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Supernatural_Tales · Fantasie
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Chapter 6 Maple Leaf Towns Library

After the Great Calamity dubbed as 'Humanity's darkest years', even though thousands of miles of land had been turned to forests roaming with demon beasts, hundreds of cities were destroyed and the overall drop in population, mankind's improvements in the area of technology had been astronomical.

The technology left behind by the Dark Elves was a hundred times more advanced than the latest tech of the year 2025.

It had been more than thirty years, and with human beings intelligence, they were more than able to convert that technology into something mankind could use.

The internet of the early 21st century had become outdated and was replaced by the the Federations world wide network known as Skynet Online.

Improvements in holographic technology, space craft rockets, teleportation platforms, hovercrafts, even Mobile Mechs.

The Skynet was an advanced media social platform that was created to be able to display multiple functions. With the creation of the Skynet, the use of social media sites, apps and platforms of the olden days had been reduced to practically being non existent.

Multiple organizations like Facebook, Wechat, Instagram and other platforms disbanded over night. It was practically, the new, evolved internet system.

Logging into the Skynet, Lance started browsing through various sites and platforms. His goal was clear, to test out how much his system could allow him learn.

He started his main focus on the integration of demon spirits, different types of demon spirits, their characteristics and behaviors, however.

( You have been denied access. Your ID rank civilian is too low/ You must have an adventurer rank of at least Bronze tier To access such information )

Unexpectedly, he had hit a brick wall before he even got started. This was normal because Lance was only a teenager and hadn't even gotten an Adventurer rank. His title read civilian instead of Demi human or Demon Ranker.

The info he was looking for were only needed by adventurer teams, and solo adventurers of bronze tier and above.

Tap tap tap tap

Lance's fingers clicked on the keyboard continuously refusing to quit just like that. He searched countless websites on various subjects hoping to find something.

Demon beast biography! (Unofficial License detected)

Age of the great calamity (Your rank is too low)

Dates of Demon beast hordes attack (Your rank is too low)

Research on Dimensional rifts (Your rank is too low)

After thirty minutes, Lance finally realized how little he knew about the real world. All the useful information was restricted for actual adventurers leaving civilians completely in the dark.

Lance finally gave up after a couple more minutes and shut down the computer system. Tapping his cheek with his index finger, he pondered over his situation.

"I can't go on the Skynet until I get an adventurer rank. So what can I do now?" Lance pondered, he had spent a lot of time looking around the Skynet but for now, it was a fruitless endeavour.

He still needed more knowledge to see how much this new system of his could help him. He sighed and walked towards the window.

When he took a look outside, the day was still bright and the sun was still shining. Looking at the time, it was just a little bit over 1pm. Suddenly, his eyes lit up as an idea floated into his head.

The Skynet represented the highest level of tech that mankind had created, it held vast amounts of information and knowledge, however, that knowledge was restricted from people of certain classes.

But! What about the time when the Skynet hadn't been created yet? Where did humans usually store their knowledge before the age of technology? Books!

Lance didn't waste any more time, he sent his mom a message on the Skynet telling her of his destination and left the house.

After all, he didn't want her to panic when she returned and he wasn't home.


The Krill family was located in Maple leaf town of Aurora city. Its mansion was located in the city outer districts, a bit far of from the slums. Like many other families and organizations, it was considered, an ungraded force.

Ungraded forces were forces who didn't have a single Gold Mysterious steel tier expert within their organizations, while the lowest third grade forces would have at least one E rank Mysterious Steel tier Demi human.

The strongest person in the krill family was the patriarch who only had the strength of a D rank Silver tier, meaning that among the various ungraded forces, they were Mid ranked.

Hence their position in the outer district near the slums area.

Leaving the krill family mansion, lance boarded a Hover craft bus and headed towards the north area of Maple leaf town. Even though it was just a subsidiary town of Aurora city, it was several times larger than regular towns of the past thereby needing the use of transportation to go to far areas.

Boarding the Hover craft bus, Lance took his Skynet wrist communicator or Wristcom and placed it on the holo panel.


The holo panel lit up with a bright glow and scanned his Wristcom. As the bright glow disappeared lance checked his Wristcom and noticed that a message was delivered. He had been deducted 15 Copper credits from the Holo panel for his journey.

Credits were the replacement currency for dollars and cents after the Great calamity. It was further subdivided into Copper credits, Silver Credits and Gold Credits. Carmine, Lance's mother, as an elder of the Krill family, received 30 silver credits a month as her salary.

Seeing the money deducted, Lance didn't have any expression as he indifferently found a place to sit in the Hover craft bus.

Even though he wasn't rich, he still had 25 silver coppers in his Federation account. It was enough to consider him to be very well off. 100 copper credits equals one silver, while a hundred silvers equals one Gold credit.

An ordinary family would be able to live well off with 20 silver credits for a month, while 10 gold credits, could be considered all the liquid assets of some unranked Forces, Krill mansion, was a good example.

The Hover craft bus started moving. The reason why it was called a Hover craft was because of the Antigravity propulsion engines under the bus, which was a smaller version of Mech Technology.

Looking at the moving bus, Lance took a look outside the window and enjoyed the view. Maple leaf town was the rated the worst out of the four towns under Aurora city, however, it was still very pleasing to the eyes and much better compared to the towns under other cities.

Lance could see the tall, enchanting buildings that gave off a futuristic SciFi vibe. Most of these buildings belonged to Maple leaf towns various powers and organizations.

While sitting, you could see the iconic landmark of Maple leaf town, the Blacksmith Guild.

The library of Maple leaf town was a little withered looking and only had three floors. Alighting from the bus, Lance looked around and discovered that the areas surrounding the library looked deserted without any signs of life.

It was actually quite natural, after all, technology had created the Skynet, so who would need to go to the library to spend hours searching through various books to get the information they wanted. This was also the reason, why Lance was very confident that he would find his solution here.

Entering the building, Lance was surprised to find that it was actually bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. The original dusty, barely taken care of place filled with dirt in his imaginations didn't come through as the library was actually quite tidy and neat.

Seeing the rows and rows of books, Lance knew he had made the right choice. He also noticed that on top of the round tables used for reading, there was a long metal like pole that had a slight blue glowing light on it.

"Those are Silencer Staffs. All you have to do is touch the glowing orb at the top and a silencing barrier will cover your table blocking all the noise made inside the barrier".

As Lance was wondering what those poles were, a feminine voice sounded out explaining to him to use of the poles.

"Silencer orbs?" Lance had an enlightened expression on his face and he turned his head to look at the direction of the voice.