
Collection of WIHachilles Stories

This contains all my short stories with two chapters or less. All of these come from writing prompts subreddit.

WIHachilles · Urban
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40 Chs

Your battle between the Warlock God Osent has unintended consequences, sending you both to random timelines. You awake with a broken arm, tended by a small child. You heal and realize this child is a

A snarl raised from my throat as I growled at the person in front of me, a person was an understatement. They can't be classified as a human anymore. Two large horns protruded from the top of their head and two smaller ones stuck out from the side of his head. His pale quartz-like skin with deep onyx eyes with ruby irises matched a thin smile. Their beastly chest took the form of a demon prince that the monster in front of him took the chest of. His right arm an eldritch terror as tendrils protruded from it while his left arm stayed mostly the same. If you can count the eyes and marge sharp mouths across it. Osent had sacrificed his legs for the wings on his back, six of them. Three from demons and three from angels.

My friend, bless her poor desecrated corpse, recommended a spell that she researched with her entire soul. Probably because her soul and many others were inside it. It was to be used as a last resort, no matter the cost. It was appropriately named "Greater Calamity." because of the destruction it could cause.

"You've made it pretty far and haven't given up? What's your goal? I'm just showing the same respect the world showed me." His thin smile showed a toothier grin, "Don't tell me you think you can actually win this." Then he laughed, the bastard laughed. It was raspy and hoarse, but he was laughing so hard.

I couldn't control the anger that escaped from my boy, I subconsciously active the last resort. My body began cracking, emitting different glow and sparks, "I have no choice but to win." Smiling wryly as my body began cracking more. Osent eyes widened before trying to flap away, then another one of his friend's abilities activated. A bubble that prevented people from getting in. And getting out.

Osent eyes widened in fear before darkness pooled in his left arm, "You're crazy, it's going to kill both of us!" He screeched, Osent eyes widened in fear before darkness pooled in his left arm, "You're crazy, it's going to kill both of us!" He screeched, firing the ball of darkness. It was ashamed that it was canceled because of the thundering boom that erupted inside the bubble causing debris and smoke revealing that they were both gone.

I jolted awake looking around maniacally and felt someone attending to me, the entirety of whole me. Taking in the form of the person, they were a frail teenager. A disappointed smile on his face as he wrung out the rag filled with my blood. They looked awfully familiar, "What's your name and where are we?" It was desperate and needy, I had to know where I am.

They jolted at the sound of my voice, looking into my eyes anxiously. "Glad y-you're awake!" He stuttered, "My name is Osent, and you're in my village. It's name is Delathur, it's small, but it's home to me." A warm smile spread across his face.

"What date is it?" My body pumped with adrenaline, I launched forward and grabbed the young teenager's shoulders. "And the date, what is the date?" My voice was getting raspier due to how frantic I was getting.

Osent pondered for a moment before a brighter smile formed on their face. "A summer moon!"

I couldn't help but freeze at the information, it was a day before the invasion. I can't let this happen, not again. I will do everything in my power to stop it.

Don't know why I worked so hard for this one, just felt right to try.

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