
Chapter 868

In the quiet room, the peaceful crying sounds came from time to time. It seemed that there were endless tears in her eyes all of a sudden, which could not be stopped no matter how hard she tried.

As soon as she thought of the angrily leaving figure of Gong Yuze, her heart ached. Obviously, there was no pain in her body, but why did the pain in her heart make her cry more painfully than any other trauma in the body?

It was also at this moment that she realized how important this man was in her heart. He was so important that he had become the most important person in her world.

His importance was different from his mother's and her good friends'. He was more important and had become an irreplaceable position.

She had always called him Young Master Gong, but at this moment, there seemed to be a helpless voice crying his name in her heart.

Gong Yuze.