
Colors of fate

"My King...The Crown Prince is dressed as a groom in a wedding ceremony...he is about to wed an unknown ordinary girl this instant.!" Greg finally found his tongue to speak after stammering for a while in confusion. As they suspected, the most important news so far...It made the King stand to attention from his throne, which was a rare sight even for Raymond...who was fuming from within, at the news of his greatest rival, in his aim for the throne. "What??! Are you sure of what you just said?." The King exclaimed, confused by the peculiar news which was quite unusual and bizarre, with even the thought of it. Since every single subject in this royal palace, knew of the Prince's great contempt and spite, with regards to how he viewed love and its emotional flutters with disdain, which he developed from an unfortunate incident in his childhood. To the King's amazement, who was this girl who exceeds all his expectations, to even tie a wounded lion in the knot of sacred marriage?. How did she miraculously melt the stone-cold heart of his son and drastically changed him for the better? "We leave this instant! Get the Royal Jet ready at once!..." The King ordered. Who was she??... Damien was the best-man of the groom while Andrea is the maid-of-honor of the bride, her best friend. Getting married to each other with the intention to separate after three months, Damien agreed to marry Andrea. But in the midst of all the setbacks, an undying love began to blossom between them....but suddenly, things began to fall apart! as Damien's real identity was brought to light, and Andrea's mother, woke up from a three years Coma to revealed the tragic circumstances of the couple's twisted fate. But it was aleady far too late.... WHAT NEXT?? Join me on the ride to "Colors of Fate" and let's find out how the couple, cope with these unexpected secrets of their families squabbles, as well as the depressing state of their twisted fate. However, FATE is not always as COLORFUL as it was made to seem.

NobleRemmy · Urban
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17 Chs

An escape plan II

Andrea and Ingrid sat down to come up with an impeccable plan that will stop Ingrid's impending wedding, in order to minimize or avoid any unexpected misunderstandings from the media. Or bring about any rivalry between the two families through the media's manipulations to assume the worse, of any broken bond from prestigious families.

They both suggested various plans of escape, but some minor setbacks ended up compromising their plan. until Ingrid's phone rang with the caller ID of her future husband. Ingrid became surprised at the call because, even though they were engaged to be married, Edward was never the first to call her. She has been the one to always take the first step in that aspect. So for the first time since she could remember, Edward called first.

Ingrid became conflicted about whether to pick up or not.

Upon seeing the caller ID of the person calling her friend, Andrea almost threatened Ingrid into picking it up and she succeeded. Ingrid thought to ignore it since they will be meeting soon for the wedding. She assumed Edward might be calling her about an unimportant matter_like to wish her Goodluck and hope she doesn't regret getting married to him. That was what Edward always said at the end of every conversation since they got engaged...It was like a habit of his, so this final hour of their wedding might be him calling to wish her.

Yet Andrea claimed Edward wouldn't call without a solid reason, so Ingrid picked up on Andrea's insistence.

"Hi, Edward! what's up!" Ingrid spoke after punching the answer key to pick up Edward's call.

"Oh Hi! can we meet right now. it's urgent. I mean....this instant!." was Edward's blatant reply.

"What's wrong, is there any problem? Ingrid got curious at his blatant order and asked, she could barely think of any good reason, why Edward would want to meet her at this time when it's almost an hour to their wedding.

"Just meet me. Hurry!.... You have 10 minutes." He ignored Ingrid's curious reply and hung up!

Immediately after she hunged up too, Ingrid began to get dressed in a hurry. The tone of Edward's voice in that call didn't sound like him at all. Something was definitely wrong and she need to meet him and solve any misunderstanding concerning any bad news, that may negatively affect their wedding or hurt their families.

Ingrid hurriedly changed into some loose-fitting clothes and a cap to cover her face. she didn't want to be recognized anywhere as the bride-to-be, her disguise was over-the-top, and she even went as far as to cover Andrea's face with one of her caps. As if, when Andrea gets recognized, she will too.

Both girls left the house silently towards the car and drove out of the Mansion without getting spotted.

The drive towards the Star Hotel was a twenty minutes drive but Ingrid got there in less than 10 minutes, because of the urgency of her curiosity. She parked their car in the parking lot and took the private elevator to the fifth floor where she and Edward decided to meet.

The door to the elevator opened at the sight of Edward pacing anxiously, waiting for Ingrid to arrive. He turned at the sound of the elevator door opening and saw Ingrid together with Andrea walking toward him.

Edward was impeccably groomed in his designed tuxedo suit as the groom of the wedding. It was one of the famously latest designs of Caesar Nike's Embry collection_ the latest design which was almost recognized on first look, because of its unique patterns of the collar, and the length of the coat. Edward wore spotless designer shoes of the same collection, that was well polished, one could even use them for a mirror.

An elegance enveloped his entire body to perfection. After all, he was already one of the good-looking highly seek bachelors of the Hybrid state.

The sight of his striking appearance shook both girls, who stood rooted in their spots. They stared in amazement at the beautiful groom in front of them, and couldn't help but to gulped down in admiration. So flawless were his looks, it rendered the girls speechless for a few seconds, before Ingrid found her tongue to speak, but paused when she turned to see Andrea's dreamy eyes, glued to the breathtakingly handsome guy before them. Andrea found it hard to breathe with her heart drumming in her chest.

Ingrid broke out of Edward's spell and shook Andrea to focus.

"I can even hear the drumming of your heartbeats just from the sight of him. can you still lie to me about getting over your crush on him?" Ingrid whispered into her shocked friend's ears.

Andrea was jolted back to the present at her friend's whisper and tried to hide the blush on her face. She turned her eyes to look anywhere but Edward's. Scared her heart might give out from too much pressure.

"I am sorry to call you out on such short notice, but my dad wouldn't allow me to leave the house in anything else. It's my wedding day after all". Edward joked to ease the tension in the air, he felt sorry to appear before them in his groomed outfit. when Edward called them out, it also somehow delayed them, from getting ready for the wedding. It seemed awkward to him so he tried to clear the air.

"Oh.. no need to apologize! how else should a groom dress on his wedding day...By the way, you look dashing!" Ingrid jokingly complimented, as she stared at Andrea and winked.

The amusement on Ingrid's face vanished into shock when she noticed a familiar face approaching them. She frowned angrily at the sight of him....and a faint whisper escaped her lips. "Darren!"

"Yes! Darren.....He was the reason I called you here urgently. Darren Reed..... My brother!" Edward commented, then introduced the girls to his brother who stood next to him with an awkward smile.

"I am guessing the three of you are already acquainted since you all went to the same college....right?" Edward added as he looked from one person to the other.

"Brother?" Ingrid breathed_ Oh yeah! Darren was a Reed, but it never occurred to her that he might be Edward's brother. such an untimely coincidence.

"hey Ingrid, hey Andrea." Darren waved an awkward greeting to the two girls in front of him, who stood shocked by Edward's unexpected revelation.

Back in college, Darren was like a closed mystery book with a complicated password. Always keeps to himself and rarely shares anything about his family, except his heroic brother whom he loved to an excess. Nobody knew he was the chief Justice's second son. This was truly a shocking revelation to Ingrid and Andrea, who kept wondering why none of them ever figured out about that. Dareen was from the highly prestigious Reed bloodline, all this time.

"This can't be good! so I was engaged to my ex-boyfriend's brother? this was bad!" Ingrid thought as she made her way into their private suite, so they could all have some private conversation, and find a way out of this unpleasant mess. The two brothers followed behind her, but Edward stopped to drag a surprised Andrea along with them into the suite.