
Insidious Villagers

Xue Wei's eyes roamed across the distant horizon. Here, the lush green grass and the gentle breeze reminded him that he had indeed left the forest.

They found a small animal trail that they followed. The path soon became a wider road, and the lush green grass that surrounded them changed to farmed fields.

There were no traces of the war in this land, and when they came across farmers, they were greeted warmly. It was clear that they did not know that Xue Wei and his group were a group of infiltrating soldiers.

They reached a village, and looked at one another with doubts; they were ushered into the village by the farmers, who began chatting with them about where they were from and how they had arrived at this place.

Xue Wei was glossing over most details. He said that they had come through the forest, and when the farmers heard this, they were even more enthusiastic.