
Insane Angel

after meeting Boris, Henry said that they had to continue on to find a way out, but Henry had to feed Boris to get the lever to the door from him. luckily Boris decided to come along with the group but he seems to have been shaking while walking. Timothy noticed this and hugged the poor wolf. Boris flinched to Timothy's touch but calmed down when he saw that it was him. "hey it's okay, do you want to tell me why you're shaking so much?" Timothy reassured and let go of Boris who was still shaking but less violently. Boris told Timothy that they might meet Alice who haunted Boris clones and would do anything to be beautiful again, but she wasn't as nice as the cartoons on screen.

Timothy looked at Boris with sympathy and said that they wouldn't let Alice hurt Boris. Boris' ears slightly fell when Timothy said that. Boris hated the idea of timothy protecting him when Timothy was a kid, a very sweet kid. Timothy seemed to be able to sense any emotion from others around him. 

When they got to Heavenly Toys, Lint couldn't tell what was so wrong with the place until a woman talked through the speakers. "oh, how wrong you can be, boy." then she added. "I see you brought a Boris, oh, he looks perfect!" Timothy started to get angered by this fake angel so he yelled out to her. "hey! he isn't makeup!" and pointed the middle finger at the air which surprised Henry that Timothy knew that sign. Timothy brushed off the fact that he just flipped off the angle and continued to look for a way out of the studio. But Henry kept asking how Timothy knew that kind of sign. "I learned it in a book, also I know how to swear so don't act surprised that I tell that angel to go to hell! oh wait, we're in hell!" Timothy said with a bit of sass. "jeez, this kid is very honest, maybe a little too honest." Henry thought and Lint nudged him. "don't worry, you'll get used to Timothy's ways. he's kind of like an actor, sometimes serious and sometimes not. but yes he knows how to swear."

after they got jump scared by Alice, they had to do some work for the angel. Henry had asked Timothy to not anger Alice, but Timothy kept pointing the middle finger at the cameras where they put the objects that Alice had requested. they continued to do the chores when Alice told them to get five hearts that were being gaurded by a walking projector named "the Projectionist". Henry tried to get the kids to stay with Boris but Lorra said that wanted to help, so Henry had to let them get one heart; plus, Sammy was going to help if Lint was. 

after they got back to the angel, she said that she would free them now, but Timothy stopped. "hey you, boy, what are you waiting for?" the angel asked making Timothy face the speakers. "ms. Alice, let me see your face one more time." he commanded. Henry tried to stop Timothy but Timothy said he had an idea on what he was doing. soon the angel showed herself. Timothy circled the angel, almost like he was judging her, which he was! suddenly Timothy faced the angel and asked. "why do you want to get rid of this?" he said pointing from head to toe. 

this stunned the angel, she was confused. "what did he mean by "this"?" She wondered and asked what he meant. Timothy went back to circling her while answering her question. "well, you see Alice, this place is a hell! you would want every living being to fear you, bow down to your feet trembling, so why get rid of the face that just does that for you? no need for perfection, you're already perfect, all you need is confidence." Timothy then twirled to face the angel. "what do you say angel, you'll stop and just be yourself?" he asked taking out his hand. Alice looked at the boy in front of her with shock. "how is this boy here, he's a true angel! No demon, No crazy prophet, he's an angel!" she thought and took the boy's hand. 

after Timothy got Alice to tell them that she didn't know how to leave but that there was a she knew that the demon had something to do with it. Lint grouned to the thought of facing the demon again but said that they needed to find the demon's lair. "no, the kids have faced way too many challanges, they need to be safe! Alice, Sammy, Boris, you watch the kids I'll find the demon's lair." Henry broke in standing up. "fine, but please come back." Lorra said and hugged Henry, It took a second for Henry to hug back because he felt something strange in his heart, almost like he'd been hugged by her before. "i'll come back I promise." he said and left.