

In the vibrant heart of New Orleans, a tale of mystery and supernatural intrigue unfolds at the University of Louisiana. "Compulsion" invites readers into a world where the lines between myth and reality blur, and ancient folklore shadows the modern day. The story begins with three university friends – Elise, the artistically gifted and curious; John, the charming and fitness-focused; and Annabelle, the adventurous and spirited traveler. Their routine campus life takes a dark turn following the mysterious arrival of Crimson Adler, a striking and enigmatic new student with an uncanny knowledge of folklore. As the friends delve into their Occult Folklore class, they find themselves drawn into a series of unexplained events that echo the chilling tales they study. The discovery of a local blood cult, the Midians Bloodborne of Orleans, and a haunted house with a sinister past propels them into an investigation that challenges their understanding of the world. Balancing their academic lives with their nocturnal investigation, the friends confront unsettling phenomena and disturbing revelations. Their journey is marred by internal tensions, as personal feelings and rivalries surface, especially when it becomes evident that each has a different and complicated connection with Crimson. As they edge closer to uncovering the truth behind the Midians and the haunted house, they grapple with the realization that some legends are rooted in reality. The death of a well-known student, rumored to be connected to the supernatural, heightens the stakes, leaving them to question who they can trust. "Compulsion" weaves a captivating narrative set against the backdrop of New Orleans' enchanting history. This story of friendship, mystery, and the supernatural explores the depths of curiosity and the dangers of obsession, culminating in a climax that threatens to change their lives forever. In a city where history and folklore intertwine, the group's pursuit of truth leads them to confront the darkest corners of both the city and themselves.

Kyuseishu · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter 9

The notorious LaLaurie Mansion stood like a tombstone in the heart of New Orleans, its façade a grotesque mask of former grandeur now marred by time and dark history. The iron gates, twisted and rusted, groaned as the group pushed them open, their hearts pounding with a cocktail of dread and excitement.

"Damn, this place is straight out of a horror flick," John muttered, his flashlight's beam trembling slightly as it cut through the mansion's oppressive darkness.

Elise's breath caught in her throat as she stepped over the threshold, her camera at the ready. "Can you feel that? It's like the air is... heavier here. Charged with old, bad juju," she whispered, her voice barely above a hush.

Annabelle, her eyes wide with the thrill of the unknown, couldn't suppress a smirk. "Oh, come on, it's just a house," she said, though her voice betrayed a note of uncertainty. "A super creepy, probably haunted house, but still..."

Crimson, ever the enigma, simply took in the mansion with an unreadable expression. "The LaLaurie Mansion has seen more than we can imagine," he said, his voice steady. "Let's not underestimate the places that history has touched."

They moved as one entity, their footsteps echoing off the walls, the sound a grim reminder that they were intruders in a space that had not been kind to visitors. The air was thick with the mustiness of decay, a tangible reminder of the mansion's bloody past.

A sudden creak from the upper floor sent a shiver through the group, and even Annabelle jumped. "Okay, that... that was nothing, right?" she stammered, trying to laugh it off.

John, ever the jokester even in the face of fear, grinned nervously. "Yeah, just the ghosties saying 'what's up.' No biggie."

Elise rolled her eyes, her fingers gripping her camera like a lifeline. "Let's just keep going," she urged, her flashlight leading the way. "The sooner we explore, the sooner we can bounce."

As the group delved deeper into the mansion's belly, each shadow seemed to dance, each whisper of wind sounded like soft murmurs of the long departed. The LaLaurie Mansion was awake, and within its walls, the lines between the past and the present, the living and the dead, began to blur.

Elise ran her fingers along the ornate bookshelf, feeling the grooves of the wood and the whispers of history that clung to every surface. The air was thick with dust, swirling in the beams of their flashlights as they explored the once grand LaLaurie Mansion, now a decrepit shadow of its former glory.

"Whoa, check this out," she called out, a tremor of excitement in her voice. "This place is like, seriously retro haunted house vibes."

John chuckled, the light from his flashlight dancing over a grand, cobwebbed chandelier. "Yeah, it's giving me some major 'haunted mansion' feels. All we need is a ghost to float by, and we'd be set."

Annabelle, who had been quietly examining an old portrait, glanced over at Elise's discovery. "What've you got, Elise?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Just found the jackpot," Elise replied, carefully extracting a stack of yellowed papers from a hidden nook in the wall. "This stuff looks ancient, and definitely creepy."

Crimson peered over her shoulder, his crimson eyes scanning the documents. "This could be exactly what we're looking for. Letters, diaries... they might tell us more about the Midians."

The group huddled around the precious find, the musty scent of old paper mingling with the sense of a looming presence. Elise gingerly unfolded a letter, the ink faded but the words still legible, recounting tales of secret gatherings and dark rituals that sent a chill down their spines.

"Looks like we hit the motherlode of spooky," John remarked, half-joking to mask the unease that crept up his spine.

Annabelle's gaze was serious as she processed the information. "This is no joke, guys. This stuff is legit, and way out of our league."

Crimson nodded, his expression unreadable. "We need to be careful. This isn't a game, and if the Midians are as real as this," he gestured to the papers, "then we're playing with fire."

Their exploration had turned into a discovery, one that linked the LaLaurie Mansion to the very mysteries they sought to unravel. As they delved into the documents, the sense of being watched grew stronger, the mansion itself a silent observer to their intrusion into its dark past.

Elise's flashlight beam danced across the walls, briefly illuminating an ornate mirror before scuttling away, leaving only darkness in its wake. "Did you guys hear that?" she whispered, a tremor in her voice betraying her unease.

John, always the one to find a laugh in the face of fear, chuckled nervously. "Probably just the ghosties wondering why we're crashing their pad without an invite," he joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Annabelle rolled her eyes, her voice barely audible. "Ghosties? Really, John? If we get haunted, I'm blaming you."

Their attempts at humor did little to assuage the growing sense of dread. Every sound seemed amplified, and the sensation of being watched grew stronger with each step they took.

In the dim light, Crimson's face was a mask of concentration as he pored over the aged letters they had found. "These aren't just old house records," he murmured. "They're talking about the Midians Bloodborne... There's mention of rituals and... it's like this place was a hub for them."

Elise huddled closer, peering over his shoulder. "A cult hangout in our own backyard. Creepy much?"

John, his eyes wide, leaned in. "So, this is like their clubhouse? That's straight-up bonkers."

Crimson nodded, his eyes never leaving the parchment. "It makes sense, though. A place steeped in legend would be the perfect cover for a cult. Especially one as obsessed with vampire lore as the Midians."

The gravity of their discovery settled over them, casting a new light on the foreboding mansion. It was no longer just an eerie relic—it was a place where the line between the living and the occult blurred, where ancient rituals might have been performed under the cloak of night.

As the group ascended the creaky staircase to the upper floors of the LaLaurie Mansion, their senses were on high alert. The air seemed to grow colder, the shadows deeper. At the top of the landing, they came upon a sight that halted them in their tracks: a disheveled vagrant, his belongings scattered around him in one of the rooms.

John's hand instinctively went to his mouth, stifling a startled gasp, while Elise's fingers tightened around the strap of her camera. Annabelle, however, stepped forward, her voice steady but gentle. "Hey there, we didn't mean to crash your... uh, spot. We're just checking the place out."

The man looked up, his eyes wary but not unkind. "No harm done," he rasped, his voice as rough as the wood beneath him. "You're not the first to come poking around here, and you likely won't be the last."

Crimson crouched down to the man's level, his expression one of genuine interest. "You've seen others? Like, recently?"

The vagrant nodded, rubbing his hands together for warmth. "Oh yeah. This place gets all sorts. But lately, there's been some real strange goings-on. People in weird get-ups, muttering about blood and shadows and whatnot."

John exchanged a look with Elise, his eyebrows raised. "Sounds like some real-life Midian action, huh?"

The vagrant shrugged. "Could be. I don't mess with them. I see them coming, I make myself scarce. Learned that's the best way to stay out of trouble."

Annabelle, her curiosity piqued, leaned against the wall. "Ever catch any names? Anything that might tell us who they are?"

The man shook his head. "Nah, they're tight-lipped. But they carry this air about them, like they're not... not from around here, you know? Like they don't belong."

Elise took a cautious step forward, her voice soft. "If you see them again, just stay safe, okay?"

The group left the man with a few granola bars from their backpacks and continued their exploration, the vagrant's words echoing in their minds, adding another layer of mystery to the already enigmatic LaLaurie Mansion.

Elise and Annabelle's steps were muffled against the age-old floorboards as they decided to split up, their flashlights casting long, ominous shadows. The tranquility was abruptly punctuated by a crash from the upper floors, a sound that struck a chord of terror in their hearts.

"That's our cue to dip out," Elise murmured, her voice laced with urgency as she grabbed Annabelle's arm, leading the way to the exit.

"Yeah, no kidding," Annabelle agreed, her usual bravado subdued by the mansion's oppressive atmosphere.

They navigated through the darkened halls with swift precision, propelled by the instinct to flee.

Conversely, Crimson and John, drawn towards the disturbance, ascended the creaking staircase, only to be met with a chilling tableau. A figure, garbed in Victorian elegance and emanating a predatory aura, was hunched over the vagrant, his actions undeniably sinister.

"Bro, this is next-level creepy," John breathed out, his voice a mix of fear and fascination.

Crimson's mind was a whir of action and strategy. With a deft motion, he retrieved a bottle from his backpack, splashing its contents across the doorway, and sparked his lighter to life.

As the flames erupted, creating a barrier between them and the figure, the vampire's attention snapped to the newcomers, his eyes glinting with a feral glow.

"Now, John!" Crimson hissed, seizing the moment of distraction to pull his friend back towards the safety of the corridor.

They retreated, the fire a crackling guardian at their backs, and as they navigated the maze of hallways, they could hear the frustrated, enraged snarls of the vampire echoing after them.

Bursting out into the cool night air, they were met by Elise and Annabelle, their expressions etched with concern.

"Are you guys okay?" Elise asked, scanning them for injuries.

"We're alive," John confirmed, his relief evident. "Just had a close call with Count Creepy."

Crimson, his breaths steady despite the adrenaline, glanced back at the mansion. "We stirred up more than just dust in there," he said, a serious undertone to his voice.

Annabelle hugged herself, trying to shake off the fear. "So, vampires? That's what we're doing now?"

They exchanged a look, a silent agreement passing between them. They had delved into the darkness seeking answers, and what they found was a reality far removed from their wildest speculations.

As they made their way from the mansion, the gravity of their situation was clear. They had touched a world hidden in the shadows, and now, the shadows seemed all too eager to reach back.