
festive mode

festival day came ....kavya and vidya were readied in traditional dresses and waiting for their partners...initially they wanted to go home but due to tommorow exam for kavya and vidya they stayed at guest house. so they had much more time to spend with their partners. they already messaged them at last night about visiting temple. rishi and were ready to go with them by wearing traditional dresses.. wow they were looking like demi gods..their physique and their walking style resembles the models of front cover magazines...their attitude is too much impressive...their style ...no one can beat them... when kavya and vidya saw their partners. they forgot about their fight and stared them without blinking an eye....finally rishi and mahi plan was workout....they were happy and came next to their partners..

in car they all are silent even a word doesnt spell out . they went to temple and came back to their place. during this trip no one explained their inner feeling to others. kavya and vidya wanted to hug their partners...by seeing their soul mates rishi and mahi also some what tempted and wanted to kiss her....their titanic situation came again....but they had no idea what to do...instead they dont know what mistake they done so they simply stared at their partners innocently.

morning break fast was skipped....kavya was preparing lunch according to their plan.....vidya came out and saw mahi and rishi seated at couch and stared them with wicked smile. kavya prepared food and invited all of them. Rishi and mahi also came ...before coming they saw again a romantic movie... their dopamine levels are high and they were staring at their partners...with same innocent face