
Collection of WIHachilles Stories

This contains all my short stories with two chapters or less. All of these come from writing prompts subreddit.

WIHachilles · Urban
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40 Chs

As you die,you wake up in a fiery place.You quickly realize you’re in Hell.You ask the next demon why you are there,as you lived a very good life.”You’re not being punished”,he says “You are the punis

Waking up and seeing fire around you isn't the first good thing to wake up to in the morning, and demons around you chattering casually isn't a good sign either. Lily pinched her arms first to make sure it wasn't a nightmare. She didn't wake up. A shaky sign left her throat as the surrounding demons finally notice her presence. Expecting to be handled ruffly, she braced herself. When no one touched her, she opened one of her eyes and saw the demons tilting their head. "Why aren't you guys attacking me? Why am I even here? Why? " she ranted panickily.

A smaller, imp-looking demon frowned before muttering to his taller friend. His taller friend's eyes widened and cut off her frantic panicking. "Oh! You're not the trouble." He paused for dramatic effect while the others beside him snickered beside him. "You're the trouble." The demon giggled creepily.

Her features froze for a minute, slowly becoming neutral and a bland reaction. "No, what do you mean by that?" Her mood slightly changed, instead of the fear that was present before. It was filled with slight annoyance, but monotone.

They flinched because of her tone, before speaking. "Well, that's because you ruin everything you touch? Every time you touch someone, either their worst fear comes true or the worst thing around can happen to them. Or how you get annoyed, the surrounding area morphs to cause chaos." The demon spoke.

Lily frowned. Hell shook slightly. Did they bring her here just because of her damn curse? Hell shook more, the ground cracking beneath her feet. "So you're telling me?" She took a step forward, magma creeping up from the cracks. The demons all took a step back, stumbling over themselves. "You brought me here?" Another step, two steps forward. The cracks grew wider, magma spilling out as the screams of the damned could be heard. They fell back and slid backward on their butt, looking up in fear. Lily looked down on them, "To exploit the curse that killed my family and made me a loner." She reached out a hand towards the imp, "Let's see how you like to be punished?"

Lily gripped the face of one of the closest demons, a small smirk on her face. It felt awfully warm to the touch, but it didn't matter much. The cracks beneath her seem to spread quicker and swallow the demon whole, before closing in on itself. Wiping her hands, her eyes narrowed at the other cowering demons. Hell stopped shaking as she walked away, rolling her shoulders with a pop.

Beneath her feet was brimstone and the occasional screaming face. She made sure to avoid stepping on those when she could, her eyes trailing over her current landscape. Debating on what to do next, walking over to a bench, she sat on it. It was made from bones with a skull directly in the middle. A shaky sigh left her throat as she pondered on what to do next. "There are many things I can do." she thought out loud. "One, I could figure out a way to escape this retched place." muttering as she glared at the clumsy imp demon who tried to sneak past her. "Or two, I could get revenge and find out whose idea it was to curse me. Make them regret it, and then make those demons regret sending me here." Lily grabbed at her hair, wanting to pull out strands. Soft bells entered her ears as she looked up and saw someone odd.

It was obviously a demon, but they seemed to be royalty of some sort. A cracked crown with jewels of all different kinds. Sharp, pearly white teeth grinned at her as she took in the person's appearance. Their skin tone was pale white, and they had a skinny frame, wearing a comfortable shirt with shorts. "Having trouble with a decision? Let me help you out with that!" The voice was cocky and sounded mischievous, he flipped a coin in his hands. "A simple heads or tails would work, right?" He asked right after, almost like she didn't have a choice in the matter.

"Screw it, heads for one and tails for two." She spoke out, one eyebrow raised.

The demon who didn't even introduce himself yet threw up the coin in the air and they both watched slowly fall on the ground. It flipped and flipped, aiming to land on heads as the demon watched out his hand to grab it. Interestingly enough, he missed it by an inch. The air distorted around him, so he could miss the coin, it fell on the floor with a link. Rolling around on the floor for a while revealed a literal tail attached to someone.

They both looked at the ground, the demon in slight shock and Lily with a look of relief. "I was hoping that would happen!" She had a joyful cheer as she stood up and slapped the demon on the back, causing him to stumble. There wasn't an immediate effect on him for whatever reason. Lily didn't bother looking behind as she kept skipping forward, "Let's find who did this to me and then get vengeance!" It was sing-song, but the threat was still there.

Fun fact! This was two separate parts of a story that I decided to merge into one.

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