
Complications Erupted on this book. Don't read

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Supernatural_Tales · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 1 Caught in A scheme

"Haha, I finally broke through. After God knows how many months, I am now a level 3 Demi human". A 16 year old youth roared in excitement as he pumped his fists into the air.

After which, his eyes shined with a vicious light as he turned his head to stare at certain direction. His eyes flashed with provocation as he sneered and said.

"Hehe! Don't overdo yourself Lance, I wouldn't want you to die because you worked yourself to death on cultivation". He shouted loudly across the yard and started laughing uncontrollably.

In the direction of his laughter a 15 or 16 year old youth sat crossed legged. His brown hair fluttered slightly due to the cool afternoon breeze which gave him a peaceful vibe, his eyelids trembled slightly in irritation and opened up revealing two dark blue pupils that glimmered.

Lance was already used to the taunts and bullying, however, being used to it didn't mean that they no longer bothered him. Not wanting to be outdone, he stood up and prepared to walk out of the yard.

"Go fuck a tree hole with that pencil you call a d**k".

Lance said as he flipped his middle finger behind him for everyone to see.

Seeing him reply in such a manner, the youths eyes boiled with rage. His arm ballooned up becoming 1.5 × the usual size, and he dashed forwards towards Lance who was already close to the door.

"You darn cripple, taste the might of my Demon spirit". He thrust his arm forward with the intent to severely injure him. If Lance received this punch head-on, the injuries received will definitely not be minor

Lance had barely turned around when he saw a fist heading towards him. At such close range, lance knows that there is no way he can dodge, he gritted his teeth and placed his arms forward to lessen the effect of the blow.

Upon impact, Lance was without surprise, sent flying backwards into the air and slammed into the corridor wall. However, the youth was not satisfied yet as his eyes flashed with a cruel light. His ballooned arm didn't lessen in the slightest as he punched forward yet again.


"What's going on here?" An elderly voice resounded throughout the yard. The youth who was in the middle of punching out immediately pulled back his arm and deactivated his Demon spirit. At that moment, a cross eyed middle aged man walked into the yard with both hands behind his back.

He carried an indifferent expression on his face as he scanned around the yard. A small crowd made of disciples had already formed in the area of the fight. "Who dares fight in the Krill family Mansion without authorization".

Seeing the middle aged man appear, the blonde youth also known as Augustus Krill smirked and bowed politely.

"Greetings Fourth Elder, Lance and I were just involved in a minor dispute between disciples. It is nothing particularly worthy of your attention".

The fourth elder snorted indifferently as he turned his gaze to Lance who was clutching his stomach in pain. He slowly got up and patted off the dust on his body as his eyes flashed with hatred.

However, Lance didn't take any further action.

"Humph! fighting between disciples is not allowed. These rules are unbreakable. Do not let it happen again, if not, you will definitely be punished". The elder snorted once again as he looked at Lance, his eyes flashes in disdain.

He then turned to Augustus and shot him a meaningful glance and then walked away.

Seeing the elders eyes, Lance sneered in his heart. What a poser! This guy definitely deserves an Oscar award for his acting skills.

Seeing Augustus make trouble and get away with it, everyone watching sighed before dispersing and returning to their daily routines. Augustus flashed Lance a smirk, said the word 'Trash' and walked away.

Seeing the way things had gone, lance didn't stick around either. He had long since noticed that there was an elder near the yard and that was why he dared to retort back to Augustus. However, not only did the elder not take any action to stop him, he even let him off without so much as a single punishment.

Lance sighed as he suppressed the burning hatred in his heart and got waked out of the yard towards his home in the krill family mansion. While he was walking away, he failed to notice the cruel smile in Augustus eyes as well as the killing intent he released.

Reaching his home space at the back of the mansion, Lance walked forward and slumped down in the couch. Its not like he could do anything else anyway, after all, he is a cripple.

Thirty years had passed since the great calamity that fell on earth. During early spring thirty years ago, multiple dimensional rifts appeared on earth, gateways leading to different planets and alternate dimensions.

During the first year when countless dimensional gateways appeared, the earth started to change. Plants grew more with endless vitality, they became taller and lusher and the worlds mineral resources that were being depleted started appearing in the soil all over the earth.

Household pets became stronger, healthier and increased in size. All these supernatural events causing huge wave changes caused the various governments of nations to feel unease and immediately dispatched scientists to investigate the cause of the changes.

After an extended amount of research, it was discovered that the cause of the changes was dimensional energy or Demi Energy that was slowly being injected into the earths atmosphere.

Scientists studied the dimensional rifts and discovered that apart from slowly injecting Demi energy into the earth, these rifts served as a backdoor to different worlds and other dimensions. however, despite the fact that each dimensional gate led to a completely different place, more than seventy percent led to the same world.

Approximately a year later,

Several high powered meteors fell on earth through the dimensional cracks opened on earths airspace, raining flaming balls of energy all over the world. Countless cities, countries were destroyed and millions of lives were lost.

Following which, the originally slowly flowing demi energy started pouring into earth in tens of thousands of tons. The lush plants and trees transformed into dense natural forests. The enlarged pets transformed into savage beasts and wild animals transformed into towering monsters.

Earths population losses increased by two tenths in the span of a month. While normal animals transformed into beasts, a giant Dimensional rift opened up in the sky and mankind got a visit from the Dark elves. With the same human skin and physique with the exception of their ears, the Dark elves immediately demanded for earths inhabitants to surrender all their resources and submit to slavery.

With Mankind's natural attitude, they certainly refused and fought back, however, it didn't take more than a day for human beings to discover that the elves were not only technologically more advanced than the human civilization, but their physical strength was a grade higher than them. Their guns, bombs and lasers couldn't even make a dent on their natural skin.

Not to mention the fact that after the elves invaded, several dimensional rifts opened up again, and all kinds of monsters run amok through the earth. After ten years, humanity was on the brink of defeat being reduced to less than half of its original population. However, during the darkest moments, the last researchers and scientists made a breakthrough.

After killing a Dimensional monster from the other world, scientists were able to fuse the demon crystals found within these monsters and create a Demon spirit. These demon spirits were capable of merging with with a human granting them a huge boost in strength, speed and some were even lucky to get a few special abilities.

Despite the scientists discovery, what really turned the tides of the war was the emergence of people with special abilities. Unlike those who merged with demon spirits to gain their abilities, these individuals developed their abilities natural through the absorption of demi energy to obtain special bloodlines. Their strength, speed and even the the quality of the powers were a notch above those who used with demon spirits. These special humans, were called Demon Rankers

After many years of brutal battles, the dark elves who had suffered many losses abruptly retreated back into the other world. The reason was simple.

Despite the fact that more than half of humanity was wiped out, those were just the ordinary humans within the population, however, the number of Demi Humans and Demon Rankers continued to increase along with humanities formerly declining population.

One of mankind's abilities which was very suitable to escape extinction was their super reproduction capabilities. However, for the dark elves, every elf that died represented one less elf. Their reproductive abilities were far inferior when compared to their human counterparts who, when they wanted to, could reproduce like fishes.

However, despite the fact that the dark elves retreated, both worlds were now permanently linked together through the Dimensional rifts. The dark elves were just to strong to defeat leading to more than a decades stalemate for both worlds.

Despite the fact that mankind managed to survive, only around three tenths of earths original population were left, world governments had fallen and more than half the world was now covered by vast vegetation and ruled by Demon beasts.

After humanity was able to regain civilization, human instinct kicked in. The governments monopolized the secret methods as well as the scientist who were capable of producing Demon spirits and sold it to the public. Unless you had money, no one would be able to buy the powerful demon spirits to integrate into their bodies.

The rich, powerful and influential would get more power while everyone else was left with scraps.

Gradually, the new powers started to arise and take over large territories that were still available and hadn't been completely overrun by demon beasts. Gradually, borders were formed and new nations were created.

Lance was one of those rather unfortunate people. His father died during the last siege on the other world that was arrange by various nations, dying when Lance was just ten years old. Lance only remembered his mother who had taken care of him his whole life, however, his life was still miserable.

Lance was unable to afford a Demon spirit. Even the lowest grade of demon spirits cost tens of thousands of Credits.

"Shit! My stomach".

Lance clutched his stomach as he grimaced in pain. The earlier punch had given him internal injuries. "Ow! What the..."

Lance suddenly felt something on his lower abdomen. Taking his shirt off, he looked down towards his stomach where the punch landed and sure enough, there was a noticeable mark in the shape of a fist on that particular area, but.....

"Is that a.... Its blood". He looked at the stomach and noticed there was a layer of blood in a small area. In that area, there was an inch deep injury that looked like a needle wound.

At that moment, a wave of drowsiness assaulted him. His vision started to blur as his body felt heavy fatigue.

If at this moment, he didn't realize what was happening, then he would have lived his life in vain. He had been drugged.

Soon, sleep visited his consciousness as he fell heavily to the ground. With the last bit of consciousness he had left, he heard the loud sound of footsteps accompanied by the sound of his room being opened.

"Hehe! Looks like the cripple actually managed to withstand the poision gas!" A burly male voice sounded out, however, Lance couldn't see his face, the only thing he saw was a pair of boots.

"Young master Augustus, we should do this quickly, if we get caught, we will be in big trouble". A slightly shaky feminine voice sounded out.

"Hehe! relax, I have already arranged everything". Augustus said as he bent down low so his face was directly opposite Lance's.

"Hey there trash! Today is going to be your last day on earth, send your father my greetings... You little..." Lance didn't get the chance to finish listening to everything Augustus had to say. His consciousness blurred and he blacked out