding had disbanded. Again,they mumbled something incomprehensible,and again, I remembered the girl.

Cracking reschoked the volts of fear in my nerves,I craned my head to the side, bearing witness to one of them splitting the wood that weighted his hands. Alongside him another,mashing a blend of chicory,aloe, and ivy.

Light conversation floated around me with the fires smoke. It quickly faded from my attention as I fought against the binds tense around my wrists and ankles. Ounces of adrenaline had stiffened my skin,along with slicking it in sweat. Each wriggle into freedom only dug the rope deeper into my joints.

The fire was too hot, and the shakiness in me wouldn't stop. My nostrils singed, and my chest scorched in the heat of clammy terror. I feel so weak. I need out,why hasn't she come back.

Maybe she lied,she can't grant me wishes. She's going to come back, and they'll have prepared me a feast just for her.

I trembled as my mind stirred the thought of only my guts and bones being left into my brain's broth.

'She'd eat the brain too, I bet,monster.' This is all I could think of,my body too weak for escape.

A mixture of smoke inhalation and an adrenaline crash soothed me reluctantly. As my eyes shut,I could feel the spotted smoke dancing on my eyelids. Mocking me for my pointless exertion.

Gradually, I awoke,wrists and ankles binded still and Either alive yet. My captors had nestled me upright unto a wooded pole. I was a display in their manipulated minds.

Piled soot latched onto my boots. The ache in my legs almost drowning out the stinging gape that was fitted on my side.

Lifting my head back, I cried out,the pole keeping me,stabbing up to greet the clouds.

It was here where the trees' cover was thickest. Dragging into the place of the skies white whisps.

Another horrid mumble spat on my right. With my head now lowered,sight of their leader struck me. Ever so slowly sprinkling the powdered shrubbery into meeting points. The diamond is now outlined,with my horror gleaming in its center.

"Where is she?" I blared,straining my necks structure towards the leader of the seance.

He ignored all but his companions. His focus soon shifted eventually to his torch. Jaw loose,and eyes soft with content,he came to the base of the charred and wood stricken pile I had been crowned upon. He looked into my eyes,deep. I flicked my gaze to his hands. He tapped the torch against a plank sunken into the debris between us. Staring at me,his intention gritted into my soul as the torch carved the plank.

Rising swiftly,its tip aimed skyward,his other hand picking the best match. With a brush of the red splinter, the torches end sprouted into a scarlet rich choreography.

"No!" I yelled hoarsely,attempting to resist the scraping clutch of rope intertwined around my legs. One knot loosened, and i yanked my boot free from its binding. Flailing in the torches' direction gifted me nothing.

Tired, unmelodic chuckles rattled from his lips as he knelt,grazing the flames beginning in succumbing bark. Lit by the matched teeth,the ritual was prepared in full.

Strenuous pleads ripped my throat as I begged the rope to give way. Kicking at the soot mixture,shaking the dusts grasp on my feet. Boots swinging chunks of cedar away in hopes of a delay in being grilled.

"Help me!" Heart beating tough against ribs,I watched as the jagged figure rejoined the others for a final time.

Smoke sizzled its heat as it flowed carelessly,guided by the breeze, any dragged to the treeline ahead.

The girl had returned,feet bounded firmly,solidified in the homely soil. Stuck fast in the grass blades and shattered twigs.

"Help,please!" I choked,my mind airy, and frantic as my pleas

Her eyes set on the cults leader. Appearance terrifying to her,he hummed a start to his chant. Rapidly picking up,their unison of words strengthened,as large as the bonfire.

"Get them away,just put the fire out!" Her eyes shot to me in a celadon blur,she shook violently like I was. Yet only her steps restricted her. Tears bloomed briskly and held my face,caressing the slope of my jaw. Gleaming salty and rich in the blazing uproar. It felt as if I was melting already.

Individual flames grouped up before scattered further,crawling the mound of its fuel for the last piece. They seared the soles and tips of my bootlaces excitedly.