
Collection of WIHachilles Stories

This contains all my short stories with two chapters or less. All of these come from writing prompts subreddit.

WIHachilles · Urban
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40 Chs

As the Royal Oracle it is your job to write a prophecy every time a noble child is born. However when you are presented with the King's Heir you foresee that they will achieve nothing of note in their

After the king left with his royal heir, a small smile appeared on Vuki's face. Behind closed doors. No one treated them right. Constantly being told that the prophecies aren't good enough or they haven't come true yet. A clean slate to do anything they want with a prophecy? Don't mind if they do. A quill floated towards her hand.

"The royal heir shall be the most destructive force that the kingdom has ever seen, uncovering and discovering hidden secrets and truths. After burning the kingdom to the ground, a new one with the proper ruling will rise."

A larger smirk appeared on the oracle's face. Something impressive was always demanded of them. This is impressive, just not in everyone's eyes. After an hour, the king came back with a scowl on his face as he snatched the paper from Vuki's desk. His eyes slowly widened as he read the paper, muttering something that Vuki could barely pick up. "Your prophecies are never wrong. I have to get rid of her. Nothing can be uncovered."

The king dropped the paper and rushed out of the room. Vuki's grin grew wider. They glimpsed the royal heir. Her prophecy was slowly changing into the one written. Oh my, this is going to be so much fun