
Introduction, Appearance & Origin


User: Suzan Kimberly


•[Level 20]

•[DNA Alterer]

•[Extinct Species Reviver]

Omnitrix U is a lost prototype Omnitrix in Ben 10: Suzan Adventures that was used by Suzan Kimberly to transform into female aliens.


[Picture Here]


It was built on an unknown planet by a nameless male scientist who designs using Azmuth's Omnitrix blueprints. Although the Omnitrix U can be linked to Codon Stream, it can only store 10 alien DNA samples. Its inventor travelled to every galaxy in quest of DNA samples for the Omnitrix U, resulting in a new discovery on every planet in the universe. Its inventor scans Dragublis, Nanovirus, and Muertante aliens that were never discovered (only he hybridizes the mutated Human DNA found at Zombozo's circus on Muertante DNA) as he scans recently discovered six aliens, including the Mutant To'kustar in the Null Void to complete the Omnitrix U's functions.