

As wielders of colour, they are your identity, they make who you are, a defender, an offender or a creator. In a reality structured on colours, Ariel's little brother is identified as colourless, something that is never heard of. But she is not someone who steps back from protecting her family. Finding a cure all the while protecting the family secret seems to be too much for Ariel, especially when she keeps unearthing deep-buried secrets. 1 tablespoon of fantasy, 1 teaspoon of sci-fi, fistfuls of action and adventure with a pinch of cute romance. Be aware, this book is going to make you cry happy tears! Update schedule- 12 chapters per week! o(〃^▽^〃)o

loltales · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 9

My color materialize in a diamond shaped dagger and I swing it furiously at him, he dodges the dagger and aims a knife at my waist.

I dive to my left tricking the knife.

Adrenaline flows through my veins mixing with my color, sharpening my senses and also dimming the roar of the crowd.

I start swinging daggers, one after the other aiming at his chest so he leaves his lover defenseless.

One after the other he dodges my fury of daggers and when I find an opening I slide a dagger at his thigh.

Too, late.

The wine red dagger touches his right thigh, but doesn't pierce it creating ripples if blue there instead.

"One point to Thane" Maven announces the same in a shaky voice, but I don't have much time to dwell on it.

Thane pulls his color into a whip, he sends it cracking my way I am not so lucky this time.

It snakes around my ankle and he pulls it back, I fall backward, but balance myself on my elbows before I bash my head on the floor.

I wince as pain blooms in my elbows, but it is not strong enough to divert my attention.

" One point to Ariel"

Gritting my teeth I rip his whip off my ankle with a knife, quickly jumping into action as he swings knives at me.

I dodge springing my body to right effectively minimizing the distance between us to draw my sword.

Slowly the pain in my arms dulls with the new flow of adrenaline.

I mold a sword and Thane catches on quickly.

He is no fool he knows what I am doing.

Our blades clash with an audible clank.

I push my weight forward and he sidesteps me.

With a flick of my wrist I send a dagger at his waist while he is distracted.

His suit shines with color but I don't hear any announcement.

Beads of sweat drips down temple and runs down my chin dripping on the panel below.

I breath heavily then attack him my sword again, he defends, pushing me back.

I keep my feet firmly planted on the floor and veer his next swing.

The swords clash in a song as we twists and turn blocking blows.

He is tiring down, but I can feel my energy slipping too.

We are not getting anywhere with this.

I change my sword into a whip mid strike and it hits him in the arm at the same time I jump back to avoid his sharp sword swung at my abdomen.

He bends his sword into a bow and arrow and shoots one my way, I effectively sidestep it, he should know better than to shoot an arrow, there is not enough distance between us for that.

He understands that too as he swirls it into a staff tipped with a spike.

He stabs it at me but I am too late in shifting back and he gets me at my shoulder.

" One point to Aerial"

I fumble a little on my foot at the impact.

Hopefully it won't bruise.

My heart is beating loudly in my ears aiding me in not focusing on the audience. I don't have time to be distracted by them.

Time for a new tactic.

I assemble a bow and arrow, he smirks at that.

Oh that is my plan Thane.

I aim it at him and he dodges it with ease whirling the staff at me, I dive down on the panel my left arm taking the burnt of the fall.

Sharp pain shoots up my arm and I bite my lip to suppress a moan of pain.

Thankfully the adrenal overpowers the pain, muting it and letting me concentrate on the game.

I waste no time and strikes him with a square ninja star.

It hits him on his chest and while he stabilizes I rope a whip around his thigh pulling him down to me.

I don't hear the scores but it is probably because they are not being counted.

We both try to scramble to our feet as fast as possible..

He stabilizes before me and sends a whip crackling down on me. I roll away bracing my head with my arms.

He strikes again and I roll just in time.

I am cornered I need to distract him.

I shower him with lethal daggers, putting my whole concentration in keeping him away while buying me some time.

He dodges each one, deflecting some with a nasty looking broad sword.

" Two minutes to go"

I aim a dagger from behind him and it works sweetly as he stumbles forward taken by surprise.

That is the result of my non stop training .

I have some tricks up my sleeve Thane.

I jump to my feet forging two chakrams, semicircle blades around my arms and we clash again in a fury.

I charge at him with my blades, he blocks it with his sword.

I smirk at that, we are at our finest here, if I am fluent with my blades then Thane is a force to reckon with his broad sword.

I slice at him, spinning around and aiming at his head.

He sewers away from mt blade and slashes his sword at me.

No one is going to have the last blow if this continues.

We know each other plenty enough to dodge each attack.

"One minute"

We continue to clash and I hear the tick of clock ringing in my ears.

I am going to loose a champion. I had promised to myself.

I can use a bullet but it takes every bit of concentration to do that, I need to trick him first if that has to work.

At his next blow to my stomach I dodge him slower, barely moving back before the blade could strike.

He takes it as a weak point and jumps forward to exploit it.

I evade his blows with lesser grace, stumbling in a show of weakness.

I model the bullet between my fingers as I attack him back.

He lunges forward and I slide aside shooting the bullet at his rib.

" CONCLUDED" a voice booms and the blue light around the panel goes out signaling the end of the match.

P.S. if you don't remember the rule was that the one with the lowest score at the end of the match wins. The score here is Ariel 2 and Thane 1 because Maven doesn't know how to count.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Phew! that was my first time writing a fight scene.

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